Main / Faculties and Departments / Shurakhanova Kanshaim
Shurakhanova Kanshaim

Shurakhanova Kanshaim


Candidate of pedagogical Sciences,
senior teacher of the Higher mathematics department
Room 2418, tel. +7(7172) 38-87-72


Sphere of scientific interests

Questions of realization of interdisciplinary integration in the educational process of the university .

Delivered disciplines

Information Communication Technologies


1981-1986. Awards of October revolution and Award of the Labour Red banner Tomsk polytechnical institute, speciality "Applied Mathematics";
1999-2001. Almaty institute of economy and statistics, specialty "Accounting and Audit";
2001-2003. Orenburg state pedagogical university specialty "General Pedagogics, Education History Peda-Gogiki" (scientific degree candidate of pedagogical sciences).

Work experience

1976-1977 Sergeevskaya school of Oktyabrsky district, Aktyubinsk area, teacher;
1978-1981,1986-1993 Aktyubinsk bread-baking complex: worker, new equipment engineer;
1993-1999 Aktyubinsk training center of institute of preparation of retraining and increase of qualification shots : teacher; 
1999-2002 Institute of Almaty Academy of economy and statistics in Aktobe, department«Natural-science and all-professional disciplines» the senior teacher;
2002-2007 Institute of Almaty Academy of economy and statistics in Aktobe, department «Natural-science disciplines», the associate professor;
2007-2008 Aktyubinsk institute of Almaty Academy of economy and statistics, of «Naturally - Scientific Disciplines» head of Department;
2008-2014 Almaty Academy of economy and statistics, associate professor of «Information scientist»;
2014-2017 S.Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical University, senior teacher of Informatics department;
2017-2022 Baishev university senior teacher of «Informatiоn and communication technologies» department;
2022 S.Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical University, Senior teacher of Higher mathematics department.

Awards and honours

–    2020. – charter  Research Institute for Education Development Strategy, Bashkir State Pedagogical University named after V.I. Miftakhetdin Akmulla, at the I All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference (with international participation) "Distance Education: Transformation, Benefits, Risks and Experience" for the presentation "Smart Education";
–    2020.- charter For achievements in the organization of the educational process and its methodological support in distance learning, the Association of Higher Educational Institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan was awarded the President of the Association, Professor R.A. Alshanov;
–    2021. – charter University of Turan-Astana, for conducting online lectures on the informathion communication technologies discipline for students of all educathional programm in the first half of the year 2020-2021 Zoom video conferencing as part of academic mobility.

Advanced training courses

–    Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai,Improving the professional skills of a university teacher (Methods of teaching computer science),2020;
–   Advanced training courses at KATU named after S. Seifullin with subsequent receipt of a certificate of advanced training on the topic: “Data analysis based on object-oriented programming Python”, Astana 2022.

Published works

More than 80 works were published. More important among them close to the  mentioned sphere of scientific interests are: 

  1. Shurakhanova K. Distance learning of Baishev University during the coronavirus crisis// Scientific journal "Almanac of World Science No.6 (42) 11/30/20 Russia, Moscow region, Lyubertsy.
  2. Shurakhanova K. Forms and types of extracurricular work in computer science classes // Bulletin of Baishev University No. 4(70) 2020
  3. Shurakhanova K. The relevance of the issue of digitalization of education in the national system of Kazakhstan / ISSN 2706-8293 // gylym journal "Baishev universitetin khabarshysy" – September 2022. Aktobe Baishev University.Aktobe - 2022, No. 3 (77) -pp. 28-31.
  4. Shurakhanova K. Questions on the study of actual problems of digital transformation of the national system (big data in education/ ISSN 2706-8293 //gylym magazine "Baishev universitetin khabarshysy" –December 2022. Aktobe Baishev University.Aktobe - 2022, No. 4 (78) -pp. 37-42.
  5. Shurakhanova K. The stages of creating a digital resource in the field of education. // Methods and innovative technologies of higher education in the context of digital transformation of education: a collection of materials of the round table / edited by A.S.Berkesheva.Aktobe Baishev University.-Aktobe -2023, ISBN 978-601-7649-56-2M54
  6. Koksegen A.E., Begarisheva G.G., Shurakhanova K.Sh. Pandas kitapkhanasynda dataframe baganalarynda derakterdi suryptau mysaldary. International Scientific Journal «Global Science and Innovations 2024: Central Asia» Astana, Kazakhstan, April 2024, p.19-22. ISSN 2664-2271