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Tastanbekova Nursaule Dzhaksybayevna

Tastanbekova Nursaule Dzhaksybayevna


PhD, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Professional Education

Cabinet 2713, tel. +7(7172)38-35-29,

Sphere of scientific interests

Problems of improving the professional skills of students in the conditions of dual training in the system of higher professional education.

Delivered disciplines

Introduction to the specialty, Theory and practice of dual education, Digital pedagogy.


1997 -2001

Sh. Ualikhanov KSU , “Pedogogics” bachelor


S. Seifullin KATIU MA “6М012000”- “Professional Education”

S.Seifullin KATIU 6D012000-"Professorial training" doctoral program.

Work experience:

2009 - 2016

Assistant of the Department of Professional Education of KazATU named after S. Seifullin


Advisor of the Department of Professional Education of KazATU named after S. Seifullin

С 2023 

Senior lecturer-adviser of the Department of Professional Education of KazATU named after S. Seifullin

Awards and certificates of honor


Training course “about rising pedagogical skill of tutors” № 354. Astana


Certificate № 218, “Modern informational technologies. Methods of Distance teaching”  Astana


Certificate of successful completion of the programme course “Using innovative technologies in teaching process” 48 hours. Astana


Certificate of successful completion of the programme course “Using informational communicative technologies in teaching process” 72 hours. Astana

2012 Letter of thanks - in connection with the 55th anniversary of the formation of the S.Seifullin KATU

Certificate of Honor - in connection with the 60th anniversary of the formation of KATU named after S.Seifullin


Professional development
- «New academic policy of S. Seifullin KATU to expand academic and managerial independence» Astana, 2018.; 
- «Scientific and practical basis for improving the quality of education"  72 hours ,  Astana,  2018.;
- «International lecturer of an engineering university" 6 credits, Almaty, 2018; 
- «Features of the organization of the educational process in trilingualism"  72 hours, Almaty, 2018;
- «We will develop services for people with disabilities - we will solve them within 72 hours, Astana, 2021.;
- «Inclusive vocational education: modern views and approaches"  72 hours, Astana, 2022;
- «Auezov University International Winter School - 2023" in the direction of "Modern trends in teacher education: and expressive art, artistic work and vocational training" 90 hours, Shymkent, 2023;
- «Innovations in the educational process: theory, methodology, practice of higher education», 72 hours, S.Seifullin KATRU, 2024.


He is the author of more than 40 scientific papers. The most important in the areas presented:
1    «Development of Professional Skills in the Context of Higher School Dual Education. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning. Vol 16, No 10 (2021) Page 179-193 
2    On the systemic approach in dual training. Espacios. Vol. 40 (Number 44) Year 2019. Page 16 
3    Кәсіптік білім беру жүйесінде педагогикалық тәжірибені ұйымдастыру, "Scientific Herald" of  S. Seifullin KATU № 2 (77),  2013 y., 36-43 p. 
4    «Білім алушылардың кәсіби біліктілігін дуальді оқыту жағдайында жетілдірудің теориялық негіздері», International science JOURNAL “Science and Life of Kazakhstan” №5(65),  Astana, 2018 y., 107-110 p.
5    «Дуальды оқыту жағдайында білім алушылардың кәсіби біліктілігін жетілдірудің педагогикалық шарттары», BULLETIN Of Abai  Kazakh National Pedagogical University “Pedagogical sciences” Series  № 3 (59),  Almaty, 2018 y., 139-145 p. 
6    «Кәсіптік білім беру жүйесінде дуальды оқыту жағдайында білім алушылардың кәсіби біліктілігін арттыру», "Reports of the Kazakh Academy of Education" series "General pedagogy. Pedagogy and History of Education. Ethnopedagogy" №2/2019, Nur-Sultan,  88-95 p. 
7    «Системный подход и его роль и место в дуальном обучении: теоретический аспект», “Vesnik of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno. Series 3. Philology. Pedagogy. Psychology” №2, 2019 y., 98-105 p.