Main / Faculties and Departments / Tyazhina Yelena Baltabekovna
Tyazhina Yelena Baltabekovna

Tyazhina Yelena Baltabekovna


Candidate of Philological Sciences,

Senior lecturer of foreign languages department

Tel. +7(701) 403-92-63           


Areas of Research  

The pragmatic aspect of communication, Modern technologies in teaching professionally oriented foreign languages new approaches to the methodology of foreign languages teaching in nonlinguistic university. 

Delivered disciplines

Foreign language - French (FLE) 

Research and educational projects

Head of the Initiative research topic of the Department of Foreign Languages of S. Seifullin KazATU "New approaches in the methodology of teaching foreign languages in a non-linguistic university", the state registration number in the National Center for Scientific and Technical Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan, state registration number: 0110RK00379 (2012-2014) 


1996-2000 yy. Ablaykhan Almaty University of International Relationships and World languages. The faculty of French language (specialty – French)   

2003-2006 yy. post graduate student at Ablaykhan Almaty University of International Relationships and World languages. Specialty –10.02.20 comparative-historical, typological and comparative linguistics. 

Work experience

2000-2003 yy.   teacher  of French at S.Seifullin Kazakh Agro Technical University

2003-2006 yy. post graduate student at Ablaykhan Almaty University of International Relationships and World languages, Almaty city.

2006 y. - till now - senior lecturer at S.Seifullin Kazakh Agro Technical University

2008 y. April-September, The acting head of the World Languages Department, S.Seifullin AgroTechnical University, Astana city. 

Advanced Training Courses

International grant of French Teachers Federation (FIPF- Paris, France), 2014.

Letter of thanks for high professionalism, creative approach to business in the framework of the Club of lovers of the French language KazATU, 2015.

Diploma of the Minister of MES of RK for achievements in the spiritual and social development of independent Kazakhstan and a major contribution to its development, 2017.

Winner of the medal for the contribution to the development of KazATU S. Seifullin, 2017.

Diploma of the first degree in the nomination "Best language training" according to the results of work in 2018, December 2018.

"Best Teacher of French-2018 Concours pédagogique-2018", organized by the Embassy of France in Kazakhstan, 2018.

Winner of the scholarship of the Government of the French Republic, 2018.

Winner of the Erasmus+ KA107 Scholarship, 2019.

Letter of thanks from the French Ambassador to Kazakhstan for the contribution to the development of Francophonie in Kazakhstan, 2020.

Letter of appreciation from the Director of the national testing Centre of MES RK for the contribution to the development of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan and for high-quality work in the Commission in the process of conducting a national test, 2020.

Professional development

2008-2019 yy.  Formation of FLE», international research-and-methodological seminar

Teaching internship "Phonétique mastérisé" and "Web 2.0 en classe FLE", Azurlingua Higher School of Nice (France), 2014-2018.

Teaching internship "Pratiques et techniques fondamentales pour l'enseignement du FLE", French Alliance CAVILAM of Vichy, France, 2018.

2019 y. Teaching internship in the framework of the international credit program Erasmus plus, Angers, France 

Published works      

There are more than 30   scientific-methodical works. The most important publications are as follows:

  1. Tyazhina Ye.B. «The problem multinlingual foreing literature Review article»// Научный журнал «Massachusets Review of Science and technologies”, индексируемый в БД  Scopus No.2.(12), July-December, 2015. Volume VI “Mit Press” С.420-424.
  2. Tyazhina Ye.B. Formation of Global Intercultural Discourse of a Multicultural Person / Научный журнал "MEDIA WATCH",   индексируемый в БД  Scopus No.2.(12), Volume XI, Nо III, ISSN 0976-0911, septembre 2020,-С. 475-488.
  3. Тяжина Е.Б. Прецедентті құбылыстар мен стереотиптерге (қазақ және француз тілдері материалдары негізінде) салыстырмалы зерттеу/ Международный научный журнал "Наука и жизнь Казахстана" - "Science and life of Kazakhstan", ISSN 2073-333X, КИНЦ, 7/1 2019,-С. 220-224.
  4. Тяжина Е.Б. Об условиях активизации творческой деятельности студентов для успешного обучения // Международный научный журнал «Science and world», индексируемый в БД РИНЦ, №5 (21),  Том2. г.Волгоград. –С.97-98 (Global Factor 2013, Ausrtralia (Импакт-фактор - 0.325)
  5. Тяжина Е.Б.Общая оценка как субкатегория семантической категории оценки// Вестник ЕАГИ, №2.-С. 235-239, Астана 2015 г.
  6. Tyazhina Ye.B. The specific of the  from the sheet as a component of the content of learning foreign languages/Журнал "Актуальные научные исследования в современном мире. IScience" РИНЦ, 2020, Выпуск 5 (61), часть 8, - С. 47-51.
  7. Тяжина Е.Б. Шетел тілдерін кәсіби-бағдарлы оқытуға қойылатын қазіргі талаптар/ Вестник КГУ имени Ш.Уалиханова, Серия филогическая, номер 2 / 2019, -С.375-379.