Main / Faculties and Departments / Tleulessova Ardak Shaikenovna
Tleulessova Ardak Shaikenovna

Tleulessova Ardak Shaikenovna


PhD Pedagogic sciences, Associate Professor

of the Kazakh and Russian languages department

Room 2618,  +7 (7172)38-97-15


Sphere of scientific interests: The problems of organization, development and management of research work of students, modern teaching technologies in the university.

Delivered  disciplines: Kazakh language


- 1990-1995 - Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute, philological faculty

- Philology of Masters  - 2005, Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute

-  Philology: English. 2015, Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute

Work experience

2002 - 2017  Lecturer, Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute

since September of 2017 - associate professor of the Kazakh language department of S.Seifullin KazATU

Advanced training courses: 

  • Organization of research activities of teachers and students for deputy principals of schools on scientific and methodological, educational work and teachers of senior classes. 2012, PSPI, CTC.
  • Transition to 12-year education and the organization of research work of teachers and students. Pavlodar, 2012
  •  The main provisions of the quality management system of PSPI for MS ISO Series 9000. Pavlodar, 2013
  • Communicative-speech competence as a component of the teacher's professionalism. Pavlodar, 2012
  • Practice of work in the distance learning environment of Moodle. Pavlodar, 2012
  • "Forming a teacher in the context of modernization of education."StateregistrationNo. 05841, March 27-28, 2014).

Awards, certificatesofhonor:

  • The Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan has been awarded the Certificate of Honor by the National Testing Center. Astana. 2011
  • The Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan was awarded the National Testing Center. Thanksgiving letter. Astana. 2012
  • The Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan has been awarded the Letter of Gratitude by the National Testing Center. Astana. 2013
  • Pavlodar was awarded with the Letter of Gratitude for organizing the research activities of teachers. 2012. Pavlodar Pedagogical Institute.

Published works

The author of more than 70 scientific and educational methodical works. The most important in the presented directions:

  1. Family Pedagogy. Tutorial. Pavlodar, 2014
  2. The theory of moral education. Monograph. 2015
  3. Kazakh Language (Collection of dictations) 2015 g
  4. Features of dual program training in the education system. Bulletin of PSU 2023. No. 1 p. 93                
  5. An urgent issue based on the national project of quality education "educated nation". Bulletin of Arms, 2023. No. 2, p. 65.    
  6. Linguistic Units witha Colorativev Nation Mentality World / / Kurdish Studies Apr 2023 Volume: 11, No: 2, pp. Case 6005-6015 TIN: 2051-4883 (Print) / TIN 2051-4891 (Online) BBB.Kurdishstudes.netrequired: February 2023 Accepted: March 2023 until:    ;
  7. Features of the linguistic norm from the stylistic norm International scientific and practical online conference on the eve of the 100th anniversary of A. Katerina A. Margulan University Pavlodar. 2023, September;
  8. On the assessment of the relationship between a person and his natural biological environment . "Topical issues of the humanities" / / XIII International Scientific and Practical Conference.- Tyumen (Russia), November 2023.
  9. About special cases of colloquial colloquial vocabulary of the inhabitants of Northern Kazakhstan.- XIII International Scientific and Practical Conference.- Tyumen Nov. 2023.

Томсон Рейтер (Web of Science, Thomson Reuters)

On the Role of Elective Disciplines in the Formation of Professional Competence of Students as Future Teachers. : 

IRONMENTAL & SCIENCE EDUCATION 2016, VOL. 11, NO. 15, 6671-6686.  8553-8561 с.

On Training Future Teachers for Use of Multimedia Training Tools.ISSN 1550-7527.