Main / Faculties and Departments / Tultabayeva Tamara Chumanovna
Tultabayeva Tamara Chumanovna

Tultabayeva Tamara Chumanovna


Doctor of Technical Sciences, Academicianof the Academy

of Agricultural Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Associate Professor of the Department

"Technology of Food and Processing Industries"

Mob. Number 8 708 972 8228



Sphere of scientific interests

Improvement of the technology of waste-free processing of dairy, meat and vegetable raw materials, training of scientific and pedagogical personnel in the field of technology and technology of food production.

Scientific qualification

Academic degree-2000, Candidate of Technical Sciences, 05.18.04 "Technology of meat, dairy and fish products and refrigerating industries"

Academic degree-2011, Doctor of Technical Sciences, 05.18.04 "Technology of meat, dairy and fish products and refrigerating industries"

Academic title-2005, Associate Professor, 05.18.00 "Food technology"

Subjects read

Advanced technologies for obtaining biologically active substances and biologically active additives from animal and plant raw materials 

Supervision of master’s and doctoral students

Defended thesis

Candidates of Sciences – 1  

Undergraduates: 3


PhD doctors-3

Undergraduates – 1 


1983-1988 - Semipalatinsk Institute of Meat and Dairy Industry. Technology of milk and dairy products

1996-1999-postgraduate study-"Kazakh Research Institute of Processing and Food Industry"LLP

2000-award of the title of Candidate of Technical Sciences ShakarimSemipalatinsk State University

2005-Awarded the title of Associate Professor in the specialty: food technology

2010-Defense of a doctoral dissertation on the specialty: 05.18. 04-Technology of meat, dairy and fish products and refrigeration industries

Work experience

1988-96. Almaty Dairy Plant - a shift master.

2000-2003-Senior lecturer of the Department of "Food Technology" of the Almaty Technological University.

2003-2006-Director of the Center for Scientific and Business Information of KazgosINTI.

2006-2007 - Director of the consulting company "Techno Group Konkult", implementation of MS ISO MS ISO 9001, 14001, 18001, 22000.

2008-2009-Head of the laboratory "Technology of meat and dairy products" of the AF "KazNIIPPP" LLP.

2009-2010-Scientific Secretary of the AF "KazNIIPPP" LLP

2010-2020-head of the laboratory "Technology of processing and storage of animal products" "KazNIIPPP" 

Research projects

Participation in the implementation of research within the framework of the state order:

Head of scientific events in the Program-Targeted Fundingof the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan:

2015-2017- "Development of technology of esporto-oriented dry dairy products from camel and mare's milk with the use of plant-based dietary supplements for functional purposes".

2015-2017- "Development of technology for industrial production of combined baby and diet food products based on mare's milk"

Scientific Director of grant projects of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan:

2013-2015 - "Development of technology for the production of dairy products with a high content of omega-3 complex for functional purposes for various groups of the population".

2015-2017- "Combined lactic acid products for therapeutic and preventive purposes based on mare's milk"

2018-2020- "Development of technology for new types of cheeses and drinks from functional whey with the use of vegetable dietary supplements".

2013-2015- Responsible Executive "Development of technological modes of processing food products and agricultural raw materials by electrophysical methods to ensure safety and prolong the shelf life"

Awards and certificates of honor

KazNARU "For contribution to the development of agricultural education, science and production" No. 03, 2015

Advanced training

Name of the topic


Place and period of training

Name of the organization where the training took place

Completion form








Probiotics and Prebiotics Isolations from Foods



1-15 October 2018

Istanbul University-Cerrahpasa



Study of new technology and methods of modern analyses in meat and dairy products



24-29 October 2018

Motpellier France



Certificate for oral and technical presentation, recognition and appreciation of research contributions to ICFPTS 2017 19th International Conference on Food Processing Technologies and Systems



27-28 July 2017

Barcelona Spain




Author of more than -150 scientific scientific publications in domestic and foreign scientific journals indexed by Scopus, RSCI, KKSON, including innovative and European патеpatents.

H-index (Scopus) – 3

            The most important ones in the presented areas in the last 5 yearsare:

Publications in Web of Science, Scopus:

  1. Analyzing soft cheeses with vegetable additives with neural network // International journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering 2020,9(4), с. 5476-5480
  2. Formulation of multicomponent mixture in the production of combined soft cheese//Journal of Hygienic Engineering and Design 2019,29, с. 125-131
  3. Microflora Study of Koumiss,International Journal of Chemical, Environmental and Biological Sciences (IJCEBS) ISSN 2320 –4079 (Printed Version) ISSN 2320 –4087 (Online Version), Р. 106-108. Impact Factor: 1.817 (Calculated by ISRA).
  4. Analysis of extruded grain crops using protein fillings by neural network

Zhumalieva G.E., Chomanov U.C., Tultabaeva T.C., Kenenbay G.S., Kasymbek R.

International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering. 2020, 9(3), p. 3532–3537

  1. Formation of processes of intensification of crop growth for the formation of business structures. Zhumaliyeva G.Y., Chomanov U.C., Tultabayeva T.C., Tultabayev M.C., Kasymbek R. Academy of Entrepreneurship Journal. 2020, 26(1), p. 1–5, 335
  2. Reduction interpolation function for determining the rheological properties of bile in farm animals to increase the entrepreneurial activity of the agricultural sector. Chomanov U.C., Temirbekov N.M., Kenenbay G.S., Omirzhanova B.C., Tultabayev M.C. Academy of Entrepreneurship Journal. 2020, 26(1), p. 1–8, 331


Publications in RSCI -6:

  1. Shokovoe zamorazhivaniekobyl'egomolokaikumysa//Mat. mezhdunar. nauch-prakt. Konf., posv. pamjati V. M. gorbatova . –Moskva-№1,2016., S. 307-308
  1. Kislomolochnyjprodukt s rastitel'nymidobavkamiizkobyl'egomoloka//Mat. mezhdunar. nauch-prakt. Konf., posv. pamjati V. M. gorbatova . –Moskva-№1,2016., S. 305-306
  2. Mjagkijsyrizsmesikorov'ego, koz'egoiverbljuzh'egomoloka//syrodelieimaslodelie.-Moskva.-2-10.-№5.-S.32-35.
  3. Proizvodstvomjagkihsyrov - jetoperspektivno // Pererabotkamoloka.-Moskva.-№10(132).-2010.-s.60-61.
  4. Issledovaniezhirnokislotnogosostavamoloka u razlichnyhporodkoz//Novostinaukikazahstana.-№3 (141).-2019.-Almaty.-s.133-139
  5. Proizvodstvomjagkihkombinirovannyhsyrov s rastitel'nymidobavkami// Izvestievuzov.-Kyrgyzstan.-№3.-2010.-s.22-23 

Publications inCCSES-16:

  1. Issledovanie fiziko-himicheskih i organolepticheskih pokazatelej koncentrirovannogo i sgushhennogo moloka vyrabotannyh v vakuum vyparnom apparate //«Vestnik sel'skohozjajstvennoj nauki Kazahstana  № 11.2014. 
  1. Issledovanie pokazatelja aktivnosti vody koncentrirovannogo, sgushhennogo i suhogo moloka /Vestnik sel'skohozjajstvennoj nauki Kazahstana № 10.2014.
  2. Issledovanie vitaminnogo sostava dobavki iz morkovi s cel'ju obogashhenija molochnoj produkcii funkcional'nogo naznachenija //Vestnik ATU.-2019.- №3.-S.53-56.
  3. Issledovanija biotehnologicheskih processov pri proizvodstve jogurta na osnove kobyl'ego moloka. //Reports of the national academy of sciences of the republic of Kazakhstan. Vol.5, number 333(2020), 73-80.
  4. Vlijanie ul'trazvukovoj obrabotki na kachestvennye pokazateli biodobavki na osnove topinambura dlja primenenija v syrodeliiju//Vestnik ATU.-2019.- №1.-S.71-77.
  5. Issledovanija kachestva kobyl'ego moloka kak syr'ja dlja molochnoj promyshlennosti. Vestnik ATU.-2018.- №4.-S.35-39.
  6. Perspektivy ispol'zovanija mestnogo rastitel'nogo syr'ja v proizvodstve kislomolochnyh produktov.//Vestnik ATU.-2018.- №3.-S.9-13.
  7. Enrichment of fermented milk beverages with fruit and vegetable additives.//Zharshy.№3-4.-2017.s. 89-92
  1. Vlijanie rastitel'noj dobavki na organolepticheskie pokazateli kombinirovannogo mjagkogo syra.//
  2. Vlijanie nizkih temperatur na process zamorazhivanija molochnyh produktov // Vestnik sel'skohozjajstvennoj nauki Kazahstana
  3. Qymyz ben shubatty funkcionaldy tamaQtanuda pajdalanu // Zharshy, 2015. №1
  4. Molochnye produkty iz verbljuzh'ego i kobyl'ego moloka,obogashhennye biodobavkami rastitel'nogo proishozhdenija // Vestnik, 2015. №10.
  5. Kop QanyQpagan maj QyshQyldarymen bajytylgan bie zhәne tүje sүtіnen Quramdastyrylgan sut onіmderі//Zharshy,-№8, 2015
  6. Issledovanie fiziko-himicheskih i organolepticheskih pokazatelej koncentrirovannogo i sgushhennogo moloka vyrabotannyh v vakuum vyparnom apparate //«Vestnik sel'skohozjajstvennoj nauki Kazahstana № 11.2014.
  7. Issledovanie pokazatelja aktivnosti vody koncentrirovannogo, sgushhennogo i suhogo moloka //Vestnik sel'skohozjajstvennoj nauki Kazahstana № 10.2014.
  8. SalQyndatylgan ІQM men UQM ushalar men zhartylaj ushalardy saQtau kezіnde fizikalyq parametrlerіnіnozgeruіn zertteu//«Zharshy» zhurnaly. Almaty, 2015.

Patents: 4

  1. Evropejskij patent № EP 2728288 V1 “Spray Drier” ot 07.05.2014g., vydan 06.04.2016g.
  2. Evrazijskij patent № 024065 «Raspylitel'naja sushil'naja ustanovka» ot 19.04.2012g., vydan 31.08.2016g.
  3. Innovacionnyj patent “Sposob opredelenija aktivnosti vody v pishhevyh produktah”, Chomanov U.Ch., Tultabaeva T.Ch. i dr. № 22943 ot 15.09.2010, bjul.9.
  4. “Sposob proizvodstva suhih tabletirovannyh produktov iz kobyl'ego i verbljuzh'ego moloka», Zajavka na patent № 2016/0922.1  ot 12.10.2016g. Tultabaeva T. Ch.; Chomanov U.; Tultabaev M. Ch.; Tultabaev B. Ch.; Shoman A.