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Jaksylyk Аkbоtа Меirambekkyzy

Jaksylyk Аkbоtа Меirambekkyzy


Senior lecturer power system of the Department

of Heat and Power Engineering


Office 1242, tel. +7 (7172) 39-76-08

Research  Interests

Improve  efficiency of thermal  power plants

Delivered  disciplines:


Heat engineering

Calculation of efficiency in power engineering

Main  Research  Areas

Increase the reliability of the steam turbine rotor by reducing vibration

2000-2005   Almaty Institute of Energy and Communications, heat power engineer

2017            S. Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical University, Master´s Degree in speciality 6М071700 «Power system»

2005 -2006  Computer Service Engineer «Beluservice» Ltd

2006-2007   Almaty Institute of Energy and Communications, Assistant of the Department 

2009-2013  "Kyzylordateploelektrocenter", operator of the boiler and turbine Thermal Power Engineering (boiler and turbine driver)

2014-2016 GKKP TsKZ "Kazakhstan", Electrical Engineer, Head of Administrative and   Economic Department

2017             S.Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical University,  Assistant of the Department of Heat and Power Engineering


Scientific internship from 11/27/2017 to 12/08/2017. (Non-Profit Joint-Stock Company, Kazakh National Agrarian University, Almaty., 2017)


There are 4 scientific paper, including 2 in the USA

  1. Dostiyarov А.М., Umirzakov R.A.,  Jaksylyk А.М.   Water preparation  technological bases and order of water work in thermal power plants.  S. Publisher of the S.Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical University, 2017. - 239 p.
  2. Zhaқsylyқ AM, Dikhanbaev AB, Dikhanbaev B.I. To the question of determining the hydrodynamic characteristics of a fluidized bed of the melt. XIV international scientific practical conference, December 19-20, 2017 North Charleston, US
  3. A.M. Zhakhsylyk, A.M. Dostyiyarov, R.A. Umirzakov Increase operational reliability of steam turbine rotors by reducing their vibration. XV International Scientific Practical Conference, April 9-10, 2018 North Charleston, USA