Main / Faculties and Departments / Zhakupova Gulmira Nurtaevna
Zhakupova Gulmira Nurtaevna

Zhakupova Gulmira Nurtaevna


Candidate of Technical Sciences, associate professor

The department of «Food technology and processing product»

4309 office, tel. +7(7172)39-73-27



Field of scientific interests

Improvement of the technology of waste-free processing of milk and dairy products, development of technology of combined products and training of scientific and pedagogical personnel in the field of technology of food production.

Scientific qualification

Academic degree - Candidate of Technical Sciences (2002), specialty 05.18.01 - Technology of processing, storage and processing of cereals, legumes, cereals, fruit and vegetable products and viticulture.

Academic title - Associate professor (2008) 05.18.00 specialty "Technology of food products"

Subjects to be read

  1. Technology of processing industries (Bachelor degree)
  2. Technology of milk and dairy products (Bachelor degree)
  3. Scientific fundamentals of food products (Master degree)
  4. Scientific foundations of the creation of combined products (Ph.D. studies)

Undergraduates and doctoral students working under the supervision

Protected under the guidance

Master degree: 12


Ph.D. student – 2

Master student –1


1989-1994. Moscow State Academy of Food Production.Faculty of "Biotechnology". Specialty "Technology of fermentation and winemaking", qualification - process engineer;

1997-2000 Postgraduatestudy. AlmatyTechnological University

Work experience

1996- 1997 Head of the laboratory "Food Biotechnology". Almaty Technological University.

2000-2002 - Senior researcher at the laboratory "Technology of fermentation and winemaking". Kazakh Scientific Research Institute of Food Production.

2002-2008 - Senior lecturer of the Department "Food Biotechnology" Almaty Technological University.

2008-2009 - Associate Professor of the Department of "Food Biotechnology" Almaty

Technological University

2009 - present. Associate Professor of the Department "Technology of food and processing industries". Kazakh Agrotechnical University named after S. Seifullin.

The main directions of research

2018-2020 - head of the initiative group for conducting research work "Scientific justification and development of technology of functional food products" State registration No. 0118RKI0553".

Research projects

2017-2018 - Senior researcher of the project under the budget program "Innovative solution for the use of microwave for the production of dairy products".(MRNTI 65.63.03; 65.63.29. UDC 637.1/3.04/.07 state registration no. 0115RK01700).

2018 - contractor of contractual research "Development of formulation and technology of energy bars for therapeutic and preventive purposes".

2021 - project manager for the program "Development of technologies using new strains of beneficial microorganisms, enzymes, nutrients and other components in the production of special dietary foods".

Awards, certificates of honor

- Scholarship holder of the state scientific scholarship for talented young scientists - 2002-2003;

- The title of "The best university teacher of 2020";

Professional development

Topic name

Place and period of training

Name of the organization where the training took place










Astana, 2013

КазАТУим. С.Сейфуллина. Организатор: “Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine from Iasi. Romania



Research Management and Administration


British Council



Proposal. Writing and finding for research Projects

Astana, 2016

British Council



Reading a lecture on the program «Erasmus+»


Kaunas, 2018


Aleksandras Stulginsky  University



Biotechnology in the food industry

Yekaterinburg, 2020

Ural State University of Economics



Innovative technologies in the food industry

Minsk,  2020

REP "Scientific and Practical Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus on Food



Stanford Introduction to Food and Health



Stanford University



Weight Management: Beyond Balancing Calories



Emory University



University 4.0. DigitalTransformation

Kiev, 2021

SKLAD- an international online educational platform.



Wine Testing: Sensory Techniques for Wine Analysis



University of California  Davis



Author of more than 85 scientific publications in domestic and foreign scientific journals indexed by Scopus, RSCI, KKSON, including 8 textbooks, 1 patent, 2 utility model patents

The Hirsch Index (Scopus) is 1

The most important in the presented areas over the past 5 years:

Publication in Web of Science, Scopus:

  1. Solving the Problem of Serum Utilization in Kazaкhstan. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7 (3.19) (2018) 200-205
  2. Study of the composition and properties of sheep milk in Northern Kazakhstan ПроцентильEurAsianJornal of BioSciences, 2019 Volume 13 Issue 2. 1997-2000 Процентиль-22%
  3. Study of sea buckthorn seed powder effect on the production of cooked-smoked meat products from camel meat and beef. PERIÓDICO TCHÊ QUÍMICA. Received 01 October 2019; received in revised form 13 October 2019; accepted 14 October 2019. Процентиль 72%
  4. Development of technology.of yoghurt by using acid whey. N E W S of the national academy of sciences of the republic of Kazakhstan series chemistry and technology ISSN 2224-5286 4, Number 442 (2020), 51 – 57

Publicationsin CCES:

  1. Способ производства композиционного творожно-растительного продукта  специального назначения. Вестник государственного университета им. Шакарима № 1(73) 2016, с.3-5.г. Семей
  2. The usage of dairy raw materials in prophylactic purposes. Ж. Вестник ЕНУ им. Гумилева Л.Н. № 4. 2016 с.346-352. г. Астана
  3. Разработка технологии производства кисломолочного продукта на основе использования пробиотических препаратов. «Вестник ТарГУ» «Механика и Технологии». №1, 2018, стр. 60-65
  4. Биологиялықбелсендізаттарменбайытылғансүзбеөндірутехнологиясынжетілдіру.«Вестник ТарГУ» «Механика и Технологии». №3 (61), 2018, стр. 80-86
  5. Дәстүрлі емес шикізаттарды қолдану арқылы жұмсақ ірімшіктердің технологиясын жетілдіру. Семей қаласының Шәкәрім атындағы Мемлекеттік Университетінің Хабаршысы.№4(88) 2019 134-138 бет.
  6. Солтүстік Қазақстан жағдайында өсірлген қой сүттінің құрамы мен қасиеттерін зерттеу.Семей қаласының Шәкәрім атындағы Мемлекеттік Университетінің Хабаршысы.№4(88) 2019 138-143 бет.
  7. Қой сүтінің биохимиялық құрамын зерттеу.«Вестник ТарГУ» «Механика и Технологии». №1 (67), 2020, стр. 115-122.
  8. Инновационные технологии безотходной переработки молочной продукции.Вестник ТарГУ» «Механика и Технологии». №1 (67), 2020, стр. 122-129.
  9. Исследование молокосвертывающей активности заквасок дляпроизводства мягкого сыра из овечьего молока.Вестник ТарГУ» «Механика и Технологии». №4 (70), 2020, стр. 68-76.
  10. Технология производства сыров на основе овечьего молока.Вестник ТарГУ» «Механика и Технологии». №1 (70), 2021, стр. 41-47


  1. Физико-химические методы исследования свойств сырья и пищевых продуктов. Астана: Каз АТУ, 2017г. 89 стр. ISBN 9965824-97-5.
  2. Methods of studying the properties and compositions of milk and dairy products»Учебное пособие.КазАТУ им. С. Сейфуллина, 2020, -136 стр.
  3. Научные основы пищевых производств.Учебное пособие.КазАТУ им. С. Сейфуллина, 2021, -164 стр.

Received innovative patents:

  1. Method of yogurt production. Utility model patent No. 4929. Registered in the State Register of Inventions of the Republic of Kazakhstan on 18.11.2019

  2. The method of obtaining jelly dessert. Utility model patent No. 6288. Registered in the State Register of Inventions of the Republic 06.08.2021