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Zhetibaikyzy Nazken

Zhetibaikyzy Nazken



    Master's degree of agricultural sciences,

    teacher of сhair of soil science and       

    agricultural chemistry

    Room 5120, phone. +7(7172)31-13-08


Sphere of scientific interests

The biological activity of the soil, microbiology, soil and agrochemical researches

Delivered disciplines

Sphere of scientific interests

The study of changes in biological and agrochemical properties of soil


 2005 – 2009 -  Bachelor programme  at S.Seifullin Kazakh  agrotechnical university, the  Department of agronomy, speciality -  "Soil sciences and     agrochemistry”

2009 - 2011 - Masters programme  at S.Seifullin Kazakh  agrotechnical university, the  Department of agronomy, speciality- "Soil sciences and agrochemistry”

Work experience

01.09.2011  - teacher of chair  of soil science and agrochemistry of S. Seifullin Kazakh agrotechnical university.

Awards and Honors

Advanced training courses 

  1. Courses of improvement of pedagogical skills of teachers at S. Seifullin Kazakh Agro Technical University, Astana
  2. Research internship at the institute of additional trade education "Novosibirsk state agrarian university" . Theme: "Influence of causative agents of root rot, which are widespread in soil, to the productivity of sorts of barley"

Publiched works

14 scientific papers in total. The most important are:

  1. Aidarkulova R.S., Nauanova A.P., Ishmukhanbetova G.N., Zhetibaikyzy N., Eshekenova Z.B., Aidarbekova S.K. Study of influence of metabolits, cellulose destroying mushrooms on a germination and forming of harvest of barley in the dry steppe zone of North Kazakhstan // Works of  the IV international scientific conference of young scientists, sanctified to the 40years with Russian agricultural academy –Novosibirsk, 2010. – S. 17-21.
  2. Nauanova A.P., Zhetibaikyzy N. Recommendations on a speed-up receipt of steady line of barley to fuzarioz lmintosporious infection // The Methodical pointing // Publishing House of the Kazakh agrotechnical university named by  Seifullin. 2011. – 21 с.
  3. Nauanova A.P., Bisenov Zh.A., Aidarkulova R.S., Zhumabek B., Ishmukhanbetova G.N., Zhetibaikyzy N., Koshaeva A.S. Stamm of Cladosporium gossypiicola  10, possessing fungicide properties against the causative agents of root rot of barley and cellulose activity in soil // Copyright certificate   №74563 от 18.11.2011.
  4. Nauanova A.P., Ishmukhanbetova G.N., Zhetibaikyzy N. Test of stability of perspective numbers of barley selection Shortandy to the root rot with the use of infectious backgrounds // Announcer of science of the Kazakh agrotechnical university named by S.Seifullin–Astana, 2011. - № 1(67). – S. 54-60.
  5. Mirambek L.M., Bizhanova K.N., Zhetibaikyzy N.  Assorting of durable selections of barley to mushrooms sort of Bipolaris and Fusarium // Materials of international scientific conference of young scientists, students «World science». –Almaty, 2013. –  B. 68-69.