Main / Faculties and Departments / Zholmukhanova Aigul
Zholmukhanova Aigul

Zholmukhanova Aigul


Candidate of Economic Sciences, professor

Office# 1410 phone. 398208



Sphere of scientific interests

Marketing research of the market for goods and services in a competitive environment.

Delivered disciplines

Marketing, marketing research, marketing of goods and services, marketing communication, marketing - management,Marketing in trading activities, Strategic marketing.


1992-1996. Kazakh Institute of Consumer Cooperation, specialty: commercial activity in the market of goods and services

2003-2007 Postgraduate studies at the University of S. SeifullinKATU, specialty 08.00.05 - "Economics and management of the national economy (agriculture)"

Work experience

since 1996 - S. SeifullinKATU, Faculty of Economics, Chair of Marketing and Service,  Professor)

Awards and Honors

  • medal “55 th of S. SeifullinKazakh agrotechnical university”.
  • medal “60 th of S. Seifullin Kazakh agrotechnical university”
  • Certificate of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2017
  • Letter of Thanks

 Certificates of the winner of sports and cultural events of the university

Advancedtraining courses

  1. Professional Development Seminar "Business Planning" funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
  2. Courses of the consulting company "ISO Implementation Agency" under the program Training of specialists in accordance with the requirements of the international standard ISO 37001: 2016 "Anti-corruption management system" with qualifications: Anti-corruption management system manager, Nur-Sultan, 2019
  3. Webinar on advanced training "Modern trends in the use of innovative technologies in the educational process of a university ", 2023

Published works

Hirsch index: 5 (

Author of more than 65 scientific works. The more important are on the following directions:

  1. On the problem of choosing the most preferable option for diversification of crop production in conditions of uncertainty, Journal: Actual Problems of Economics (Ukraine) No. 9 (183) (352-363 pages) 2016


  1. Prediction parameters of the Republican budget for 2016 - 2018 and their analysis, Journal of Advanced Research in Law and Economics 2016

(https: // AuthorId = 55367690500)

  1. Economic efficiency of cultivating virus free seed potatoes by using recirculating aquaculture system during fish farming, Journal: Espacios, Vol. 39 (Number 48) Page 27, 2018. (
  2. Areas of study of social and economic phenomena in agricultural production, Quarterly scientific and information journal "Economics and Statistics" 4/2019 P.67 – 72

5. Iinstruments of urban marketing in the sphere of tourism (on the example of Astana and Almaty cities)Bulleten of the ROO National Academy of Sciences of the Republik of Kazakkhstan «CF Halyk» 5(405) /2023 б.471 - 484