Main / News / The Kazakh-Australian Innovation Research Center will be opened at KATRU
The Kazakh-Australian Innovation Research Center will be opened at KATRU

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Saken Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical Research University has been establishing strong research ties with the Australian Flinders University for 10 years. The two universities conducted joint research in molecular biology and genetics in crop breeding. Flinders University Prof. Yuri Shavrukov made a great contribution to strengthening cooperation between univesrities. He is not only the author of many articles published in Russian and English, but also a member of the editorial board of highly rated science publications.

As a continuation of this joint research cooperation, the Kazakh-Australian Innovation Research Center will be opened at KATRU. It is also planned to open the Scientific School of Prof. Yuri Shavrukov.

The professor’s work was noted today at a meeting of the KATRU Board. Chairman of the Board - Rector, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kanat Tireuov awarded the Australian scientist Yuri Shavrukov the Saken Seifullin Medal. The head of the university thanked the scientist for many years of joint painstaking work in science.