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Media Workers Day

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Dear journalists and media workers!


 I sincerely congratulate you on your professional holiday - Media Workers Day!

In the modern world, the media are extremely important - it is not for nothing that the media is called the fourth estate. Journalists not only introduce important events and phenomena of life, but also actively shape public opinion, contribute to the unification of creative people, and strengthen the moral ideals of goodness and justice. Truthfulness and objectivity of information, integrity, efficiency, impartiality and dedication, the desire to always be in the center of events, willingness to help people - all these are the indisputable advantages of our printed and electronic publications. Our journalists continue the glorious traditions of writers of previous eras - fortunately, there were plenty of them on Kazakh land.

The work of media workers is complex and responsible, because in their hands there is a word - one of the most powerful tools ever. And we certainly appreciate their work. Journalists, among other things, cover events held by the university, cover events and reforms at the university to students and citizens. Through this connection, readers receive answers to problems of interest from the university administration and scientists. For KATRU, fruitful and mutually beneficial cooperation with the media is the basis of its information policy. At the same time, the media service of our university performs an important task of uniting the university community, enhancing culture, patriotism and educating young people.

On this day, I express my sincere gratitude to journalists for their conscientious work, high professional skills and loyalty to their chosen profession!


Dear media workers!

I sincerely wish you inspiration, new ideas and successful implementation of creative projects.


Best wishes,

KATRU Chairman of the Board - Rector,

Academician of National Academy of Science K.M.Tireuov