Main / Results of the 1st stage of the Republican Research and Development Contest 2024
Results of the 1st stage of the Republican Research and Development Contest 2024

Results of the 1st stage of the Republican Research and Development Contest 2024

Every year in the walls of the S.Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical Research University the Republican Research and Development Contest is held.

This year, from November 2023 to March 2024 at the faculties was organized work on the qualifying intrafaculty stage of the competition.

The supervisors of scientific-research work of students (SRWS) at the faculties organized for teachers and students engaged in science, familiarization with the requirements of the profile Ministry on the preparation of competitive works, registration of information about the author and feedback on the competitive works, the need for review of the work by external profile specialists.

Competitive selection commissions were created at the faculties, reviewers were selected for each specialty. A total of 232 works were submitted to the University for the Republican Research and Development Contest. All works were checked for uniqueness, absence of plagiarism and formal verification for compliance with the requirements of the Ministry of Education and Science. Scientific novelty and practical significance of the results, completeness of conclusions and conclusion were analyzed. Competitive works of the participants - winners of the qualifying intrafaculty stage of the SRWS competition, who took prizes at the faculty level, after passing the plagiarism check were recommended for participation in the official 1st stage of the Republican SRWS competition.

Currently, the official 1st stage of the Republican Research and Development Contest has been completed, the winners and applicants for participation in the 2nd interuniversity stage of the Research and Development Contest have been determined. A total of 107 student's works became prize-winners at the University. Out of them 33 students took the first places, 41 - the second places, 33 - the third places. 57 works were recommended for encouragement with letters of thanks.

The winners of the 1st stage of the Republican Research and Development Contest were:

Agronomy Faculty:

1st place: Aigerim Almaskyzy, 4th year, 6B08104 - “Phytosantarlyk kauipsizdik”; Zhumadiluly Akzhol, 2nd year, 7M08101 - “Tanaptyk dakyldar breeding”; Danila Pavlovich Mikhailov, 2nd year, 7M08107 - “Agrosoil science and plant nutrition”.

2nd place: Erkegul Zhanalikh, 4th year, 6B05103 - “Biology”; Fayzrakhmanova Elnara Rafailovna, 4th year, 6B08103 - “Topyraktanu and Agrochemistry”; Kazieva Aitolkyyn Samatkyzy, 2nd year, 7M08107 - “Agrotopyraktanu and Symdictiң korektenui”; Askharkyzy Samal, 3rd year, 6B08102 - “Selection and Tukym Sharuashylygygi”; Beisenbayev Erasyl Beisenbayuly, 4th year, 5B081100 - “Plant Protection and Quarantine” (6B08104 - “Phytosanitary Security”); Aryn Nazerke Takenkyzy, 2nd year, 6B05103 - Biology.

3rd place: Zhakipova Aida Asalbekovna, 4th year, 5B080800 (6B08103) - “Soil Science and Agrochemistry”; Orzgali Arnur Ardakuly, 2nd year, 5B080100 - “Agronomy” (6B08102 - “Selection and Seed Production”); Erzhumanov Ruslan Tolegenuly, 4th year, 5B080100 - “Agronomy” (6B088101 - “Agronomy”); Erik Adilet Tanatkanuly, 4th year, 6B08104 - Phytosanitary safety; Erbolatkyzy Tursynay, 4th year, 6B08104 - Phytosanitary safety; Askharkyzy Samal, 2nd year, 6B08102 - “Breeding and seed production”.

Faculty of Veterinary Science and Technology of Animal Husbandry:

1st place: Zhumat Aida Serikbaykyzy, 2nd year master student, 7M070100 - “Biotechnology”; Azamatova Amina Azamatovna, 5th year student, 5B120100 (6B09101) - “Veterinary Medicine”; Ikramkulova Fariza Rakhatkizi, 5th year student, 5B120200 - “Veterinary Sanitation”; Nesipbaeva Aziza Erlanovna, 4th year student, 6B05102 (5B070100) - “Biotechnology”; Ibragimova Shynar Batyrbekovna, 4th year student 5B080200 (6B08201) - “Production technologies of animal products”; Abubekova Aiganym Abubekkyzy Aiganym, 2nd year master student 7M09101 - “Veterinary Medicine”; Moldakhmetova Madina Birzhanovna, 2nd year master student 7M08201 - “Fodder and feeding of farm animals”.

2nd place: Gubaydullin Nurtay, Askarova Nasipkhan, master students of the 2nd year, specialty 7M070100 - “Biotechnology”; Baltabekova Banu Nurbekovna, student of the 5th year 5B120100 (6B09101) - “Veterinary Medicine”; Aldabergenova Ainur Omirbaykyzyzy, student of the 5th year 5B120100 (6B09101) - “Veterinary Medicine”; Arasanbek Nүrlіs, 5th year student, 5B120200 - “Veterinary Sanitation”; Shvetsov Yuri, 5th year student, 5B120200 - “Veterinary Sanitation”; Shin Chincher Gennadievich, 4th year student, 6B05102 (5B070100) - “Biotechnology”; Kurbanalieva Asem Erbolkyzy, 4th year student, 6B05102 (5B070100) - “Biotechnology”; Ormanbek Araylym Toregalikyzy, 4th year student 5B080200 - (6B08201) “Technology of production of animal products; Nuralkhanova Adina Tobyshbaykyzy, 4th year student, 5B080200 - (6B08201) “Technology of production of livestock products”; Begmat Gulzaira Abdisalamkyzy, Master's student, 2nd year, 7M09101 - “Veterinary Medicine”; Baylina Gulnar, Master's student, 2nd year 7M08202 - “Breeding and reproduction of farm animals”.

3rd place: Daumcharova Aizada Maksatkyzy, 5th year student, 5B120100 (6B09101) - “Veterinary Medicine”; Zhamasheva Zhadyra Anvarkyzy, 5th year student, 5B120100 (6B09101) - “Veterinary Medicine”; Saduov Bakdaulet Nuralyuly, 5th year student, 5B120100 (6B09101) - “Veterinary Medicine”; Tileubekkyzy Aizat, 5th year student, 5B120200 - “Veterinary Sanitation”; Ergabyl Begayym, 5th year student, 5B120200 - “Veterinary Sanitation”; Pernebekova Zhansaya Mukhtarkyzy, 5th year student, 5B120200 - “Veterinary Sanitation”; Hamitzhan Tomiris Toleutaykyzy, 4th year student, 6B05102 (5B070100) - “Biotechnology”; Kubits Evgeniya Vladimirovna, 4th year student, 6B05102 (5B070100) - “Biotechnology”; Akerke Armiya, 4th year student, 6B05101 (5B070100) - “Biotechnology”; Kalim Bekzat Talgatuly, 4th year student, 5B080200 - (6B08201) “Technologies of animal products production”; Kanzhil Yerkenaz Magazamkyzyzy, 4th year student, 5B080200 - (6B08201) “Technology of production of animal products”; Seitonova Aizada Rustemovna, 4th year student, 5B080200 - (6B08201) “Technology of production of animal products”; Kurmanbaeva Hafiza Galymovna, 5th year student, 5B120100 (6B09101) - “Veterinary Medicine”.

Faculty of Computer Systems and Professional Education:

1st place: Kravchik E., Lider O. Anabazine alkaloids: physicochemical characteristics and prospects of application in agriculture 6B05301 - “Chemistry”; Tazhi N., Junusova A. Arcade zharysi mini oyyin Unreal Engine 4 kozgaltkishyndagy beta nuskasy, 6B06102 - “Akparattyk zheyeler”.

2nd place: Kerimbekova A. Study of chemical composition and properties of milk of plant origin 6B05301 - “Chemistry”.

Department of Forestry, Wildlife and Environment:

1st place: Yugay Boris Zelemkhanovich, student 6B08301 - “Hunting and fur farming”; Kozhakhmetova Madina Sayranovna, Sabit Azamat Erdenuly, students 6B08302 - “Forest resources and forestry”; Kelesbai Gulayhan Ergalikyzy, student 6B08401 - “Fishery and industrial fishery”.

2nd place: Karimbay Amir, student, 6B05201 - “Ecology”; Ryskulbekova Aruzhan Alibekkyzyzy, student 6B08302 - “Forest resources and forestry”; Temertasova Saya Alibekovna, student 6B08301 - “Hunting and fur farming”; Ivan Saktapbergen Zhansayynuly, student 6B08401 - “Fishery and industrial fishing”.

3rd place: Ramazan Aidana Kanatkyzy, student 6B08302 - “Forest resources and forestry”; Ermek Beknur Kurmanalіuly, student 6B08301 - “Hunting and fur farming”; Satbek Ansar Talgatuly, student 6B08401 - “Fishery and industrial fishery”.

Faculty of Engineering:

1st  place: Baimoldaeva Aruna Didarovna, 1st year student, 7M07105 - “Mechanical Engineering”; Dosym Araylym Zhanpeyskyzy, 3rd year student, 6B07202 - “Kayta ondeu ondiristerinyn tekhnologiyasy”; Dairova Kalamkas Zharapatkyzy, 4th year student, 6B07201 - “Tamak onimderinyn tekhnologiyasy”; Karataeva Kuralay Zhanabaykyzyzy, 3rd year student, 6B07501 - “Standards, certificates and metrology” (salalar boyynsha); Safina Zhibek Mukhtarovna, 3rd year student, 6B08701 - “Agroengineering”; Ashirbek Merey Asylbekuly, 2nd year student, 6B07106 - “Kolik, kolik technics and technology”. 

2nd place: Dosumbekova Aruzhan Altairkyzy, 4th year student, 6B07202 - “Kaita ondeu ondiristerinyn technologiyasy”; Madeshova Janel Sairankyzy, 3rd year student, 6B07201 - “Tamak onimderinyn technologiyasy”; Dauletbaeva Meruert, 3rd year student, 6B07201 - “Tamak өnimderinyn technologiyasy”; Sentebaeva Aruana Bakhtiyarovna, 3rd year student, 6B07501 - “Standards, certificates and metrology” (salalar boyynsha); Benks Nikita Vladimirovich, Kereybaev Azamat Amangeldyevich, Kononenko Egor Andreyevich, 2nd year students, 6B08701 - “Agroengineering”.

3rd place: Baidylgazieva Albina, Myrzageldina Aruzhan, 3rd year students, 6B07202 - “Kaita ondeu ondiristerinyn technologiyasy”; Sultankyzy Akercke, 2nd year student, 6B07202 - “Kaita ondeu ondiristerinyn technologiyasy”; Sapi Ulzhan, Sagindikova Anora, 2nd year students, 6B07202 - “Kaita ondeu ondiristerinyn technologiyasy”; Kalitova Aidana Daniyarovna, 4th year students, 6B07201 - “Tamak onimderіnyn technologіyasy”; Indira Talgatkyzy Yeltaeva, 3rd year, 6B07201 - “Tamak onimderinyn technologiyasy”; Aysaule Kuanbekkyzy, 3rd year, 6B07201 - “Tamaқk onimderinyn technologiyasy”; Anuarbek Tomiris Talgatkyzy, 4th year, 6B07501 - “Standardization, certification and metrology” (salalar boyynsha); Serikova Akerke Serikkyzyzy, 4th year, 6B07501 - “Standardization, certification and metrology” (salalar boyynsha).

Faculty of Land Management, Architecture and Design:

1st place: Nurlan N., Nurbek Erzhanuly, 6B07302 - “Geodesy and Cartography”, 4th year; Smbaev Aldiyar Altayevich Smbaev, 6B07303 - “Cadastre”, 3rd year; Kuralbek Ramazan Meyrambekuly, 6B07304 - “Land Management”, 3rd year; Abdikul Adina Zhasulankyzy, 6B02101 - “Design”, 5th year; Makhmetova Dana Erlanovna, 6B07301 - “Architecture”, 5th year.

2nd place: Abdashim Araylym Madykyzy, Onerhan Akzhol, Shynbek Dilnaz Nurzhankyzy, 6B07302 - “Geodesy and Cartography”, 3rd year students; Temiralieva Nurai Berikkyzy, 6B07302 - “Geodesy and Cartography”, 4th year students; Mihanova Aktorgyn Amantaykyzy, 6B07303 - “Cadastre”, 4th year students; Zhakupova Shynar Moldakhmetkyzy, 6B07304 - “Land management”, 4th year; Zhanahmet Daniyar Arystanbapuly, 6B07304 - “Land management”, 4th year; Igenbaeva Zhanuya Talapovna, 6B07301 - “Architecture”, 5th year; Maldybaeva Guldana Serikovna, 6B07301 - “Architecture”, 5th year.

3rd place: Azbergen Altynbek Sapargaliuly, Ramazan Rinat Ramazanuly, 6B07302 - “Geodesy and Cartography”, 3rd year students; Nurlanuly Ernur, 6B07303 - “Cadastre”, 2nd year students; Kenbaev Sherali Bakhtiyarovich, 6B07304 - “Land Management”, 3rd year students; Kuralbek Ramazan Meyrambekuly, 6B07304 - “Land Management”, 3rd year; Abildinova Umit Bolatkyzy, 6B07301 - “Architecture”, 5th year; Azykalieva Aliya Talgatkyzy, 6B07301 - “Architecture”, 5th year; Ashkar Malike Beibitkyzy, 6B07301 - “Architecture”, 5th year.

Faculty of Economics:

1st place: Zhakupova Zhanuya Zharaskyzy, 4th year, 6B04103 - “Business Baskaru zhane Kasipkerlik”; Babachenko Daria Aleksandrovna, 3rd year, 6B04104 - “Digital Marketing”; Daniyar Adel Dulatkyzy, 3rd year, 6B04105 - “Zamanaui Business Economics”; Ismadieva Rauana Muratovna, 3rd year, 6B04106 - “Accounting, audit and consulting”; Tleukabylov Anuar Dauletuly, 3rd year, 6B04102 - “Financial analytics”.

2nd place: Aida Khalilkyzy Asalbekova, 4th year, 6B04103 - “Business baskaru zhane kasipkerlik”; Karina Makhabbatovna Raimbekova, 4th year, 6B04103 - “Business management and entrepreneurship”; Madina Darhankyzy Ibrayeva, 4th year, 6B04104 - “Digital Marketing”; Diana Anuarovna Baiburina, 4th year, 6B04104 - “Digital Marketing”; Aysar Mali Erlankykyky, 1st year, 6B04105 - “Zamanaui Business Economics”; Elena Kotova, 2nd year, 6B04103 - “Business Management and Entrepreneurship”; Isayev Farhad Kurmanovich, Ospanov Ersain Armanuly, 2nd year students, 6B04102 - “Karzhylyk analytics”; Yurchenko Rada L`vovna, 4th year students, 6B04106 - “Accounting, audit and tax consulting”.

3rd place: Roman Yurievich Trepachuk, 4th year, 6B04103 - “Business Management and Entrepreneurship”.

Faculty of Energy:

1st place: Bektibayuly Ersultan, master's student of the 2nd year, “Radio engineering, electronics and telecommunication”; Adiya Sadykova, 3rd year, “Electric power engineering”; Mukhamadiev Bagdad Erbolovich, master's student of the 1st year, “Energy supply and automation of agriculture”; Nurtaeva Aliya Sergazikyzy, student of the 4th year, “Automation and energy efficiency of processes and production”.

2nd place: Tashetova Merey Maratovna, 4th year student, “Radio engineering, electronics and telecommunication”; Zhalgasov Taiman Kaldybekovich, 1st year master student, “Electric power engineering”.

A letter of appreciation was given to the contestants:

- Baktybay Aidar Ersinuly, 3rd year, 5B080800 (6B08103) - “Soil science and agrochemistry”; Tursynbekov Alibi Galimbekovich, 4th year, 6B08101 - “Agronomy”; Kanafina Marzhan Azamatovna, 4th year, 6B08104 - “Phytosanitary safety”; Berdibayeva Aigerim Burabaikyzy, 4th course, 6B08104 - “Phytosanitary safety”; Mukhtar Korkemsulu Maratkyzy, 4th course, 6B08104 - “Phytosanitary safety”; Duman Aynur Tanatorkyzy, 4th course, 6B08104 - “Phytosanitary safety”;

- Kurmanbaeva Hafiza Galymovna, 5th year student, 5B120100 (6B09101) - “Veterinary Medicine”; Myltykbaeva Gulbanu Armankyzy, 5th year student, 5B120100 (6B09101) - “Veterinary Medicine”; Markova Daria Andreyevna, 2nd year student, 6B05102 (5B070100) - “Biotechnology”; Argynbek Asylay Nurzhankyzy, 5th year student, 5B120100 (6B09101) - “Veterinary Medicine”; Zhanabekova Dayana, 5th year student, 5B120200 - “Veterinary Sanitation”; Kuanysh Ayym Beisenbekkyzyzy, 5th year student, 5B120200 - “Veterinary Sanitation”; Abdimalik Bagzhan Maratovich, 5th year student, 5B120200 - “Veterinary Sanitation”; Zahay Gulsim Zahaykyzy, student of the 5th year, 5B120200 - “Veterinary Sanitation”; Voyt David Vasilievich, Gutov Arseniy, Razumyak Veronika, students of the 1st year, 6B05101 (5B070100) - “Biotechnology”; Zholmagambet Bekzat Serikuly, student of the 4th year, 6B05101 (5B070100) - “Biotechnology”; Baigabul Ernaz Kairatuly, 4th year student, 6В05101 (5В070100) - “Biotechnology”; Baisarieva Dariga Abdankhanovna, 4th year student, 5В080200 (6В08201) - “Technology of production of animal products”; Turmagambetov Azamat Akhylbekovich, 4th year student, 5В080200 (6В08201) - “Technology of production of animal products”:

- Bazylbekova Amina, Shcherbaev Amanghali - students of the 1st year, 6B01404 - “Kasiptic bilim beru”; Maydabekov Nurmas, student of the 4th year, 6B06102 - “Akparattyk zhuyeler”; Baigabulov Adil, Bekenova Bekzhan, 3rd year students, 5B070500 - “Mathematical and computer modeling”; Altaiqyzy Aimeken, 1st year student, 6B01404 - “Kasiptic bilim beru”; Tokenov Batyrzhan, 1st year student, 6B01404 - “Kasiptic bilim beru”;

- Samatuly Asanaly (4th year), Zhumatay Aldiyar Akhmetuly (1st year) 6B07105 - “Mechanical Engineering”; Gorkovenko Vyacheslav Yurievich, 1st year, 6B07105 - “Mechanical Engineering”; Zhamantay Meruert, 4th year, 6B07201 - “Tamak onimderinin Technologiyasy”; Dairova Kalamkas Sharapatkyzy, 4th year, 6B07201 - “Tamak onimderinin Technologiyasy”; Rakhmetkali Nurzila Nurbolatkyzy, 4th year, 6B07501 - “Standards, certificates and metrology” (salalar boyynsha); Beibithan Zhantileu, Balgabay Alisher, students of 4th year, 6B08701 - “Agroengineering”; Baudarbekova Madina Talgatovna, 4th year, 6B08701 - “Agroengineering”; Torekul Perizat Bakhytkyzy, 2nd year, 6B11301 - “Koliktegі logistics”; Kenzhenova Aida Nurbolatovna, 3rd year, 6B11302 - “Zhol kozgalylysy kauіpsizdіgіgі and uyiymdastyru”;

- Bek Dauletbek, 6B07301 - “Architecture”, 5th year; Tursubek Ulzhan, 6B07301 - “Architecture”, 5th year; Erkinov Nurlybek, 6B07301 - “Architecture”, 5th year; Kalymbekova Alina, 6B07301 - “Architecture”, 5th year; Mukhamadieva Dilyara, B031 - “Fashion, interior design, industrial design”, 5th year; Khusainova Ilyana, B031 - “Fashion, interior design, industrial design”, 5th year; Sadykova Anel, B031 - “Fashion, interior design, industrial design”, 5th year; Aidyn Dariya Nomi, B031 - “Fashion, interior design, industrial design”, 5th year; Sharipova Venera, 6B07304 - “Land management”, 4th year; Serikbolov Kairat, 6B07304 - “Land Management”, 4th year; Syzdyk Aknur, 6B07304 - “Land Management”, 4th year; Satybaldinova Adiya, 6B07303 - “Cadastre”, 4th year; Aldesh Asel, 6B07303 - “Cadastre”, 2nd year; Nauryzbay Dina, 6B07303 - “Cadastre”, 3rd year; Bekzhanova Ayauzhan, 6B07303 - “Cadastre”, 2nd year; Zhanbyr Nursaya, 6B07303 - “Cadastre”, 2nd year; Sarsentayeva Nursulu, 6B07303 - “Cadastre”, 3rd year; Akhmetova Dariga, 6B07303 - “Cadastre”, 3rd year; Malik Ayaulym, Amangeldi Moldir, 2nd year students, 6B07303 - “Cadastre”; Sultangazy Shynar, 6B07303 - “Cadastre”, 2nd year; Sattigul Akoral, 6B07303 - “Cadastre”, 4th year; Aytmagambet Araylym, 6B07303 - “Cadastre”, 4th year;

- Panyushkin Egor, 4th year, 6B04103 - “Business Management and Entrepreneurship”; Ergalieva Dayana, 2nd year, 6B04103 - “Business Management and Entrepreneurship”; Tumenbaeva Shakherizada Beibutovna, 3rd year, 6B04102 - “Financial Analytics”; Zhanatova Zhazira Serzhankyzy, 3rd year, 6B04106 - “Accounting, audit and consulting”; Yeraliev Madi Kairatuly, 3rd year, 6B04102 - “Karzhylyk analytics”; Bolatov Dias Aitpayuly, 4th year, 6B04106 - “Accounting, audit and tax consulting”; Akramov Danil Alisherovich, 3rd year, 6B04106 - “Accounting, audit and tax consulting”;

- Abdullaev Igor Mahmudovich, “Automation and energy efficiency of processes and productions”; Baimagambetova Togzhan Erbolovna, Master's student of the 2nd year, “Energy supply and automation of agriculture”; Sarmanova Almagul Myrzakhanovna, Master's student of the 1st year, “Automation and energy efficiency of processes and productions”; Dolin Denis Dmitrievich, Master's student of the 1st year, “Energy supply and automation of agriculture”.


Congratulations to the contestants-winners and scientific supervisors!