On January 27, 2023 the round table on: “Integration of AIC educational and scientific organizations’ efforts for the purposes of scientific research and training activation”, organized by the “Economics” department, was held at the economic faculty. The round table was dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the economic faculty. During 60 years, the faculty has prepared thousands of specialists who work for the benefit of our country today.

Nysanbayev Yerlan Nuraliyevich, Deputy Chairman of the Board for Strategic Development and International Relations, delivered a welcoming speech. He noted that at present, scientific organizations and agricultural universities often function without taking into account the real needs of the market, and the forms of their integration do not meet modern challenges. “Without the mutual integration of educational and scientific activities in the agro-industrial complex, it is impossible to create breakthrough innovative technologies and interaction with the real sector of the economy.

A foreign professor, Doctor of Economic Sciences Madiyarova Diana Makaevna, presented proposals for the implementation of the tasks. In her report “Education and science as a factor in the implementation of the food problem: chances, illusions and forecasts”, the speaker noted that the integration of education and science, production, the development of university science and large scientific and educational centers is now a priority for each university.

The General Director of Central Asian Institute for Development Studies (CAIDS) Nametsha Askhat also made a presentation. He noted the importance of introducing Minor programs to obtain additional competencies (knowledge and skills) of the workforce, which are not sufficiently reflected in the learning outcomes of university graduates. “There is no doubt that university students are striving to obtain additional competencies (in addition to the “Major” basic educational program) and practice-oriented knowledge and skills in the field of economics, management and entrepreneurship, which will ensure the demand for graduates in the labor market and their employment.”

Deputy Chairman of the Auyl Party, Chairman of the Public Council for Agroindustrial Complex, graduate of the “Economics” department Bakkozhayev Anas Akhatovich in his report “Alumni, were we able to justify the trust of the Teachers” spoke about the problems of employment and suggested focusing on conducting a detailed analysis to identify and solve these problems. The report “Student business incubator, our goals and objectives” by the coordinator of the business incubator Moldakhmetov A.A. was devoted to the development of student entrepreneurship, who emphasized the main ways of development and prospects for students in entrepreneurship.

The head of the “Economics” department Akmaral Bolatovna Temirova thanked the speakers, the participants of the round table. She noted that in modern conditions the formation of the educational process in the context of its interaction with science and production is the main indicator of the quality of training at universities and requires constant improvement. It includes approaches to the interaction of education and science, development of uniform requirements and criteria for assessing knowledge in accordance with the interests of stakeholders.

Without mutual integration and close interaction with the real sector of the economy, the university becomes less and less self-sufficient. The lack of a scientific basis for the implementation of higher education programs leads to the fact that university graduates are often uncompetitive in the labor market; on the other hand, scientific organizations have practically lost the sources of reproduction of human resources due to the lack of an influx of young specialists. All recommendations will be applicable in improving the educational process and the activities of the department.

At the end, the Dean of the faculty Nurmukhametov Nurbakhyt Nurbopayevich thanked the participants of the event, he emphasized that the issues under consideration will help to solve these problems and focus on:

-improving the quality of educational programs, which is aimed at close interaction between the university and employers in the training of in-demand personnel with professional competencies at the level of the latest achievements of science and technology and practical experience in participating in scientific research obtained in the learning process;

- attracting students, masters and doctoral students to science for the formation of research skills;

-increasing the development and implementation of interdisciplinary educational programs;

- activation of interrelations with the business sector of the economy and corporate science, the processes of commercialization of the results of scientific research and development and the transfer of technologies to the real sector of the economy.