Main / Scientific research club of the department "Finance"
Scientific research club of the department "Finance"

Date of foundation of the scientific research club: 2008
Responsible for a scientific research club : Master of economic sciences, senior lecturer of the department "Finance" O.V. Misnik

The purpose of the scientific research club : Participation of students in the work of scientific circles, which are created to deepen knowledge of the subjects studied, inculcating the members of the circle with the skills of independent research work, development of analytical skills.

The main tasks of the scientific research club "Finance" are:
• ensuring active participation of students in republican and international scientific conferences, competitions for the best scientific work, scientific seminars, briefings, olympiads and intellectual games;
• formation of students' interest in scientific research, teaching methods and methods of independent solving of scientific problems in the field of finance, taxation, insurance, banking system;
• assistance in mastering the methodology and skills of conducting independent scientific research and developing scientific problems on current research topics;
• preparation of the reserve of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel from among the most capable, active and successful students of the reserve;
• identifying the most gifted and talented students, using their creative and intellectual potential to solve urgent problems of increasing the effectiveness of the educational process.

The staff of the scientific research club : Students 2, 3 and 4 courses specialty "Finance"
Achievements of the members of the scientific research club : The members of the circle actively participate in the republican and international scientific conferences, subject Olympiads, intellectual games, the achievements of participation in which are obtaining diplomas and certificates for prizes.