On November 15, 2023, the annual casting for the ArrowCrew team took place in the assembly hall of the Faculty of Agronomy. At the casting, the participants presented different styles of dance, such as K-Pop, Hip-Hop, Mix dance, Jazz funk.
At this casting, it was allowed to participate in both solo and duet. After presenting the choreographies of the participants, the team decided to accept into the team:
Altaykyzy Aimeken
Amageldi Alina
Zaytonov Temerlan
Ibraeva Aliya
Ibraimova Zhannat
Turgan Nurai
After the casting, the new participants, as well as the team members, showed their talents and ability to improvise. The team amicably and hospitably welcomed new young talents
Почетный профессор Казахского национального аграрного университета. Карьера. 1979 г. — Кайрат Айтуганов начал работать оператором цеха перевозки Кокчетавского почтамта. 1984-1985 гг. — ассистент кафедры почвоведения Целиноградского сельхозинститута. 1987-1989 гг. — агроном, старший агроном, главный экономист совхоза Карабулакский Зерендинского р-йона Кокчетавской обл.