Main / The student group "Young cadastre engineer"
The student group "Young cadastre engineer"

Наименование научного кружка:

«Юный кадастровик»

Год создания научного кружка:

2012 год

Руководитель научного кружка:

Ахметова Н.З.

Цель научного кружка:

1. Расширение и углубление профессиональной подготовки магистрантов и студентов, особенно старших курсов.

2. Приобретение ими научных и теоретических знаний в области земельного кадастра.

Формирование творческой личности, способной решать сложные научные задачи

Состав научного кружка:

The student group "Young cadastre engineer"


Name scientific circles: "Young cadastre engineer "

The year of the creation science club: 2012

Head of the scientific club:             N.Z. Akhmetova

  1. Expansion and deepening of professional training of undergraduates and students, especially senior courses.

The purpose of the scientific club:          2. Acquisition of scientific and theoretical knowledge in the field of land cadastre.

                                                                  Formation of the creative personality capable to solve complex scientific problems.

The composition of the scientific group: 1.Undergraduates of the 1st course of specialty "Cadastre".

                                                                2.12 - students of 2,3,4 courses in the specialty "Cadastre".

Магистранты 1-курса по специальности «Кадастр».

2.12-студентов 2,3,4 курса по специальности «Кадастр».

Achievements of members of the scientific community:

  1. Members of the club took part in the 7 Republican contest of scientific works among students and schoolchildren, conducted by the scientific and methodological center "ZIAT". The work of B. Syzdykov and K. Iskandarov "Assessment of land and resource potential of Northern Kazakhstan on the basis of the analysis of agricultural development of territories" took second place.
  2. 2 people took part in the Contest of scientific-research work of students. A.Sakenova presented a paper on "Analysis, the prospect of resettlement for the purposes of cadastre inventory of population of Mangystau region," A.Imashev "determining the value of the land taking into account environmental conditions, the types of payments for land". Work both girlfriend took third place in the Republic.
  3. The members of the CPC take part in research projects of the Department of cadastre: In research grant funding on "the Creation of the concept for development of land management projects of agricultural enterprises in the sustainable rural areas management" (supervisor Ph. D. R.K.Abeltina) undergraduate 1 A. Sakenova.