Main / Scientific Club "Dendrochronology"
Scientific Club "Dendrochronology"

Scientific student club operates at the Department of Biological Sciences under the supervision of Associate Professor Dr. Sc. Zhumadina Sh.M.

The direction of the scientific student club is the study of the influence of climatic environmental factors on the growth of Scots pine (Pinussylvestrisl.) In the conditions of north-east Kazakhstan.

The purpose of the student's club: To study the influence of climatic factors on the radial growth of Scots pine (PinussylvestrisL.) In the conditions of the North-East of Kazakhstan.

Objectives of the scientific student club:

  1. To study the methods of dendrochronological research
  2. To analyze the generalized tree-ring chronologies of Scots pine (PinussylvestrisL.)
  3. To study the patterns of growth dynamics of Scots pine in connection with the influence of temperature and precipitation in the North-East of Kazakhstan

Expected results:

  1. Conducting office processing of cores and analysis of generalized tree-ring chronology with pine ordinary (PinussylvestrisL.).
  2. Construction of dendrum scales of the growth of Scots pine (PinussylvestrisL.), Due to the influence of temperature and precipitation.

Publication of the article in the materials of the republican or international conference.