Main / A promotional meeting with graduation students course
A promotional meeting with graduation students course

November 16 in the assembly hall of the Agency's Central Office employees of the Human Resources Department held a promotional meeting with graduation students course of NJSC " Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical Research University".

Head of the HR Department Adaliev N.K. told students about the specifics activities of the Agency and priority tasks set by the head states. In addition, graduates were shown the positive aspects and advantages of working in government and law enforcement services. Procedure and conditions explained

employment. As part of the ongoing partnership and cooperation of the University and Agencies, as well as to assist in successful employment final year students concluded a corresponding memorandum on subsequent interaction. As a result of the meeting an agreement was reached on cooperation in the framework of dual training, internships and the possibility of further employment.

The head of the department, Temirova Akmaral, expressed gratitude to the employees of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Financial Monitoring for their assistance in organizing the meeting.

The organizer of this event was the Department of Economics.