Main / Research / Student science / Research work of students (SRRS)
Research work of students (SRRS)

Goals and objectives:

Research work of students is one of the important components of higher education, an effective way to improve the quality of training.

The research work of students should be aimed at developing students' skills in research work, developing creative initiative and the ability to put into practice the achievements of scientific and technological progress, which meets the requirements for training a modern specialist as a researcher (scientist), manager (manager) and practice.

Participation in research contributes to a better assimilation of major disciplines by students, expanding their scientific, technical and social horizons, teaches them to independently master new ideas, quickly and efficiently navigate the flow of scientific information.

The main objectives of the research work of students are:

- improving the quality of training of specialists with higher education, ensuring their demand in a market economy;

- formation of skills of creative professional thinking by mastering the scientific methods of cognition and research;

- ensuring the unity of educational (educational and upbringing), scientific and practical processes;

- creation and development of conditions (legal, economic, organizational, resource, etc.) that provide an opportunity for each student to exercise their right to the creative development of the individual, participation in scientific research and scientific and technical creativity - full, equal and for everyone in according to his needs, goals and abilities.

The main tasks of NIRS:

- mastering (within the framework of a single educational and scientific process) a system of concepts, judgments and conclusions in the field of the profession (in the specialty), based on knowledge, skills and experience.

- mastery of scientific methods of cognition by students;

- familiarization of students with the methods of scientific research, the methodology of the experiment and the theory of decision making;

- acquisition of skills for independent solution of scientific and practical problems;

- acquisition of skills of work in scientific teams, familiarization with the methods of organizing their work;

- education in students of the need for creativity, for self-education, for the constant improvement of their knowledge, in-depth and creative development of educational material;

- the formation of skills and the need for constant work with domestic and foreign literature, the ability to work with the patent fund;

- development of modern information technologies and methods of information communication (Internet, e-mail, etc.);

- formation of a scientific approach to assessing the relevance of scientific areas (works) that ensure real economic, social or spiritual progress of society;

- establishing close links between the student's interests and the scientific and educational direction of the department, strengthening his creative contacts with the teacher in the binary learning process.