Main / University / Student life / Psychological center
Psychological center

Activities of the psychologist of the University  
Goals: providing students with psychological support in personal and professional self-realization, social adaptation to the student's lifestyle and changing socio-economic conditions.

1. Create and maintain a favorable psychological climate in the University;
2. To direct the process of forming students’ motivation to acquire high-quality knowledge and an active life position;
3. To preserve and maintain the psychological health of students, teachers and employees;
4. Strengthen and develop the psychological connection between students and faculty members at the expense of development of communicative competences and skills;

Psychological assistance in the following directions:
1. Psychological counseling for students and their parents, university staff;
2. Psychodiagnostic work;
3. Psycho-correctional and training work;
4. Psychoprophylactic and psycho-educational activities;

On an individual basis:
• individual consultations on personal problems;
• Psychodiagnostics of cognitive abilities and making recommendations for their development;
• psychodiagnostics of personal qualities and the identification of the most significant qualities in adaptation to learning, successful self-realization and self-expression, self-confidence, etc.;
• help in identifying the causes of conflict situations in interpersonal communication and intrapersonal conflict, the search for options to overcome difficult situations.

According to the recommendations received or at the request of students, it is possible to sign up for repeated classes (individual or group):
• on the development of cognitive abilities (attention, memory, imagination, thinking, etc.), as well as creative thinking;
• on the formation of emotional stability in stressful situations;
• on development of communicative abilities and formation of communication skills;
• on the formation of readiness for university education.

Themes of training sessions:
1. Adaptation problems. Adaptation to new forms and methods of teaching;
2. How to successfully pass and prepare for exams;
3. Psychological assistance in conflict situations;
4. Personal relationships;
5. Help in mastering effective communication methods;
6. Self-confidence;
7. Oratory skills or the development of communication skills.
8. Leadership development;
9. Moral education and development of patriotic feelings;
10. Cohesion of the Academic Group.                            

Work in the hostels of the University:
Psychological and pedagogical work is conducted weekly in hostels in the direction of psycho-education; where issues of morality, culture, self-respect and love of others are examined. Video materials on psychology are shown.

Information about educational psychologists:

Chartered educational psychologist, master of pedagogical sciences M.G. Bukeyeva
Telephone number: 87024144355

Personal site of the educational psychologist: