Main / ППС / Abdeshev Kuanysh
Abdeshev Kuanysh

Abdeshev Kuanysh


Date and place of birth, citizenship, nationality:

06.07.1985.  Zhambyl region, citizens of the

Republic of Kazakhstan,  Kazakh

Telephone: +77773351200




2002-2007 - M.Kh. Dulaty Taraz State University, engineer, specialty 460140 – «Land management»;

2007-2009 - M.Kh. Dulaty Taraz State University, Master's degree in specialty 6N0904 – «Land Management»;

2012-2015 - Kyzylorda State University named after Korkyt Ata, 6D081000 - "Land reclamation, reclamation and protection", doctoral student;

2018 - доктор философии (PhD) по специальности 6D081000-«Мелиорация, рекультвация и охрана земель».

Work experience:

2009-2010 - M.Kh. Dulaty Taraz State University, lecturer of the Department of "Land Management";

2010-2012 - M.Kh. Dulaty Taraz State University, senior lecturer of the Department "Land Management";

2015-2018 - M.Kh. Dulaty Taraz State University, senior lecturer of the Department "Land Management and Cadastre";

2018-2020 - M.Kh. Dulaty Taraz State University, acting duties of Associate Professor of the Department "Land Management and Cadastre";

2020-2023 - M.Kh.Dulaty Taraz Regional University, Head of the Department "Life Safety".

2023 - present - Kazakh Agrotechnical Research University named after Sakena Seifullina, senior lecturer of the Department "Land Management".


2015 - Laureate of the Akim of Taraz City Award for creative youth in the nomination "Young Scientist";

2018 - Silver medalist of the Russian Agro-Industrial Exhibition (Moscow);

2018 -  Winner of the prize in the field of science and state scientific scholarships;

2023 -  Certificate of Honor of Akim of Zhambyl region.

Information about professional development for the last 5 (five) years



A country

Terms, number of hours


at the international level

International scientific projects under the American Council UniCEN u USDTA program

M.Kh.Dulaty Taraz Regional University

Kazakhstan, Taraz


72 hours


Designing a model of competitive faculties at the NAO "M.Kh.Dulaty Taraz Regional University"

TLC Transform lead Chance

Kazakhstan, Taraz


72 hours



at the republican level

Land cadastre and real estate valuation

Scientific and Methodological Center "ZIAT"

Kazakhstan, Astana


72 hours

Certificate С-03770

Land cadastre

Scientific and Methodological Center "ZIAT"

Kazakhstan, Astana


72 hours



Management in education

International Fund for the Development of Technical Education in the CIS countries

Kazakhstan, Pavlodar


72 hours

Certificate 01207-ЦПК

Modern IT Competencies of a teacher: Digital transformation and distance technologies in education

M.Kh.Dulaty Taraz Regional University

Kazakhstan, Taraz


72 hours

Certificate 1293

Fire safety

LLP Biliktilik

Kazakhstan, Karaganda


72 hours

Certificate 06-0020-21

Industrial safety and labor protection

LLP Biliktilik

Kazakhstan, Karaganda


72 hours

Certificate 05-0021-21


Information about published scientific papers for the last 5 (five) years

Database: Scopus, RSCI

1. Mustafayev, Z.S., Kozykeva, A.T., Zhusupova, L.K., Abdeshev, K.B. Ecological and biological rationale for the reclamation of saline lands / Pollution Research,-2018, 37(3), Р. 1–10. ISSN: 0257-8050. Scopus CiteScore 0.7;

2. Mustafayev, Z.S., Kozykeeva, A.T., Abdeshev, K.B., Kireycheva, L.V. Improvement of environmentally safe rinsing of salted lands technology / News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Series of Geology and Technical Sciencesthis link is disabled, 2020, 6(444), страницы 160–176;

Database: RSCI, WAC, Agris

1. Kireicheva L.V., Mustafaev Zh.S., Kozykeeva A.T., Abishev K.B. Resource-saving and environmentally safe method and technology of washing saline soils / International Technical-Economic Journal. - Moscow, 2020. - №2. - С.213-217.

2. Mustafayev Zh. S., Kireycheva L. V., Abdeshev K. B., Tursynbayev N. A. Assessment of the anthropogenic load on the drainage territory of the Assa and Talas transboundary rivers basin / International Technical-Economic Journal. - Moscow, 2022. - №3. - Р.46-61. УДК 631.6:504.4.062.2:551.583 DOI 10.34286/1995-4646-2022-84-3-46-61.

3. Mustafayev Zh.S., Kozykeeva A.T., Abdeshev K.B., Dauletbay S.D. GEOCHEMICAL PROFILE OF THE DRAINAGE COLLECTION OF THE TRANSBOUNDARY SHU RIVER BASIN / International Technical-Economic Journal. - Moscow, 2022. - №1. - P.76-89. УДК 556.51:504.062.2:911 DOI: 10.34286/1995-4646-2022-82-1-76-89.

4. Khozhanov N.N., Masatbaev M.K., Abdeshov K.B., Elyubaev S.Z., Tursunbaev Kh.I., Musabekov K.K.  ENERGY CONCEPT FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF FARMING SYSTEM / PROCEEDINGS OF GORSKY STATE AGRARIAN UNIVERSITY.- Vladikavkaz, 2018.-№55(1).-P.20-26.

5. Mustafayev Zh.S., Adilbektegi G.A., Abdeshev K.B. METHODOLOGICAL APPROACH TO THE ASSESSMENT OF ECOLOGICAL POTENTIAL OF LANDSCAPE SYSTEMS / Ecological Bulletin of the North Caucasus, 2020,-Т.16, № 4.-P.25-30.

Database: KKSON

1. Moldamuratov Zh.N., Koishibayeva G.D., Abdeshev K.B. New design of a damless water intake / Bulletin OF the Kazakh Head Architectural and Construction Academy.- Almaty, 2019.-№ 2(72).- P. 132-141.

2. А. Seitkaziev, К. Аbdeshev, К. Seitkazieva, G. Кuandуkova Justification hydrothermal regime heat and moisture availability of the irrigated lands in the territories of the Zhambyl region / Bulletin of Shakarim State University.- Semey, 2020.-№ 2(90).- P. 288-292.

3. Dzhumabekov A.A, Abdeshev K.B., Bulanbayeva P.U., Maliktayuly M. Operation mode of vertical drainage wells during irrigation and non irrigation periods / Bulletin of the Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University.- Kyzylorda, 2021.-№ 2(57).- P. 288-292.

4. Dzhumabekov A.A, Abdeshev K.B., Bulanbayeva P.U., Kenzhalieva B.T. Reclamation efficiency of open horizontal drainage of the Maktaaral / Bulletin of the Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University.- Kyzylorda, 2022.-2(61).-P.88-95.

5. Zh.S. Mustafayev, A.T. Kozykeyeva, K.B. Abdeshev, N.A. Tursynbaev Hydrological profile of the river in the drainage territory of the Assa-Talas basin in considering technological processes / Bulletin of the Karaganda University.- Karaganda, 2023.-№2(110).-P174-188.