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Abdrakhmanov Andesh Bahytzhanovich

Abdrakhmanov Andesh Bahytzhanovich


Candidate of Technical Sciences,

professor of «Transportation engineering and technology» department

Office # 4308, tel. +7 (7172) 31-73-09




Sphere of scientific interests

Improvement of the atmospheric conditions in the workplace, the study of the toxicity of exhaust gas of auto transport and efficient use of heat

Delivered disciplines

Basics of hydraulics and heating equipment. Auto maintenance materials.

Masters and doctoral students working under leadership

Zhaksylykov A.N.



Riga Civil Aviation Engineering Institute (Riga) profession Mechanical Engineer, specialty «Operation of aircraft and engines»


Kazakh Polytechnic Institute (full-time post-graduate course) (Almaty), additionally trained as a mining engineer in the development of open pit mining


The academic title of professor by the Scientific Council of the West Kazakhstan Institute of Management and Languages in «Basics of modern technologies in the industry»


Work experience


Engineer of Controlling, Senior engineer aircraft company, (Uralsk)


Lecturer, Associate Professor, Head of department of the Ural Pedagogical Institute, dean of the West Kazakhstan agricultural institute


Head of Inspection on gas-technical in «Kazakhgas» gas company, Activities: Quality inspection routine maintenance and operation of gas facilities: compressor stations and main gas pipelines in accordance with GOST, OST, TU, and rules and regulations. Participated in the development of regulations for construction and operation of gas facilities


Leading specialist, manager of labor protection and safety engineering company «Inteko» (Uralsk). Activities: to develop the procedural documentation of enterprises projects on safety, leaflets and booklets on the types of work and professions; Project Development on Safety Declaration particularly in hazardous industrial facilities; Working with regulatory / licensing documentation; assessment of accidents risks and emergencies. Participated in the development of enterprises standards for «Karachaganak Petroleum Operating BV» company on labour  safety 

September 2002 up to present time 

Associate Professor at traffic engineering and technology department S.Seifullin Kazakh Agro-Technical University


Awards and Honours




Medal to commemorate the 100th anniversary of Vladimir Lenin birth for Valiant, Labor

Medal «Veteran of Labor»

Medal «The 55 th anniversary of S.Seifullin KATU»


Advanced training courses


Refresher courses being discontinued at the Moscow K.E. Tsiolkovsky Aviation Institute of Technology

2005 Certificate of Advanced Training Institute, S.Seifullin KATU
2016 Seminar «Thomson Reuters for scientific research», S.Seifullin KATU
2016 Certificate of «SpringerLink User Training for research», S.Seifullin KATU


Published works

Author of more than 50 scientific works, including copyright certificate for a method of operating an internal combustion engine. The most important for a submission:

1.A.B.Abdrakhmanov, N.K.Askarov.  Горюче - смазочные материалы. // Лабораторный практикум предназначен для студентам средних специальных учебных заведений. Изд-во «Фолиант», Астана, 2011,10,0п.л.

2.A.B.Abdrakhmanov Автомобильдерді пайдалануда қолданатын материалдар пәнінен зертханалық жұмыстарды орындауға арналған практикум // Изд-во КазАТУ, Астана, 2012, 5,0п.л..

3.A.B.Abdrakhmanov, A.A. Seitova Проблемы пуска автотракторных двигателей при низких температурах эксплуатаций// Сб. материал. международ. науч.-практ.конф.,посвящ.100-летию со дня рожд. М.А.Гендельмана, Т.3 Астана, 2013

4.A.B.Abdrakhmanov , B.T. Orazaliyev, A.A.Sarsenbayev , S.S. Tynysbekova Теоретические основы теплового расчета аккумуляторов тепла// Сб.материал.международ.науч.- практ. конф. Прага, 2014

5.A.B.Abdrakhmanov , A.N.Amanbek Ортаның төменгі температуралар кезінде қозғалтқышты іске қосуын жеңілдететін қондырғы // Международн. научно-практ.конф.на тему: Актуальные проблемы транспорта и энергетики, ЕНУ им.Л. Гумилева, часть 1,Астана, 2016