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Abdrakhmanov Talgat Zhunusovich

Abdrakhmanov Talgat Zhunusovich


Doctor of Veterinary Science, Professor

Date of birth: 13.09.1955

tel:: +77013565073


Place of Birth: North Kazakhstan region, Akzhar region, with. Menzhinskoe

Family position:married, two children



Tselinograd Agricultural Institute - Veterinarian


Postgraduate student of the Kazakh Research Veterinary Institute KazNIVI, Almaty


Doctor of Veterinary Sciences RF, RK


Professor of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Work experience


Worker of the state farm "Menzhinsky" of the Leningrad region of the Kokchetav region


Chief veterinarian s. "Karatalsky", Volodarsky district, Kokchetav region


Senior Researcher, Tselinograd NIVS


Associate Professor of the Department of Epizootology and Parasitology, Tselinograd Agricultural Institute


Head of the Department of Obstetrics and Surgery, Non-communicable Diseases


Dean of the Faculty of "Veterinary Medicine and Livestock Technology" KazATU named after S. Seifullin


Head of the Department "Veterinary Medicine" KazATU named after S. Seifullin

01.09.2020        Professor of the Department "Veterinary Medicine" KazATU named after S. Seifullin

Awards, certificates of honor·        Was awarded with certificates of honor of the University, the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan

  • Medal "Honorary Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan" 2004, 2006.
  • Winner of the state grant "The best teacher of the university" 2010
  • Jubilee medals for the "100th anniversary of academician A.I.Barayev", 2008 and professor Kadyrov N.T. 2016 g.
  • Certificate of honor for the 60th anniversary of KATU named after S. Seifullina, 2017
  • Winner of the diploma of the participant of the international encyclopedia "The best in education", 2017
  • Breastplate "Auyl sharuashylyky salasyk uzdigi" Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan 2018


  • Courses "Obstetrics, gynecology and reproductive biotechnology", Novosibirsk state. agrarian university, 2010.
  • Courses "Veterinary animal welfare in infectious diseases", Giessen Agrarian University named after J. Liebig, 2010.
  • Courses "Implementation of the basic principles of the Bologna process and the introduction of the ECTS system in the universities of Kazakhstan", Republican State Enterprise "National Center for Assessment of the Quality of Education, 2010.
  • Seminar "Distance educational technologies and platforms for the implementation of educational services" 2020


Author of over 160 scientific papers. The most important in the areas presented:

  1. Абдрахманов Т.Ж., Семиволос А.М., Бакбергенова А.А.,Есжанова Г.Т.    «Тканевый препарат «Плацентин» в профилактике патологии родов и послеродового периода у коров»//Вестник Саратовского госагроуниверситета им. Н.И.Вавилова, г. Саратов, 2014 г; (Импакт-фактор0,059);
  2. Абдрахманов Т.Ж., Ж.С. Бакишева, Яо Ганг. Сиырлардың төлдеуден кейінгі кезеніңдегі сірі желінсауын емдеу әдістерін құрастыру// Шәкәрім атындағы МУ Хабаршысы № 3 (67), Семей қ., 2014 ж.
  3. Абдрахманов Т.Ж., Болат Б., Бакишева Ж.С.Выявление мастита у коров с использованием диагностического маститного теста// Ежеквартальный научно-производственный журнал "Вестник ветеринарии". г.Ставрополь, 2015 г.
  4. Abdrakhmanov T.Zh., Bolat B., Bakisheva Zh.S. Diagnostic test for mastitis in cows. Quartely theoretical and practical journal "Vestnik veterinarii" №73.Stavropol, 2015.
  5. АбдрахмановТ.Ж., БакишеваЖ.С., БолатБ.,БакишевТ.Г. Способопределениямаститаукоровиовцематок. Инновационныйпатент №31174. 2015.
  6. ЖаксылыковаР.,АбдрахмановТ.Ж., БайкадамоваГ.Ж. Іріқарамалдыңнекробактериозынбалау. 3i: intellect, idea, innovation – интеллект, идея, инновация. - 2016. - №1.–Часть 1.– С.39-43.
  7. ӘбдірахмановТ.Ж.,БакишеваЖ.С., ӘшімР. Сиырлардыңсуалумерзіміндегіжелінсауынемдеуәдістерінесалыстырмалыбағаберу. СемейқаласыныңШәкәріматындағымемлекеттікуниверситетініңХабаршысы. – Семей, 2017. – С.3-6.