Main / ППС / Abeldina Zhaidary Kaltaevna
Abeldina Zhaidary Kaltaevna

Abeldina Zhaidary Kaltaevna


Candidate of physical-mathematical science, associate professor

Room 2402, тел. +7(7172)38-96-46



Sphere of Research interests

The physics of the core, problems of informatization of education, virtual environment for training.

Delivered discipines

Physics, Applied Physics, Radio Physics, Electro physics

Teaching courses

Multimedia courses in physics for students enrolled in distance learning.

The main research directions Current

Virtualization learning environment.

Research projects

The head of the initiative project: "Development of the Kazakh-Russian school of physics textbook for agrotechnical universities".

Masters and doctoral students working under the guidance

Participates in the preparation of the teaching staff, as a reviewer of master's theses LN Gumilyov ENU undergraduates.

Domestic and foreign employees

Within the framework of the Agreement on scientific and methodological cooperation between JSC "Kazakh Agro Technical University. S.Seifullin ", RK and the Moscow State University (Department of Physics), Russia cooperates with faculty of physical faculty of MSU.


1967-1972уу.         Kazakh State University, Almaty City, Specialty: physics.

1972-1975уу.     Institute of Kern Physics, Almaty City. Post-graduate course study. Specialty: 01.04.16 – Physics of atomic nucleus and element particles, (1979)

Work experience

1975-1980yу.       Almaty City, Institute of Kern Physics, Junior research assistant of nuclear process laboratory.

1980-2008yу.   Astana City, S.Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical University, Director of department/sub-faculty, dean, assistant professor of physics and chemistry.

2008-2009 yу.     Astana City, Institute of management, Professor

2009у.                 S.Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical University, associate professor of physics and chemistry department.

Awards and Honours

- Diploma DES RK,1997

- Rewarding letters DES RK, 2002

- Rewarding letters Astana city, 2007

- State grant "The best teacher of the university RK", 2011.

- Medal "S.Seifullin ҚATU 55th anniversary», 2012

- Honorary Worker S.Seifullin KATU - badge, 2013

- Honorary Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan - a badge 2014

- Honorary Diploma of the contest "National Environmental Prize Russia - 2015" "For the development of environmental education in the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan."

Advanced training courses

- Training at M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University (Russia), 2012

- Internship Shihetszyyskom University (China), 2012

- Season 7 of the international educational project "Integration of culture, language", Kemer, Turkey, 2012

- Internship at the Warsaw University (Poland), 2013

- Internship at the University Charles (Prague, Czech Republic), 2014

- Training courses and seminars «Thomson Reuters, Springer for research" in 2015-2016.

Republican and international meetings

- International scientific and practical conference «THE BOLONGA PROCESS - EXPERIENCES AND PERSPECTIVES» with participation of scientists from leading universities in Germany, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Switzerland, Romania, Russia, Turkey, Kemer, Turkey, in 2012.

- Seminar in Shihetszyyskom University, Institute of Physics and Information Technology, China, Shihezi city in 2012,

- Workshop in Warsaw University, Warsaw, Poland, 2013

- International Conference "Perspective vectors of social and human sciences", Charles University (Prague, Czech Republic) 2014

- International scientific-practical conference "Actual problems of psychology and pedagogy," Russia, OSU, Orenburg, 2015

- International scientific and practical conference "Problems of education. Solutions "Russia, Dubna University (Moscow), 2016

Published works

Author of over 100 scientific works, 6 publications in indexed journals, incoming international citation database Thomson Reuters (4) and Elsiver (Scopus 2). Hirsch index according to Thomson Reuters is 2. The most important are:

  1. Stimulating Cognitive Activity of Students while Conducting Experimental Work Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences (ISSN 2039-9340, Scopus), -2015. - 6, No 3 - Р. 420- 427.
  2. Virtual Learning Space in the System of E-Learning Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences (ISSN 2039-9340, Scopus), -2015. - 6, No 5 - Р. 478- 483. (Doi:10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n5p478).
  3. Inelastic-scattering of polarized protons and the structure of nuclei near the n=50, n=28 and in the sd-shell region. Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, seriya fizicheskaya V.: 45.Issue: 5. 1981.- P: 735-742. (Thomson Reuters)
  4. Модель обобщенного квазиспина и ее применение к исследованию экзотических и околомагических ядер. Монография. 2012 г. 78 с.