Main / ППС / Adilbekhov Zhanat Shabanbaevich
Adilbekhov Zhanat Shabanbaevich

Adilbekhov Zhanat Shabanbaevich


Candidate of Veterinary Sciences, 

Associate Professor 

Head of the Department of Veterinary Sanitation

Contact phone: + 7-707 852 0431


Place of birth: Akmola region



Akmola Agrarian University named after S. Seifullin.

Major: Veterinary Science


Postgraduate studies at the Kazakh State Agricultural University named after S. Seifullin


Defense of a doctoral thesis on the topic 'Aflatoxicosis of cows and the toxic-biological evaluation of milk' specialising in 16.00.03 - Veterinary microbiology, epizootology, virology, mycology with mycotoxicology and immunology

Work experience


Traineeship: Researcher


Senior teacher



Associate professor

Head of the Department of Veterinary Sanitation

Wards, certificates of honor

- Honorary Certificate, MES of Kazakhstan, 2012

- Jubilee medal to the 100 anniversary of Professor N. T. Kadyrov 2016 certificate № 76

- Jubilee medal of 60 years of KazATU "For contribution to development of KazATU named after C. Seifullin," 2017.

Primary Focus of Research

- The assessment of the quality and safety of food products when contaminated with foreign substances of anthropogenic and biogenic nature;

- Veterinary and sanitary examination of livestock products for mycotoxicosis;

- Developing a method for determining quality and safety;

- Assessment of the quality and safety of honey;

- Assessment of bioproductivity of inland water bodies with the definition of food safety of fish products.

Teaching Courses of Different Disciplines

-The technological, hygienic, veterinary and sanitary examination of meat and dairy products 

-Veterinary and sanitary examination of poultry products, beekeeping, fish farming and plant growing;

- Veterinary and sanitary examination with the basics of the NASSP system (HACCP)

Improving Qualifications

- Internship at Xin-Jiang Agricultural University at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Urumqi (2010);

- Attended the inspector training of Chinese Organic Products Certification that was confirmed by CCAA, and passed the examination, CQCXJ-OP-20160640 (2016);

- Successfully completed training on the topic “International Standard ISO22000: Development, Implementation and Improvement (Food Safety Management System). Certificate №720. "TQCSI (Kazakhstan)” (2017);

- Successfully completed training on 1. CHINA ACCREDITATION REQUIREMENTS FOR ORGANIC PRODUCTS CERTIFICATION BODI. 2. CHINA CERTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS FOR ORGANIC PRODUCTS (WITH IFOAM SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS FOR ORGANIC PRODUCTS). July 26-28, 2017/ Astana. Kazakhstan. Trainer of the Course Yu Zongqiao. China National Accreditation Service for Conformiti Assessment Service (CNAS), Lead Assessor .


Author of more than 130 scientific and methodical works. Among them the most significant:

  1. The chemical and amino acid structure of meat under aflatoxicosis, Science Review. S.Seifullin Kazakh Agro-Technical University. Volume 1 (3). - Astana, 2009. - P. 10-15

  2. Effective methods for detoxifying milk contaminated with Aflatoxin M1. All-Russian scientific and practical journal "National Economy". Issues of innovation development. №5, 2011. P. 71-74.

  3. Problems of the contamination of milk and dairy products with heavy metal compounds in the Akmola region. Collection of scientific papers. Problems of theory and practice of modern veterinary science. Tom LX. KazNIWI. Almaty 2014, pp. 162-167.

  4. Studying the influence of technological processing of milk and dairy products on the concentration of heavy metal compounds. A collection of scholarly articles on the results of an international scientific conference (April 7, 2015). Existing problems and achievements in agricultural sciences. Issue II. Innovative center for the development of education and science. Samara. 2015. P.32-34 (RINC).

  5. A veterinary and sanitary examination of meat and meat products that have been contaminated with biogenic xenobiotics. Science Journal of the Kazakh State Agricultural University named after S. Seifullin - 2016. - No 1 (88). - C.62-68.

  6. Kumys – Kazakh fermented milk drink – methods of traditional production and the unique properties for human health. Hygiena Alimentorum XXXVII.  Medzinárodná Vedecká Konferencia pod záštitou Ministerstva pôdohospodárstva a rozvoja vidieka Slovenskej republiky «Bezpečnosť a Kvalita Mliečnych a Rastlinných Komodít Safety and Quality of Milk and Plant Commodities». 18-20 mája 2016. Štrbské Pleso. Slovenská Republika. P. 381-384.

  7. Physico-chemical indicators of honey in East Kazakh regions. Kostanay State University. A. Baytursynov. A versatile scientific journal. 2016. №4. (dec.) C.166-170.

  8. Fish Fauna and Assessment of Fish Safety in the Reservoirs of Akmola Region of Northern Kazakhstan. Pakistan Journal of Zoology, vol. 51(5), pp 1919-1925, 2019.