Main / ППС / Ajanov Aitugan Uvlosovich
Ajanov Aitugan Uvlosovich

Ajanov Aitugan Uvlosovich


Candidate of technical science,
Senior teacher of the department "Operating Electra Equipment".
Cabinet 1244, 8(7172) 31-74-89 

Field of scientific interests
Mechatronics and robotics

Subjects to be taught

  • Automation and control of technological processes.
  • Automated electric drive.
  • Fundamentals of mechatronics.

Main areas of research

  • Development of mobile robots platform.

Research projects

Master's and doctoral students working under his supervision


1970 - 1975 yy. Almaty Institute of Energy, specialty "Electrical systems and networks", qualification of an electrical engineer.
1977 - 1980 yy. Continuous study from production at the graduate school of the Almaty Energy Institute, Almaty city.
1990 y. Candidate of technical science, specialty 05.13.06 - "Automation and control of technological processes and productions". V.V. Kuibyshev Council of the Military Engineering Academy, Higher Attestation Commission under the Council of Ministers of the USSR.


Work experience

01.07.1975y - 31.12.1994 yy. Service in the Armed Forces.
1975-1977 yy. Battalion power engineer of the Radio-Technical troops of the 10 Air Defense Separate Army.
1977-1981 yy. Radar weapon engineer of the Department of the Radio technical troops of the Air Defense Separate Army.
1981-1985 yy. Senior Inspector of Energy Supervision of the Engineering Service of the 10 Air Defense Separate Army, Arkhangelsk.
1985-1988 yy. Student of the Command Faculty of the Military Engineering Academy named after V.V. Kuibyshev, Moscow.
1989-1991 yy. Senior lecturer of Nizhny Novgorod anti-aircraft missile command air defense school - head of engineering service, Nizhny Novgorod.
1991-1992 yy. Head of the Department of Tactics and General Military Subjects of the Nizhny Novgorod Air Defense Anti-Aircraft Missile Command School, Nizhny Novgorod
1992-1994 yy. Head of the department of combat vehicles and automobile training of the Almaty Higher General Military Command School, Almaty.
01.09.1995- 30.08.1998 yy. Associate Professor of the Department of Lifting and Transport Machines of KazNTU named after K.I.Satpaev.
01.09.1998-25.07.1999 yy. Deputy head of the Military Scientific Center of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan for scientific works.
05.11.2001 yy.
Head of the Department of Mobilization Preparation of the State Material Reserves Committee of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
06.12.2001-15.05.2003 yy. Director of the Scientific and Methodological Center of Special Programs of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
21.04.2005 yy.
Director of construction company "Zhadyra Building" LLP of "Kulager" construction corporation.
18.06.2006 yy
Director of the satellite control complex "Kazsat" JSC "Republican Center of Space Communication and Electromagnetic Compatibility of Radioelectronic Devices"
28.03.2009 yy.
Director of the branch of the French company Schneider Electric LLP in Astana.
04.04.2013 yy.
Director of the Astana branch of PTP "Vektor" LLP.
Director of the operation center of "Kazakhstan Garish Sapary" JSC NC, Astana.
25.08.2018 yy.
Senior lecturer of the department of electrical supply of JSC Kazakh ATU named after S.Seifullin.
09.04.2019-15.11.2022 yy. Professor of the department of "Technological machines and equipment" JSC KazATU named after S. Seifullin.
until now
Senior lecturer of the Department of Electrical Equipment Operation of Kazakh ATU JSC named after S.Seifullin.


Awards, certificates of honor 

  1. Medal "60 years of the Armed Forces of the USSR", Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the USSR, 1978.
  2. Medal "For Meritorious Service in the Armed Forces of the USSR", Order of the Minister of Defense of the USSR, 1986.
  3. Medal "70 years of the Armed Forces of the USSR", Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the USSR, 1988.
  4. Certificate of honor. For fruitful work and significant contribution to the training of highly qualified specialists, as well as the 60th anniversary of the university. Rector of KazATU named after S. Seifullin, 2017

Advanced qualification

  • SIS Pro LE software for NKU Prizma Plus design, "Schneider Electric" LLP, Almaty, AEСI, 2007.
  • Commercial competencies, ECOPSI consulting, 2008.
  • Training courses for teachers on the subject "Automation systems, mechatronics and electric drives" in the amount of 72 hours, Turan University, Almaty, 2023.


Author of more than 40 scientific and methodological works. The most important of the proposed fields:
1) E.A. Alpeisov, A.U. Adzhanov, E.K.Sarsembieva. Application of a Three-Phase Sinusoidal Current to Produce a Rotating Magnetic Field. International Eurasian conference on future energy and IEEE International Siberian conference on control and communications. Sibcon/ 2017. 
2) Б.А. Байниязов, А.У. Аджанов, Ж.Ж. Байгузова, А.Т. Смагулова, А.К. Казбекова.Электр қозғалтқыштардың өздігінен іске қосылу құбылысы. «Вестник ПГУ. Энергетическая серия», №2 2017г. 
3) Лукутина Б.В., Мустафина Р.М., Сарсикеева Е.Ж., Аджанов А.У., Сулейменова Г.О. Анализ способов стабилизации напряжения микрогэс. «Вестник ПГУ. Энергетическая серия» №4 2017г. 
4) А.У. Аджанов, Б.А.Байниязов, А.С. Казиев. Методика выбора мощности электропривода для волочильного стана. «Вестник ПГУ. Энергетическая серия» №2, 2017. 
5) А.Е.Байгошкаров, Аджанов А.У. Методика выбора оптимальной мощности преобразователя частоты при модернизации фрезерного станка. Сборник материалов Республиканской научн-теоретической конференции, «Сейфуллинские чтения-13: сохроняя традиции, создавая будущее» 21.04.2017. 
6) А.С. Иманғали, Аджанов А.У. Автоматизация диагностики датчика положения коленчатого вала бензинового двигателя. Сборник материалов Республиканской научн-теоретической конференции, «Сейфуллинские чтения – 17: «Современная аграрная наука: цифровая трансформация», посвященной 30-летию независимости Республики Казахстанн.- 2021.- Т.1, Ч.2 - С.205-208. 
