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Akhmetova Aliya Erzanovna

Akhmetova Aliya Erzanovna


Master of degree of economical sciences,

senior teacher of “Accounting and auditing" department

Cabinet 1401, phone +7(7172)39-58-07



Sphere of scientific interests

Organization of financial account in accordance with MSFO, modern progress of administrative and strategic account trends


Delivered disciplines

Financial accounting 1, Administrative account, Strategic account, Analysis of projects, Accounting, Financial accounting in accordance with IFRS, Efficiency management


Delivered courses

Financial accounting 1; Internal accounting 1; Project analysis; Strategic accounting, Audit



1995–1999 Institute of Business and Entrepreneurship of Semipalatinsk (now -Kazakh Finance University of Economics) Faculty of Economics, "Accounting and Auditing” department.

2008–2009 International qualification "Certificated accountant is a practical worker", САР, Eurasian council of the Certificated accountants and public accountants

2011–2013 Magistracy at Kazakh University to the economy, finances and international trade, department of account and audit

2017–2020 Doctoral degree in the specialty 6D050800 «Accounting and audit», Kazakh Agrotechnical University named after S. Seifullin.


Work experience

1999–2007 Senior lecturer in «Accounting and Audit» department, Kazakh Institute of Economics, Semey;

2007–2009 Senior Lecturer, Department of "Finance", S. Seifullin "Kazakh Agrotechnical University;

2009–2022 a senior lecturer in «Accounting and Audit» department, S. Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical University

2022 – and up to now a senior lecturer in «Accounting and Finance» department, S. Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical Research University


Awards and Honours

Letter of thanks for organizing the subject Olympiad in the discipline "Management accounting" within the circle "Young Accountant", S.Seifullin KATSU, 2022. Diploma "55th anniversary of S. Seifullin KATRU", 2022.

Letter of thanks for active participation in the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Seifullin Readings - 18(2): "Science of the XXI century – the era of transformation", dedicated to the 65th anniversary of the S.Seifullin KATRU, 06.10.2022

Letter of thanks to the Day of Science for contribution to the development of scientific activity of the faculty, S.Seifullin KATRU,2023.

Diploma for active participation in the international scientific and practical conference "Economics and Society in a new reality" dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the Faculty of Economics, S.Seifullin KATRU, 2023.


Advanced training courses


Scientific training at the Department Of "Accounting and control of agriculture" in the EI " Grodno state agrarian University»


Certificate confirming the level of English language proficiency (IELTS) - 5.0


Advanced training courses "Distance learning technologies in education" (72 hours), Institute of Advanced Training and Distance Education, S. Seifullin KATRU


1C certificate: A professional confirming knowledge of the features and application of the 1C program:Accounting 8" for Kazakhstan, Certified Training Center "1C: Kazakhstan"


Block seminar of Module 3 "Methods of scientific research within the framework of the international ERASMUS+ project" (72 hours), S. Seifullin KATRU


Ruralinvest training: Introduction to the formulation and analysis of business plans for small and medium-sized investment proposals (72 hours), Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations


Local, national and international meetings(seminars, conferences she has attended for the last three years)

Participation in the annual Kazakhstan Conference of Accountants "Accounting", 2019-2023


Publications works

An author of more than 30 scientific works. Most essential  works are on the presented directions:

  1. Ахметова А.Е., Абдыкерова Г.Ж. Cүт бағасының динамикасын болжау кезінде үлгілеу нұсқаларын таңдауды бағалау// Вестник КазНУ им. Аль-Фараби. Серия экономическая, №1 (127), 2019, с.321-332
  2. Кусаинов Т.А., Ахметова А.Е Оценка связи между уровнем затрат на профессиональное образование и производительностью общественного труда// Экономика и статистика, № 2, 2019, с. 126-131
  3. Ахметова А.Е. Функционирование учетно-аналитической системы стратегического контроллинга на современном этапе развития предприятий аграрного сектора// Сборник научных статей ХI Международной научно-практической конференции, г. Минск, БГАТУ, 30–31 мая 2019 года, с.327-331
  4. Akhmetova, A; Shcherbatyuk, S.; Abdykerova, G.; Shaukerova, Z.; Kazhmukhametova, A.; Atabayeva, K. Аdaptability of the belarusian model of diagnostics of financial stability to agricultural enterprises // Еntrepreneurship and sustainability issues, 2020 Volume 8, Number 1 (September), Vilnius, Lithuania, 2020, 8(1), c.1177-1189
  5. Утибаев Б.С., Ахметова А.Е. Методические аспекты стратегического анализа развития сельскохозяйственного предприятия// Вестник университета «Туран», № 3 (91), 2021, с. 151-160