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Aidarkhanova Gulnar

Aidarkhanova Gulnar


Doctor of Biological Sciences
Department of "Biology, Plant Protection and
Associate Professor
The Hirsch index is 3
Office – 5123


Research interests:

Radiation biology, radioecology, botany, forest botany, geobotany, coastal aquatic plants, medicinal plants, agroecology, biological and food safety, biotechnology

Teaching subjects:

forest botany, forest botany and physiology of woody plants, coastal aquatic plants, geobotany, management of biological resources in rural areas.

Current research projects

  • Resource potential of non-wood collateral materials and ecological safety for social-economic development of Kazakhstan regions (Manager) (2018-2020);
  • Scientific director of grant projects of the MES RK: «Screening of biologically active compounds to increase the protective activity of animals during chronic irradiation to develop environmentally friendly, cost-effective feeding additives» (2012-2014);
  • «Development of systems for monitoring of forest plantations in radioactively contaminated areas to identify tree crops with high energy storage efficiency» (2015-2017);
  • Participated in the implementation of the international projects «Radiological Assessment of NATO-Semipalatinsk» -NATO (1995-1996), «Radiological and non-radiological pollution of the ISTC SIP territory» (1996-1999).



Karaganda State University Faculty of Biology, teacher of biology and chemistry; 1993-
1996 Kazakh State University named after Kirov, candidate of biological sciences


Kazakh State University named after S. Kirov, Faculty of Biology, specialty 03.00.16 - «Ecology», candidate of biological sciences, Almaty

2012 doctor of biological sciences
2015 Corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences
2018 Associate Professor


Work experience

Since 2018

S. Docent of the department "Biology, plant protection and quarantine" of S.Seifullin


Docent of the Department of Environmental Protection of L.N.Gumilev Eurasien State


scientific secretary of "Scientific center of anti-infective drugs"


Deputy Director for Scientific Works of the Research Institute of Soil Science and
Agrochemistry of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan


Senior researcher of the Laboratory of Digestive Physiology of the Research Institute of
Human and Animal Physiology of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan


Researcher, head of the Laboratory of Experimental Radiobiology of the National
Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan


Graduate student of the Department of Ecology of S.M.Kirov Kazakh State University


Assistant of the Department of Normal Animal Physiology of the Semipalatinsk
Zooveterinary Institute


Awards, certificates of honor, letters of thanks

- Twice winner of the scholarship for young scientists of the Ministry of Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Academy of Sciences, 1996, 1998.
- Prize for developing educational programs of the Soros-Kazakhstan Foundation for universities "Technology of soil bioremediation after environmental disasters. Theoretical and practical aspects" (1999).
- Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan for contribution to the development of biological research (2008).
- Letter of thanks from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2013).
- K. A. Timiryazev medal of the European scientific and industrial consortium (2015).
- Badge "Honored Worker of Science and Education of the Russian Federation" (2015).
- Winner of the "Best teacher of a higher educational institution" award of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2019).

Advanced training

  • Scientific training, Warsaw Univ. of Life Science, Warsaw, Poland (certificate), 2014-2015.
  • Scientific training in Laboratory of Czech Univ. of Life Science, Prague, Czech Republic, 2016-2017.
  • Training and methodological seminar «Conditions and ways to achieve sustainable development», USAID, (certificate), Astana, 2016.
  • Scientific seminar «Fundamentals of fundamental biology», (certificate), Kiev, Ukraine, 2019.
  • Training courses "Food safety: legislation, control, standards" based on NUBIP, Diploma, Kyiv, Ukraine, November, 2019.
  • "Evaluation of electronic educational publications" course, RGPO Textbook, Nur-Sultan, 2020. - Course "Innovations in the agro-industrial sector in the countries of Central Asia and processing of agricultural raw materials" Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technologies, Center for Retraining of Pedagogical Personnel and their Qualification, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, (Certificate, 72), 2021.
  • Seminar-training "Course for training experts on evaluation of textbooks and educationalmethodological complexes", University of Athens, Greece, (Certificate, 72), 2021.
  • Training courses "Pedagogical skill improvement. Biology", Kyrgyz National University named after J. Balasagin, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, 2022. (Certificate, 88 hours)
  • "Inclusive professional education: modern views and approaches." courses, SCLAD international online education platform, 2022 (Certificate, 72 hours)

Participation in the implementation of research works within the framework of state orders:
1. AR05136154 Resource potential of non-timber forest materials and their environmental safety for socio-economic development of Kazakhstan regions, 2018-2020. - Project leader
2. AP08857439 Development of new biodegradable film materials based on starch, 2021-2022 - Project leader
3. AR05348074R GF6 "Landscape-ecological assessment of the state of greenery of Astana city and suburbs, ways to optimize the beautification system." 2018-2019 - performer
4. Mycorrhizal macromycetes for artificial mycorrhiza of trees of Central and North-Eastern Kazakhstan, 2018-2019. - performer

Republican and international meetings

  • IV All-Russian Conf. «Biodiversity: Global and Regional Processes». - Ulan-Ude, 23-27 June 2016.
  • IV Congress of CIS Botanists «The impact of climate change on plant biodiversity». - Baku, Azerbaijan, 2017.
  • Scientific-practical conference «Problems of Botany of Southern Siberia, Mongolia», May 22-23, 2018 - Barnaul, 2018.
  • Aidarkhanova G., Aidarkulova R., Abzhanov T., Boranbai Zh. Monitoring the safety of wild - growing fruits from different regions of Kazakhstan // X Inter. Agriculture Symp. «AGROSYM», 2019. - Jahorina, 3-6 Oct. 2019, Bosnia and Herzegovina. – Р. 898-903.

Guide to master's and doctoral theses

            PhD dissertation on the topic «Silvicultural and ecological assessment of parks and squares of the Saryarka region of Astana and optimization of the greening system», (2017-2020).

            Master's theses: «Screening of the effect of multicomponent organic fertilizers on the growth of tree crops» (2018-2020).

The most important publications in journals from the Web of Science and Scopus databases:
1. Aidarkhanova G.S., Samatova I.S, Khusainov M.B. Radionuclide contamination of medicinal plants in disturbed and natural-natural ecological systems of Central Kazakh upland// Oxidation Communications-Vol.38-№1.-2015,-Р.266-271
2. Aidarkhanova G.S., Saspugayeva G.E., Massenov K.B., Abseitov E.T., Satova K.M. Ecological assessment of the quality of crop production supplied to the markets of major cities in Central Kazakhstan // Oxidation Communications .-Vol.38-№2.- 2015,- Р. 900-904
3. Vaishlya О, Karbysheva K, Sarsekova D, Aidarkhanova G.S. Ecological Aspects of Pinus
sibirica Du Tour Mycotrophy in Forest Ecosystems of West Siberia// Earth and Environmental Science 224 (2019)
4. Aidarkhanova G.S., Kubentayev S.A. Kukhar E.V. Urazalina A.S. Current state of populations, resources and biological activity Pulsatilla patens (Ranunculaceae) in Northern Kazakhstan// Biodiversitas, Vol.23, #5 (2022).- P.2311-2320
5. Ospankulova G.; Khassanov V. ; Kamanova S.; Toimbayeva D.; Saduakhasova S.;
Aidarkhanova G.S.; Bulashev B.; Yermekov Ye.; Murat L.; Shaimenova B.; Muratkhan M.; Li W. Effect of infection of Potato plants by Potato virus Y (PVY), Potato virus S (PVS), and Potato virus M(PVM) on content and physicochemical properties of tuber starch //Food Science and Nutrition, Vol. 11, Issue 7.- P.4002-4009
6. Makenova M., Nauanova A., Aidarkhanova G., Ospanova S., Bostubayeva M., Sultangazina G., Turgut B. Organic and Biofertilizasphere microbiome and Spring Barley Productivity in Northern Kazakhstan //J. of Breeding and Genetics, 55 (3), 972-983, 2023 г.
The most important publications in journals from the RINC:
1.Aidarkhanova G.S. Ecological Monitoring of Environmental Safety of Non-Wood Products of Forest//Armenian Journal of Physics, 2019.-12 (1). pp. 40-44. ISSN 1829-1171
2.Aidarkhanova G., Satayeva Z.I., Ebel A.V., Jakanova М.Т., Volosianko E.V., Seilkhanov Т.М.Assessment of quality and food safety of vegetable oils produced on the base of wild berries of Kazakhstan`s forest areas//Наукові доповіді НУБІП Украіни.- 2020.- №5 (87).- 3-11
3.Айдарханова Г.С., Кухар Е.В. Оценка фитокомпонентного состава и антимикробной активности Paeonia anomala L.//Известия ВУЗов Кыргызстана.- 2023.- №3.- С. 31-36 DOI:10.26104/IVK.2023.45.557
The most important publications in journals from the KOKSNBO
1. Айдарханова Г.С. Новак А. П., Имашева Б.С., Tashev A. Оценка ресурсов лекарственных растений в лесах Казахстанской части Алтая и их экологическое состояние //Вестник КарГУ. Сер.БиологияМедицина. География.- Караганды. - 2019.- №3(95).- С.72-79
2. Айдарханова Г.С., Абжанов Т., Боранбай Ж.Т., Орынбаева А.М.Казақстан аймақтарының орман экожүйелеріндегі жеуге жарамды саңырауқұлақтарының биологиялық түрлілігін бағалау//«Ғылым және білім».- Жангир хан ат. БКАТУ.- Орал.- 2020.- №2.- С.141-149
3. Айдарханова Г.С., Имашева Б.С. Ақмола облысыны. жағдайында жұпаргүл түрлерін интродукциялау // Вестник КарГУ, сер. Биология, Медицина, География.- №3 (103).- 2021.-С.7-17 DOI 10.31489/2021BMG3/7-17
4. Айдарханова Г.С., Избастина К.С., Кожина Ж.М., Садырбаев Д. Изменчивость состава эфирных масел в хвое Pinus Sylvestris L. на территории ГНПП «Бурабай» и г.Нур-Султан//Известия НАН РК, Сер. Химия и технология.-2022.- №2.- С.6-22
5. Айдарханова Г.С. Қытайдан алынған ағаштарды Солтүстік Қазақстан аумағындағы тәлімбақта жерсіндіру //ҚазҰУ хабаршысы. Экология сериясы.- вып.74.- №1.- Б.78-88 DOI:
6. Sarkytbaeva A., Kubentayev S., Aidarkhanova G., Kurmanbayeva M., Iskakova Zh., Zhumagul M. Paeonia anomala (Paeoniaceae) component composition and antioxidant, antiradical and cytotoxic activity // Вестник КарГУ, сер. Биология, Медицина, География.- №1 (109).- 2023.-С.167-174 DOI 10.31489/2023BMG1/167-174\\
List of textbooks and teaching aids:
1. Agroecology: Izd. Academic "Kokshe". - Kokshetau, 2015. - 190 p
2. Bioindication of the environment: KATU named after S. Seifullina. - Astana. - 2015. - 158 p.
3. Radioecology. Izd-vo KazATU named after S.Seifullina.- Astana.- 2015.- 177 p.
4. Environmental monitoring. Izd-vo KazATU named after S.Seifullina.- Astana.- 2015.- 176 p.
5. Bioindication of the environment. S. Seifullin at. KazATU publishing house. - Astana. - 2016. - 151 p.
6. Global ecology: Study guide: practicum. - Astana: Research University "Turan-Astana", 2018-.117p
7. Global ecology. Educational tool: practicum. - Astana: "Turan-Astana" University publishing house, 2018.-108 p.
8. Management of biological resources of rural territories. Textbook: Astana.-Izd-vo KATU named after S.Seifullina.- 2020.- 153 p.
9. Management of biological resources of rural areas. Textbook for universities. - S. Seifullin at. KATU edition: Nur-Sultan, 2020. - 150 p. (in co-authorship with R.S. Aydarkulova)
1. Ecological problems of food security in Kazakhstan. Monograph: KATU named after S.
Seifullina.- Nur-Sultan.- 2019.- 135 p.
2. Biodiversity of forest berry crops. Monograph: KATU named after S. Seifullina.- Nur-Sultan.- 2019.- 105 p. (In co-authorship with Atikeeva SN)
Patent of preliminary patents, copyrighted inventions, state registration of intellectual property objects:
1.State registration of intellectual property object #2739 "Agroecology" 2016.
2. State registration of intellectual property object No. 5723 "Biological diversity of forest berry cultures", 2019
National and international meetings:
- Scientific and practical conference. "Problems of the Botany of Southern Siberia, Mongolia", May, 2018. Barnaul, 2018
- X International Agricultural Symp. "AGROSYM 2019." - Jahorina, October 3-6. 2019, Bosnia and Herzegovina
- International Conference "Agricultural Research for Development" at the Swedish Agricultural University, Uppsala, Sweden, September 2019.
- IV International scientific and practical conference, Kyiv, November 20-21, 2019, Kyiv, Ukraine
- Symposium "Innovations in the agro-industrial sector of Uzbekistan and integration of agricultural raw material processing processes in Central Asian countries and Kazakhstan", November 29 - December 5, 2021, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
- "Strategic partnership on agricultural entrepreneurship and eco-innovation" conference "Actual issues of agro-entrepreneurship and eco-innovation" within the Erasmus+ project.- Pavlodar.- PSU.- 2022.
- Ninth All-Russian scientific-pr. conf. "Increasing the efficiency of the forestry complex" April 25, 2023. - Petrozavodsk, Karelia, RF


       More than 100 works were published. More important among them close to the mentioned sphere of scientific interests are:

  1. Aidarkhanova GS, Kozhina Zh.M., Khusainov MB, Mukanov BM Pollution of soils of the territory of the state forest park "Semey Ormany" 137Cs // Int. scientific-pr. Conf. "Protective afforestation, land reclamation, agroecology and agriculture in the Russian Federation". - September 19-23, 2016 - Volgograd: VNIALMI, 2016. - P.534-538.
  2. Aidarkhanova G.S., Kozhina Zh.M., Khusainov MB Monitoring of radionuclide contamination of secondary forest products // Sb. sci. Art. on the materials of the XI international scientific and practical conference «Actual problems of ecology - 2016». - Grodno, 2016. - With 5-6.
  3. Aidarkhanova G.S., Kozhina Zh.M., Khusainov M.B. Radionuclide pollution of dominant woody plants of forest ecosystems of Eastern Kazakhstan // Collected articles «Ecological and geographical problems of development of regions and cities of the Republic of Kazakhstan». - M. - 2017 . - P. 113-119.
  4. Aidarkhanova GS «State forest natural reserve» Semey Ormany «(East Kazakhstan): state, problems, prospects»: Monograph; Ed. M.V. Larionov. Novosibirsk: Izd. SIBAK, 2017. - 122 p.
  5. Aidarkhanova G., Kitaibekova S. Monitoring of environmental safety of non-wood products of forest, perspective for regions // Inter. Workshop «Influence of electromagnetic radiation on human beings, and problem of understanding». - Yerevan, Arm, 17–19 Sept., 2018. - Р. 48-49.
  6. Vaishlya O., Karbysheva E., Sarsekova D., Aidarkhanova G. Ecological Aspects of Pinus sibirica Du Tour Mycotrophy in Forest Ecosystems of West Siberia // Earth and Environmental Science 224 (2019); Scopus, IF-0,27.