Main / ППС / Aitkozhina Ayagul Zhanbyrshevna
Aitkozhina Ayagul Zhanbyrshevna

Aitkozhina Ayagul Zhanbyrshevna


Master of Veterinary Science,

Assistant of the Department of Veterinary Medicine

 Date of birth: 09/29/1989 

tel: +7 (778) 556-66-89


Marital status: married, two children.



S.Seifullin KazATU speciality «Veterinary medicine»;


S.Seifullin KazATU, Master degree, speciality «Veterinary sanitation».


Work experience

  • from 01.08.2012 to 30.08.2012 held youth practice in the office of the Ministry of agriculture;
  • from 01.09.2012 to 28.01.2013 as a senior laboratory assistant of the Department of veterinary medicine KazATU  Seifullin;
  • from 28.01.2013 to 01.07.2018 she worked as an assistant of the Department of veterinary sanitation of  KazATU  Seifullin;
  • since 28.08.2018 and currently I work as an assistant at the Department of Veterinary Medicine at KazATU named after S. Seifullin.

Certificates and awards

  • The Kazakh Agrotechnical university named after S.Seifullin, for participation in the Republican seminar on June 17-19, 2014;
  • The Kazakh Agrotechnical university named after S.Seifullin courses of increase of pedagogical skill, 2015;
  • Kyrgyz national agrarian university named after K.I.Scriabin, internship 30.10.-10.11.2016.
  • Diploma of the II degree for participation in the Republican scientific and theoretical conference "Saken tagylymy-8", dedicated to the 55th anniversary of the Kazakh agrotechnical University.S. Seifullin. Astana, 2012
  • For the best recognition at the intra-University stage of the national competition of research works of students of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan in natural, technical, social, humanitarian and economic Sciences in 2013. Student of Kazakh agrotechnical University. S.Seifullin Almaty Aytkozhina awarded THIRD degree diploma.
  • 1 place in the competition for the summer presidential competition at the Spartakiad "cheerfulness and health" of the Kazakh agrotechnical University.S. Seifullin. 2014.
  • Diploma of the III degree for participation in the Republican scientific and theoretical conference "Seifullin readings-13", dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the Kazakh agrotechnical University.S. Seifullin. Astana, 2017

Published works

Author more than 5 scientific and methodical works. Among them the most significant

  1. Maykanov B.S., Adilbekov Zh.Sh., Baldzhi Yu.A., Aytkozhina A.Zh.: "Detoxication of livestock products, kontaminirovanny compounds of heavy metals". Ministry of agricultural sciences joint-stock company KAZAGROINNOVATION, limited liability companyKazakh scientific research veterinary institute. Materials of international it is scientific – a practical conference. Almaty 2015. Page 177-182.
  2. Baldzhi Yu.A., Sheyko Yu.N., Adilbekov Zh.Sh., Polyakov V.V., Aytkozhina A.Zh.: "Assessment of safety of feed additives". Messenger science of the Kazakh agrotechnical university of S. Seyfullin. - 2016. – No. 1(88). - Page 28-35.