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Aldabergenova Ainur Salimzhanovna

Aldabergenova Ainur Salimzhanovna


Master of pedagogical sciences, senior lecturer

in Russian and Kazakh languages

Cabinet in 2618, tel. + 7-778-437-57-28


Research interests

Intercultural communication

Teaching disciplines

Russian language

Education: higher

 2001 – 2005 Eurasian National University named after L. Gumilyov, specialty "Russian Language and Literature", bachelor's degree

2005-2007 Eurasian National University named after L. Gumilyov, specialty "Russian Language and Literature", master's degree


  • 2007г.- teacher of English at S.Seifullin Kazakh Agro Technical University

Awards and diplomas

  • Thank you note to the 55th anniversary of KATU named by S.Seifullina. -17.10.2012y.
  • Thank you noteholding a literary evening for M.Makataeva. 03.04.2012y.
  • Certificate of honor to the 60th anniversary of KATU named by S.Seifullina. -03.10.2017y.


  1. Certificate for the creation of electronic textbook «Russian langugage » EUP 01063-10 KATU named by S.Seifullina 30.06.2010y.
  2. Refresher courses "Содержание, структура и методы обучения обучающихся с точки зрения компетентностного подхода"(72 h.), for12.2017-27.12.2017y. KAZGUU
  3. Seminar «Современные требования к применению тестовых заданий в учебном процессе высшей школы» (professor´s technique V.S. Аvanesova), KATU named by S.Seifullina, 2017 y.


Author of over 12 scientific papers. The most important for a submission: 

  1. Omarova G.T. Аldabergenova А.S., "Восприятие символов в света и тьмы в картине мира( на матириале произведений русской и казахской литературе)" Materials of 10th scientific - practical conference, г. Przemysl, 7-9p.
  2. Omarova G.T. Аldabergenova А.S., “Наука и картина мира” 2 Международный образовательный форум "Алтай-Азия 2014" Евразийское образовательное пространство - новые вызовы и лучшие практики. 25-26 of September 2014y. 144-148 p. c. Barnaul.
  3. Omarova G.T.,Albekova A.Sh., Аldabergenova А.S.,   "Топонимы как один из способов передачи культурного наследия народов современным поколениям" Science and word.  №2(6). 18-20 p. c. Volgograd.
  4. Abdyrov А.М., Аldabergenova S.S., Esekeshevа М.D. Аldabergenova А.S. "Стратегическое планирование в вузе на основе системного подхода для обеспечения качества учебного процесса" Messenger APS of Kazakhstan №5,2016y  13-19 p.  c. Almaty
  5. Abdyrov А.М., Аldabergenova S.S.,Muina G.M., Аldabergenova А.S. "Управление качеством учебного процесса" Materials of  22th Intertanional scientific - practical conference for 18-20 april 2017y. Yekatirinburg.
  6. Tildik ekologiyadagi stildin gylym sipattamalyk negizderi A. Katerinanyn 100 zhyldyk mereitoy karsanyndagi Halykaralyk gylym-practice online conference.Pavlodar K. A. Margulan atyndagi University.2023 w., September;      
  7. The folklore image of Baba Yaga and the mythological image of the witch in the works of oral folk art.Topical issues of the humanities and social sciences: from theory to practice. International scientific and practical conference. Cheboksary, January, 2023. pp. 11-12 
  8. Importance of motivation in learning foreign languages International scientific and practical conference "Seifullin Readings-19" dedicated to the 110th anniversary of M. A. Handelman" Volume I, III bolim, 2023. pp. 60-62.