Main / ППС / Alimkulova Elmira Zh.
Alimkulova Elmira Zh.

Alimkulova Elmira Zh.


Cabinet 2403, phone. +7(7172)38-96-46



Sphere of scientifie interests

Theory and methodology of educating and education

Delivered disciplines 

 Chemistry, Biochemistry,

Teaching courses

Chemistry, Biochemistry

Sphere of Research interests

Theory and methodology of educating and education

The main research directions Current

Theory and methodology of educating and education

Research projects

"Methodology of preparation of students in agrotechnical higher educational establishments on the 

basis of intersubject connections of independent and research work". 
"Modern going near planning of chemical education in agrotechnical institutions" of higher learning.

Masters and doctoral students working under the guidance

Participates in the preparation of the teaching staff, as a reviewer of master's theses LN Gumilyov ENU undergraduates.

Domestic and foreign employees

Within the framework of the Agreement on scientific and methodological cooperation between JSC "Kazakh Agro Technical University. S.Seifullin ", RK and the Moscow State University.



E.Buketov Karaganda State university, Karaganda city Specialty chemistry

1998-2002 уу.

Abay KazNPU, postgraduate course.,Full-time postgraduate course. Specialty: 13.00.02- Technique of the  theory of training and education (chemistry) (2005)


Work experience

1993-1996 уу.    

26 SSh, Ekibastuz town

 1998-2002 уу.

an assistant of physics and chemistry’s chair

 2002-2007 уу

a-senior teacher of physics and chemistry’s chair

2007 у.

an associate professor physics and chemistry’s chair

2004-2008 уу.

an executive secretary of a selection committee

2008 у.

 a head of physics and chemistry’s chair


Awards and Honours

A diploma is Department of education and science , 2011

Medal "S.Seifullin KATU 55th  anniversary», 2012

Medal "I.Altinsarina» is Republic of Kazakhstan, 2014

Advanced training courses

Seminar «Thomson Reuters for scientific researches», S.Seifullin KATU, 2012 .

Seminar «Thomson Reuters for scientific researches», S.Seifullin KATU, 2012 .

Language course Turkey, 2014

Republican and international meetings

- International scientific and practical conference «THE BOLONGA PROCESS - EXPERIENCES AND PERSPECTIVES» with participation of scientists from leading universities in Germany, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Switzerland, Romania, Russia, Turkey, Kemer, Turkey, in 2012.

Published works

      Autour more than 50 scientific works. The most important for a submission::

  1. Methodology of students preparation in Agro technical higher educational institutions on the basis of intersubject communications of independent and research work.
  2. Modern approaches to the chemical education design of in  Agrotechnical higher education institutions.
  3. “Formation of professional competence of being trained Agro technical higher education institutions by the general educational tutorials of disciplines (on the example of natural-science disciplines)”
  4. Development of complex informatively-educational environment for realization of virtual environment of educating on biological chemistry //Collection of labours of IX of international research and practice conference "Scientific thought of informative century of March, 2013" 7-15 2013 Poland, volume  13, Pedagogical sciences, p. 3-6
  5. Globalization of educational processes and problem of аcagem mobility Eurasian national university L..Gumilev "Announcer" №5   (96) 2013 Б. 47-50
  6. Virtual environment of educating on general disciplines in informatively-educational space Eurasian national university  L..Gumilev№5  (96) 2013Б. 51-55
  7. Prodlems and prospects of multilingual education in high schools Leadership in Education, Business and Culture, 25 April,2014 Almaty, Kazakhstan.