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Beken Okenovich Alimjanov

Beken Okenovich Alimjanov


Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor

Office # 8217, tel. +7-7172-297-657


Sphere of scientific interests

Scientific research in the direction of dairy farming, technologies for the production of livestock products


Delivered disciplines

Management of research work of undergraduates and doctoral students 


Current research projects

Leading researcher of the research project "Development of technologies for keeping, feeding, growing and reproduction in dairy cattle breeding, adapted resource-energy-saving, digital technologies for various natural and climatic zones of Kazakhstan"




K.A. Timiryazev Moscow Agricultural Academy, specialty Zootechny


Postgraduate study at K.A. Timiryazev Moscow Agricultural Academy, specialty «Private animal husbandry, livestock products» 06.02.04


Defended candidate thesis in Moscow


Defended doctoral thesis in Moscow

Work experience


Dean of the Faculty of Animal Science of Tselinograd Agriculture Institute


Vice-Rector  for distance education of  Tselinograd Agriculture Institute


2nd  secretary of municipal party committee, Tselinograd


Vice-Rector for science of Akmola Agriculture Institute


Rector of Akmola Agriculture Institute


Deputy of Majilis of Parliament of Kazakhstan

Since 2011

Professor of the Department «Technology of production and processing of animal products»

Advanced training courses

March, 2012

Seminar «Themen der Haltung, futterung und zucht der kuhe teilgenommen. Dr.Alberecht Mannerich

Honors, diplomas

- Award “Kurmet”, 2002.

- “Timiryazev golden medal”, 2005.

- Diploma “Laureates of the achievements in the field of invention - Shapagat 2008”, Ust-Kamenogorsk, 24.04.2008.

- Breast sign “Honorary Worker  of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan”.

- Breast sign “For merits in development of science”.

- Gratitude of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

- Award “Parasat”, 2010.

- Honorable citizen of Akkol area of Akmola region.

- 7 medals including “Silver medal named after A.Baytursinov”.


Published works

According to the results of scientific works more than 250 scientific publications have been published. The most important in the presented areas:

  1. Recommendations on the content and feeding of Holstein cattle in the conditions of the north of Kazakhstan / Printing house KATU, Astana - 2016.
  2. Estimation of the exterrier of cows by a linear method in LLP Agrofirm "Rodina" / Materials of the Republican scientific and theoretical conference "Seifulullin Readings-12: Youth in Science - Innovation Potential of the Future". - 2016. - Т.І, ч.1. - P. 230-232.Milk productivity and natural resistance of Holstein- breed heifers of own generation / Biology and Medicine (Scopus), 2016 г, 8:2 SJR 0,275 ISSN: 0974-8369
  3. Адаптация голштинского скота в динамике трёх поколений на севере Казахстана / Зоотехния. №7,2016, С.20-22
  4. Adaptation of Holstein cattle in the north of Kazakhstan in the context of three lactations / Bulletin of Shakarim State University, Semey, vol.2, 2017, p.3-8 ISSN 1607-2774
  5. The Level of Milk Production, Depending on the Exterior Traits of Dairy Cows / OnLine Journal of Biological Sciences, 2017 / ISSN16084217-Scopus, SJR: 0,156
  6. Methodical recommendations Ways to increase the productivity of cattle / Printing house KATU, Astana – 2017. - 29 p.
  7. The level of milk productivity, depending on the characteristics of the exterior of black and motley breed / Modern science: new approaches and relevant research. Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference, 2018, Prague, Czech Republic, SRC "World of Science"
  8. Exterior and dairy productivity first-class milk-meat direction of productivity / Bulletin of Science of Kazakh Agrotechnical University named after S.Seifullin. - 2018. - No. 2.