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Amanbay Zhasulan Zaripbayuli

Amanbay Zhasulan Zaripbayuli


"Biology, planting and quarantine"

teacher of the Department

Office 5303, Tel. +7 747 231 28 78




2016-2020 – C.Seifullin Kazakh agrotechnical University (Bachelor)

2020-2022. – C.Seifullin Kazakh agrotechnical University (Master's degree)

Work experience

In 2022-2013-labarant of the Department "Biology, Plant Protection and quarantine" of the Kazakh agrotechnical research university named after Saken Seifullin.

2023-teacher of the Department "Biology, Plant Protection and quarantine"of the Kazakh agrotechnical research university named after Saken Seifullin.

Current research projects

- 2020-2022. - Junior researcher of the project of the committee of Science of the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 217 "development of science" budget Irn AR08052747 "phytosanitary control of grasshoppers in agricultural areas of Northern Kazakhstan based on innovations in GIS technologies and remote sensing methods of the earth".

- 2021-2023. - "Development of a methodology for predicting the spread of harmful and especially dangerous harmful organisms on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan"(especially dangerous harmful organisms – Hesse fly, Colorado Beetle, cabbage moth, septariosis; harmful organisms – black – bodied beetles, rattlesnakes; quarantine object-lying ukekir)". Junior researcher on the project.

Scientific publications

1. Baibusenov K. S., Azhbenov V. K., Bekbaeva a.m., Iskendirova R. A., Amanbai Z. Z. phytosanitary zoning of agricultural areas of Northern Kazakhstan on the reproduction and harmfulness of non-stadian Locust pests // peer-reviewed scientific journal "Trends in the development of Science and education". -2021. - No. 78. Part 3. – P.15-25.

2. Baibusenov, K. S.; Amanbay, zh.Z."application of GIS technologies for predicting favorable habitats of Grasshopper pests in agricultural areas of Northern Kazakhstan" //IV International Scientific Conference – 2022 . - NO. 30. CH – 3. - P. 103-109.