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Andrishulik Valentina

Andrishulik Valentina


Senior lecturer Department of architecture and design

Office 6303

Phone: 8(7172)39-75-59



Sphere of scientific interests Architecture

Delivered disciplines Urban planning, Architectural environment


2004                 Graduated KazGATU named under  S.Seifullin

Work experience

2001-2004     SRDI "General plan of Astana";

2004-2005      LLP «MiL Project»;

2005-2009      LLP «Kovcheg NS»;

2009-2016     KazGATU named by S.Seifullin.

Awards and Honors

  • 1st degree diploma for professionalism and artistic success in this task – LP "The Ark and partners";
  •  "Ktitorskih Diploma" for contribution to the creation of an Orthodox temple complex in honor of the "Assumption of the Virgin" in Astana;
  • The letter of thanks for professionalism and creativity in the process of project recreational and entertainment complex with an array of residential and socio - cultural, LLP "Adal - Saulet", 2009;
  • The letter of thanks for participation in a number of projects, presentations, reviews consulting nature, SP "Real - Arch", 2012.

Advanced training courses

  1. Participation in the seminar "E-government and e-services", November 21, 2011;
  2. Education as part of the course: "Improving the skills of architects for the design of residential and public buildings, sketching on registration and documentation", LLP "Mil project", 6-24 November, 2009;
  3. Refresher course architects design documentation and design of residential and public buildings, February 13-18, 2012;
  4. Participation in the seminar "The program Autodesk, 3D modeling," the group of companies "INFARS-Kazakhstan", September, 2013