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Arynova Raikhan Akhmetovna

Arynova Raikhan Akhmetovna


Doctor of biological sciences,
Candidate of veterinary sciences
Department of hunting and fish industry 
Associate Professor of Biology of the MES RK,
8112, Tel.: +7701 106 1155

Shakarim Semipalatinsk State University, management, 2004.
Research Institute of Human and Animal Physiology of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, doctoral studies in biology, 2000.
Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology named after K.I. Scriabin – postgraduate study of human and animal physiology, 1989.
Semipalatinsk Zoo-Veterinary Institute – veterinary medicine, 1980.

Academic degree, scientific school:
Doctor of Biological Sciences, specialty “03.00.13 - Physiology of Humans and Animals” (2001), Associate Professor of Biology – 03.00.00 (1998), Candidate of Veterinary Sciences, specialty “03.00.13 - Physiology of Humans and Animals” (1989):

Scientific topics:
Animal biology. Methodology of scientific research. Body adaptation to low temperatures and different levels of radiation. Physiology of respiration, gas exchange, cardiac activity, sympathoadrenal system, blood, oxygen tension in muscle tissue, animals’ adaptation to external factors.
Scientific supervisor of successful 33 masters: Educational programs «7M05101 – Biology» and "7M08304 - Rational use of natural biological resources.".
Scientific director of scientific projects 2018-2020: Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Biological disinfection of sugar beets during storage” and the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Technology for obtaining lactose-free lactic acid products.”
She began her scientific activity at Shakarim State University (Zoo-Veterinary Institute), then in Moscow (MBA named after K.I. Scriabin), in France (Academie de Paris). Scientific and pedagogical work has been established with the Irkutsk State Agrarian University named after. A.A. Ezhevsky and Kyrgyz National Agrarian University named after K.I. Scriabin on issues of publications and scientific internships. Professional experience:
2021 - present – Associate Professor of the Department of “Hunting and Fish farming” of the S. Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical Research University.
2020-2021 – Head of the laboratory “Technology of cryopreservation and transplantation” of JSC “Republican Center for Breeding in Livestock “Asyl Tulik”
2019-2020 – Head of the Laboratory of Microbiology and Biotechnology of the AF Research Institute of Food and Processing Industry.
2014-2020 – Professor of the Department of Biology of the Kazakh Humanitarian Law Innovative University.
2003-2013 – Head of the Department of Biology (specialty: Hunting and fur farming, Biology) of Shakarim Semipalatinsk State University.
1980-2003 – Professor, associate professor, assistant, senior laboratory assistant from different years of the Department of Physiology and Morphology of Semipalatinsk State Institute.
1974-1975 - Secretary of the Komsomol Committee of the Semipalatinsk Shoe Factory.
Part-time: Professor of the Semipalatinsk State Pedagogical Institute and Semipalatinsk Medical Academy: 

Disciplines taught: Animal biology, Scientific research methods, Wild animal breeding, Expeditionary field research in hunting management, Scientific methodology, Animal physiology, Human physiology, Age-related physiology and school hygiene, Ecology.

Non-academic experience: scientific director of kindergarten "Arman", head of the department of innovative technologies of kindergarten "Zhuldyz-Ardak", secretary of comm/coms. workshop of the Semipalatinsk shoe factory with transfer to PA "SPKSO", editor of MRASHP, chief veterinary specialist of the state farm "Zhanasemeysky" East Kazakhstan region.

2023 - Current issues of education - Irkutsk State Agrarian University named after A.A. Ezhevsky
2023 – Independent agency for accreditation and rating - VII Central Asian International Forum on Quality Assurance in Education: "Sustainable Future" education – quality and competitiveness: historical perspective, realities and priorities"
2022 - General English - Zhetysu University named after Ilyas Zhansugurov
2022 - Hunting and fur farming - study center “Global Professional Development”
2022 – Fish farm - study center “Global Professional Development”
2020 - LLP "Bilimpaz" - Safety and health protection.

Awards and prizes: Certificate of the Minister of Ecology “Independence day of the Republic of Kazakhstan” - 2023, Certificate of the National Research and Educational Center “Development of agricultural science” – 2021, medal of the SSU “Shakarim”, letter of gratitude and diploma of NCGSOT, certificates and letters of gratitude by akims of city and region, winner of nominations from Shakarim “Scientist 2001” and State Institution “Queen of Science 2002”, diplomas from the Regional Department of Education of East Kazakhstan region for active participation in the upbringing and education of youth, more than 20 incentives, prizes and certificates, winner of the 2006 State Grant “Best University Teacher of the Republic of Kazakhstan”.
Activities in the service sector - educational services: school, kindergarten, consulting services on biology, scientific substantiation of biological enterprises.

Author's teaching aids: Organismal physiology and mechanism. - ISBN 978-601-7816-58-2. - Tutorial. - Almaty: Evero Publishing House, 2019. - 136 b.
Physiology of the heart, breathing and adaptation of the organism. - ISBN 978-601-240-809-6. - Monograph. - Almaty: Publishing «Evero», 2019. - 144 b.
Innovation Management: Experience of LLP «Yu Kids Island» Kindergarten «Zhuldiz-Ardak» Tutorial for DPU. - Almaty: Publishing «Evero», 2017. - 433 b.
Physiological practicum of the human and animals. - Training manual. - Almaty: Evero, 2015. - 127 b.
Physiology of breathing, heart and adaptation. - Teaching manual. - Almaty: Evero, 2015. - 140 p.
Physiological mechanisms of the organism. - Training manual. - Almaty: Evero, 2015
Physiology of the heart, breathing and adaptation of the organism. -  Monograph. - Almaty: Evero, 2015. - 156 b.

Монографии и Учебные пособия 
доктора биологических наук, профессора
Арыновой Райхан Ахметовны

Scientific publications 2020-2023 y.y. (over the past 5 years – 39 publications, entire list – more than 320 publications):

1. Арынова Р.А., Янин О.И. Миграция и численность косуль (Сapreolus pygargus P.) в охотничьих хозяйствах Акмолинской области. - Матер. Междун. научно-практ. конф., приуроченной к 120-летию со дня рождения профессора В.Н. Скалона 24-28 мая 2023 г., в рамках ХII международной научно-практической конференции «Климат, экология, сельское хозяйство Евразии». – Ч.II. - Секция 4: Биология и охрана диких животных. - Иркутск: Изд-во ФГБОУ ВО Иркутский ГАУ, 2023. – 318 с. - С.17-23.
2. Арынова Р.А., Сулейменова А.К. «Көкшетау» МҰТП жерсіндірілген сүтқоректілердің санының өсуін бақылау. - Сб. матер. Междунар. науч.-практ. конф.: «Сейфуллинские чтения - 19». - Секция: Устойчивое управление природными ресурсами - Астана, 2023. - 17 марта 2023 г. – Т.1. - Ч.4. - 340 с. – 320-322. 
3. Арынова Р.А., Карагойшин Ж.М. Подкормка диких животных в зимний период и её хранение. - Материалы международной научно-практической конференции, Технологические, правовые и организационно-экономические вопросы охотничьего хозяйства. - 26 мая 2023 г. – Ч. I. – Молодежный: Издательство ФГБОУ ВО ИркГАУ, 2023. – 322 с. – С.91-96.
4 Сагнаева Ж.Б., Арынова Р.А. Изучение биологической трехъязычной терминологии диких животных в неязыковых группах обучающихся по специальности «охотоведение и звероводство // Журнал Вестник Торайгыров университета. - Серия химико-биологическая серия. - ISSN 2710-3544. - № 4 (2022). – Павлодар: ToU, 2023. – С. 63-74.    
5. Арынова Р.А., Сулейменова А.К., Султанахмет О.М. Мониторинг адаптированных диких животных в государственных национальных природных парках Карагандинской области. - Охрана и рациональное использование животных и растительных ресурсов: материалы международной научно-практической конференции «Климат, экология, сельское хозяйство Евразии». Секция 3: Технологические, правовые и организационно-экономические вопросы охотничьего хозяйства. - 26 мая 2023 г. - Иркутск: Часть I. – Молодежный: Издательство ФГБОУ ВО Иркутский ГАУ, 2023. – 322 с. - С.96-103.
6. Сагнаева Ж.Б., Арынова Р.А. Педагогико-психологическое формирование коммуникативных компетенций при овладении английским языком // Международный научно-аналитический журнал «Education. Quality Assurance». - НУ «Независимое агентство аккредитации и рейтинга» / ISSN 2617-0493. - 2023. - № 3 (32). - С. 67-77. 
7. Sagnaeva Zh.B., Arynova R.A. Pedagogical and psychological formation of communicative competencies in mastering the English to Hunting – 1. Global challenges and trends in the development of the education system // Independent agency for accreditation and rating - VII Central Asian International Forum on Quality Assurance in Education: "Sustainable Future" education – quality and competitiveness: historical perspective, realities and priorities" – 6-7 October 2023. – Аstana city, 2023.
8. Арынова Р.А., Кабылда А.И.  Подкормка диких животных сахарной свеклой и её хранение. - Матер. Междун. науч.-практ. конф. «Современные проблемы охотоведения и экологии», посвященной 55-летию проф. подготовки биологов-охотоведов. Секция 1. Соврем. проблемы охотоведения. – Киров: Вятский ГАТУ, ООО «Изд-во «Радуга-ПРЕСС», 2021. – 289 с. - С. 9-14.
9. Arynova Р.А., Muslimov N.Zh., Anuarbekova S.S., Imanbayeva M.K. Consortium of starter cultures with lactose-utilizing and probiotic properties technology of production of delactosed sould - milk products. - EurAsian Journal of BioSciences. - Eurasia J Biosci. - (Scopus кvintel 40). - 2020. – 14. – 459-465.
10. Arynova Р.А., Muslimov N.Z, Anuarbekova S.S., Atabayeva B.S. Bacteria-antagonists of pathogens of sugar beet root rot during storage - EurAsian Journal of BioScienc-es. - Eurasia J Biosci. - Scopus (кvintel 40). – 2020. – 14. – Р. 535-543.

New professional, scientific developments: Awarding of «Grand Prix» «Best kindergarten of Kazakhstan 2008» by the Republican project «Physiological bases of healthy lifestyle», which is implemented in the city d/s. 2018-2020 scientific projects: Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Biological disinfection of sugar beets during storage” and the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Technology for obtaining lactose-free lactic acid products.” The program of implementation of the terms of the contract of international cooperation between the Kazakh State Humanitarian University, the Kyrgyz National Agrarian University and the Irkutsk State Agricultural Academy in the field of science and education: scientific directions and research of influence of poisonous plants of the territories of Irkutsk and East Kazakhstan regions. Inventions in the field of cardiology, gas exchange, tension of oxygen in muscle tissue. Development of Hunting Technology and Wildlife Biodiversity of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Russia.

Activities: Since 2004, Chairman of the Expert Commission and member of the Organizing Committee of the Republican Olympiads of Students in Biology, Chairman of the Jury on the section «Biology» City Tour of the Republican Scientific Projects of Schoolchildren. Scientific consultant at the School and the kindergartens of the city, scientific management of 33 master’s theses. Head and co-author of winners of prizes of republican student scientific works. Scientific work of economic direction (management) «Influence of personnel policy on efficiency and flexibility of universities».