Main / ППС / Asilov Kairat Rapbekovich
Asilov Kairat Rapbekovich

Asilov Kairat Rapbekovich


Master of History,

Room: 2715, tel. +7 (7172) 38-23-30



Research interests

 The modern history of Kazakhstan (economic, social and political processes)

Teaching disciplines

The history of modern Kazakhstan.


1997-2001 L. N. Gumilev ENU, Bachelor's degree.

2001-2003 L. N. Gumilyov ENU, Magistracy

2018-2024 Omsk State Pedagogical Institute, postgraduate studies

Work experience

Since 2003, Senior lecturer, Department of Kazakhstan History, S.Seifullin KATU

Awards and diplomas

  1. 2011 - letter of gratitude for the 20th anniversary of Independence of the Kazakhstan Republic;
  2. 2012 - Diploma for the 55th anniversary of S.Seifullin KATU.
  3. The letter of gratitude for the participation in national testing of MES.
  4. Certificate for participation in the Republican Student Olympiad on "550 anniversary of the Kazakh khanate formation".
  5. The prize-winner of the republican national games " Асығың алшысынан түссін ".

Advanced training

  1. Advanced training courses on the basis of the MES and KazNU and “Orleu”," "Improving the training of teachers of pedagogical specialties” (30.10.14.-11.11.14.).
  2. Participation in scientific and practical conference "Actual problems of studying and teaching of national history, Astana-2014.
  3. Winter School «Auezov University-2022». «New research and directions in the development of archeology. Research of historical science in Kazakhstan in the context of global changes» 14-27.02.2022. M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University, Shymkent.

Scientific publications:   

 More than 30 articles were published by the author.  More important ones are:

  1. «Перовскийдің сыр бойындағы әскери жорығы» мақала, // «Бағдар» әскери-теориялық журналы, Астана-2016. 
  2. Ресей империясы кезіндегі қазақ балық шаруашылығының санитарлық жағдайы.// «Алаш Орда – 100 жыл» атты халықаралық ғылыми-тәжірибелік конференция. Шымкент. 2017
  3. On the issue of wearing hijabs in Kazakhstan. // «Развитие науки и образования в современном мире». Международная научно-практическая конференция. Г.Люберцы. РФ. 2018
  4. Opportunities for the republic of Kazakhstan to exit the economic crizsis. // Журнал НАУКА,КИнЭУ, РИНЦ. Қостанай, 2018