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Aubakirova Gulzhan Amanzholovna

Aubakirova Gulzhan Amanzholovna


Head of the Department of Hunting and Fisheries

Candidate of biological sciences, PhD, 
associated professor 
of department  fish industry
8115, тел. +7(7172)29-76-33


Basic directions of researches
Study of the hydrochemical mode of water of fresh and salt waters, determination of рыбопродуктивности of lakes.

Current research projects
Scientific director of the project of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2018-2020) on the topic «Вioproductivity evaluation of inland waters of northern and central kazakhstan and determination of food safety of fish products»
The Scientific Leader of the United Nations Program (UNDP) project within the framework of the agreement concluded between KATU named after S.Seifullin on the topic: «Capacity Building in Fisheries and Aquaculture», No. 2017-015 s / a of April 13, 2017.
Senior staff scientist of project on a line МОН РК 055 themes "Perfection of technology of options of the reserved water-supply for breeding of fishes"

Republican and international meeting
2.    Republican theoretical conference of  S.Seifullin of reading 12: young People in science- innovative potential of the future. Astana 2016.
3.    International  research and practice conference. Belgorod city, on June, 30 of 2015.
4.    Republican theoretical conference of  S.Seifullin of reading 11: young People in science- innovative potential of the future. Astana 2015.
5.    International  research and practice conference. Petersburg, 2015.
6.    An international conference is the "Modern state of water bioresources". Novosibirsk, 2014.
7.    Republican theoretical conference of  S.Seifullin of reading 10: young People in science- innovative potential of the future. Astana 2014.
8.    8.    Mediterranean journal of  Social  Sceinces. Vol 5, Rome, Italy.November 2014
9.    International research and practice conference "Priorities and песпективы development of fish industry", Almaty 2014.

Read disciplines
Aquiculture, Aquiculture of Kazakhstan, Theory and practice of acclimatization of aquatic lives

PhD on speciality 6D060700- Biology № 0000914 Astana s. 
2008-2010 y
Novosibirsk state agrarian university\u0009
Candidate of biological sciences on specialities 03.02.14-biological resources, 03.02.10- hydrobiology
Series of ДКН №131700 Moscow s.
КазГАТУ им.С.Сейфуллина
Industrial fishing, qualification is a "Ichthyologist-fish-breeder". Diploma with a difference.
№ ЖБ 0071545 Astana

Work experience
since November 1, 2023, Head of the Department of Hunting and Fisheries
2016 Associate Professor of the Department of Hunting and Fisheries
2012 - 2016 Senior lecturer of the Department of "Hunting and Fisheries"
2005-2012. Assistant of the Department of "Hunting and Fisheries"

Labour experience
2021 G. Award recognition "for impeccable service in the field of Fisheries"
2020 The best teacher of the university of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan -2020
2015 thank you letter from university administration of the Kazakh National university at preparation of prizewinners of VII of the Republican olympiad
2013  diploma from university administration of the западно-казахстанского university of the name Жангирхана at preparation of prizewinners of V of the Republican olympiad
2012 g to present\utense the Senior teacher of department of "Охотоведения and fish industry"
2005-2012 y. assistant of department of "Охотоведения and fish industry"

Rewards, diplomas
2012 diploma of КазАгроИнновации in scientific achievements in area of science 
2012  diploma from university administration of the западно-казахстанского university of the name Жангирхана at preparation of prizewinners of IV of the Republican olympiad
In-plant training
    Scientific internship in June 2019 at the Chinese Academy of Fisheries Sciences in Wuxi on the topic "Growing new aquaculture facilities".
Advanced training at Lomonosov Moscow State University on the topic "Variability of habitual, craniological and anatomical features in fish" in the period from August 30 to September 12, 2021.
      Scientific internship in the period from November 1 to November 15, 2021 at the Novosibirsk branch of the Institute of Water and Environmental Problems SB RAS.
      Advanced training at Novosibirsk State University in the period from June 28 to July 7, 2021 on the topic "Hydrochemical regime of water and methods of collecting and processing artemisia"
      06.12-20.12.2015г.Теренинг-программа of development of aquiculture. Turkey
      21.05-14.06.2012 the Chinese academy of рыбохозяйственных sciences. PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF CHINA
     18.01-29.01.2010 the Novosibirsk state university. RUSSIAN FEDERATION.
Author more than 95 научно- of methodical labours. Most essential  on the presented directions:
1.    Fish Fauna and Assessment of Fish Safety in the Reservoirs of Akmola Region of Northern Kazakhstan. Pakistan journal of Zoology. Vol.51 (5),  pp 1919-1925, 2019.
3.    Assessment of the Hydrochemical Regime and Safety of Fish in Water Bodies of Karaganda Region, Kazakhstan. Pakistan journal of Zoology. Vol.53 (1),  pp 27-31, 2021.
4.    Сатыбалдиева Г.К., Шарахметов С.Е., Сапаргалиева Н.С., Барбол Б.І. Аубакирова Г.А. и др. Майбалық көлінің кәсіптік ихтиофаунасының жағдайы Вестник КазНУ. Серия биологическая. Experimental Biology. №4 (93). 2022 с.107-116.  
5.    Асылбекова А.Б., Баринова Г.К., Аубакирова Г.А., Мусина А.Д. Тұқының молекулалық -генетикалық талдауы. Вестник науки Казахского агротехнического университета им.Сейфуллина, Нур-Султан, №3 (114), 2022, с.211-221.
6.    Сыздыков К.Н.,  Куанчалеев Ж.Б., Аубакирова Г.А.Мусин С.Е., Мусина А. Опыт искусственного воспроизводства судака (Sander Lucioperca) в условиях УЗВ. Вестник науки Казахского агротехнического университета им.Сейфуллина, Нур-Султан, №3 (114), 2022, с.17-27.
7.    Майканов Б.С., Адильбеков Ж.Ш.,Лидер Л.В., Аубакирова Г.А., Аутелеева Л.М. Мониторинг безопасности рыбы водоемов Акмолинской области. Вестник науки Казахского агротехнического университета им.Сейфуллина, Нур-Султан, №1 (112), 2022, с.311-323.
8.    Сариев Б., Айешева Г., Гумарова Ж., Аубакирова Г.А., Альбеков А. Использование смешанных методов при разведении карповых рыб. Научно-практический журнал ЗКАТУ имени Жангир хана «Ғылым және Білім» («Наука и образование»). Том 3 № 2 (71). 2023 с.249-256.