Main / ППС / Aubakirova Khadisha Alkeevna
Aubakirova Khadisha Alkeevna

Aubakirova Khadisha Alkeevna


Candidate oh Historical Scienses


Office №2715,

tel. +7 (7172) 38-23-30



Sphere of research interests

National liberation movements, socio-ethnic relations in the modern and contemporary time

Teaching disciplines

 The modern history of Kazakhstan

Main research areas

  1. Problems of political, social and economic development of Kazakhstan in the modern and contemporary times
  2. International relations
  3. The role of personality in history

Current research projects

Management of funded projects under the state program "The people in the flow of history" on the topic "Siberian Cossacks and Kazakhs of Steppe region in XVIII - XIX centuries"


1992-1996 - Tselinograd Pedagogical Institute named afterS.Seifullin (Eurasian National University named after L.Gumilev). Faculty of History, specialty: history.

1997-1999. Postgraduate of ENU named afterGumilev, specialty: History

2000 – defense the thesis for the degree of candidate historical sciences

Work experience

1996-2003 – Senior lecturer of the Department of Kazakhstan History, S.Seifullin University

2003-2013 - Head of the Kazakhstan History Department, S.Seifullin University

2013 – 2020 - Dean of the Humanities Faculty

Awards and diplomas

Lapel badge in honor of the 55th S.Seifullin University anniversary

National and international meetings

  1. The International Scientific Conference on "Humanitarian cooperation of Russia and Kazakhstan, devoted to the 25th anniversary of CIS ", a joint conference of KazNUnamed after al-Farabiand Orenburg State University, Almaty, 09.12.2016.
  1. Attendance of the NGO SKSK - Regional public association "Union of Cossacks of the Steppe region" (Astana, Kenesary St., 84) in August 2015. Meeting with Sakhnov Victor Mikhailovich, ataman of ROO SKSK, Doinikov Sergei Georgievich, head of ROO SKSK. Got acquainted with printed publicationsof Cossack associations: Newspapers - "Cossack courier", "Steppe Cossack " and the magazine "the Cossack brotherhood".
  1. Participation in the International forum of national cultural centers with the participation of CICA countries "Kazakhstani model of public consent and national unity of N. Nazarbayev: the experience at the CICA space" in the framework of the annual festival of friendship of peoples of Kazakhstan, on 1-3 July, 2015, Astana.
  2. Participation in the round table «Charlie Hebdo, multiculturalism: view of Kazakhstan ", organized by the departments of UNESCO and the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan of ENU named after L.N. Gumilev, January 16, 2015, Astana.

Advanced training

  1. International Seminar "Kazakhstani universities in the international arena: the points of growth." QS Ltd. In Eastern Europe, 14-15 January 2016
  2. Has particapated successfully in the VI International Academic Congress «Fundamental and Applied Studies in EU and CIS Countries». Held in Cambridge, United Kingdom, 24-26 May, 2016
  3. Internship in the International Summer School on the theme "Мәңгілік ел – Ұлы Далафилософиясы" ENU named afterL.Gumilev, 2016, June, 20-25
  4. The course of educational program on the history of Russia, "History of the Russian Federation" (Cultural and Historic University), Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, 15-26 September, 2016
  5. CERTIFICATE of participation in the seminar INSTITUTIONAL RESEARCH AND ITS ROLE IN ACADEMIC INSTITUTIONS, October 3, 2016 Astana Nazarbayev University


Author of more than 70 articles.More important ones are:

  1. Рыбный промысел в экономической повседневности казачества Казахстана в ХІХ веке: историография проблемы // Вестник КазНПУ имени Абая. - № 3 (74), 2022
  2. Рыбный промысел в экономике уральского и оренбургского казачества Казахстана в XIX веке // Вестник КарГУ им. Е.Букетова. Серия «История. Философия». - № 1 (109). – Караганда, 2023. - 20-25
  3. Cаржан Қасымов көтерілісі (1824-1836 жж.) қазақ тарихшыларының еңбектерінде // Вестник КазНПУ имени Абая. - № 1 (76). - Алматы, 2023 Вестник КазНПУ имени Абая. - № 1 (76). - Алматы, 2023. - 195-205
  4. Рыбный промысел в экономической повседневности казачества Казахстана в ХІХ веке: историография проблемы // Рыбный промысел в экономической повседневности казачества Казахстана в ХІХ веке: историография проблемы. – 164-169 Кенесары Касымов и генерал-губернатор Западной Сибири Петр Горчаков // Вестник КазНПУ имени Абая. - №4 (67), 2020


  1. "Қазақстанның қазіргі заман тарихы".- S.Seifullin University, 2021. – 276 p.
  2. "Современная история Казахстана": S.Seifullin University, - Astana .- 2022. - 184 p. ISBN 978-601-257-361-9