Main / ППС / Bahralinova Aizhan Sagidulovna
Bahralinova Aizhan Sagidulovna

Bahralinova Aizhan Sagidulovna


Assistant of the Department of Agriculture and Crop production

Office 5220, tel. +77075678070


Sphere of scientific interests

Crop production

Delivered disciplines

Crop production, Adaptive technology of cultivation of field crops, Agriculture, Basics of seed of field crops, feed production with the basics of agronomy and botany

Main research areas

Forage production

Current research projects (which are in the active phase in his/her laboratory, the data about the sponsors, if the funding is external)

She is currently the executive of research project "Development of technologies of pastures for cattle grazing for the farms of the population with the organization of seasonal pasture, grazing optimal load, guaranteed water supply in the Akmola region" according to the budget program 249 "Creating conditions for the development of animal husbandry and production, processing and livestock sales," the Ministry of Agriculture on the 2015- 2017.


2004-2008 Student, specialty 5B080100 - Agronomy

2010-2012 Master student, specialty 6M080800 – Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry

2012-2016 PhD student, specialty 5D080100 - Agronomy

Work experience

2012-2014 Assistant of the Department of Agriculture and Crop production of S.Seifullin Kazakh Agro Technical University

Since 2016 - Assistant of the Department of Agriculture and Crop production of S.Seifullin Kazakh Agro Technical University

Advanced training courses

2011 – Research internship in Agricultural University named after N.I.Vavilov, Russia, Saratov

2012 - «Thomson Reuters - Professional communication skills in English for academic and professional purposes» courses (KATU, Gerard Cullen);

2013 - Research internship in Shyhetszy Agricultural University (China, Shyhetszy);

2013 - Research internship in Plovdiv Agricultural University (Bulgaria, Plovdiv);

2015 - Research internship in Plovdiv Agricultural University (Bulgaria, Plovdiv).

Local, national and international meetings(seminars, conferences he/she has attended for the last three years)

International Scientific Conference dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Plovdiv Agricultural University “Traditions and challenges in the agricultural education, science and business”, Bulgaria, 2015.

Published works

  1. Куришбаев А.К., Бахралинова А.С., Серекпаев Н.А., Стыбаев Г.Ж., Ногаев А.А «Эффективность применения некоторых приемов поверхностного улучшения естественного приаульного пастбища Еенбекшильдерского района Акмолинской области». // Вестник государственного университета имени Шакарима города Семей. – Семей, 2016. – №2 (74). – Том 1. – С. 191-195.
  2. Куришбаев А.К., Бахралинова А.С., Серекпаев Н.А., Стыбаев Г.Ж., Ногаев А.А «Динамика содержания микроорганизмов в почве в зависимости от применения минеральных удобрений при поверхностном улучшении естественного припоселкового пастбища Енбекшильдерского района Акмолинской области». // Журнал «Исследования, результаты». - №3. – 2016. – С.122-127.
  3. Серекпаев Н.А. Можаев Н.И., Стыбаев Г.Ж., Ногаев А.А,, Хурметбек О., Бахралинова А.С «Сберегающая технология поверхностного улучшения природных сенокосов и пастбищ для степной зоны». Официальный бюллетень № 3 (Инновационный патент). 15 марта 2016 года.
  4. Куришбаев А.К., Бахралинова А.С., Серекпаев Н.А., Стыбаев Г.Ж., Ногаев А.А «Condition of pastures neighboring to the villages in Enbekshilder district of Akmola region and the effectiveness of some surface improvement techniques». // ж. Bioscience biotechnology research Asia. – №13 (2). – Июнь, 2016. – С.733-742.