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Baygashova Ainur

Baygashova Ainur


Assistant of the department of physical education

S.Seifullin Kazakh Agro Technical University,


Phone number 8 7079146182


Sphere of scientific interests

Physical Culture and Sports, Sports Psychology of Athletes of Higher Sports Excellence, Theory and Methods of Physical Education.


2000-2004 –M.Kh.Dulati University, specialty "Physical Culture and Sports"

Qualification: teacher of physical education, sports coach.


2005 Teacher of physical education, M. Mametov school №27 Taraz

  1. Teacher of physical education.

2005-2006 Sports coach and judo wrestling. Teacher of physical education, "Medical College", Taraz.

2016-2017 - The coach of Nur-Sultan in a sports school.

Since 2019 an assistant lecturer at the Department of Physical Education at  S. Seyfullin Kazakh Agro Technical University.

Awards, titles, diplomas

International Olympic Committee, diploma 2004.

2004 Asian Sambo Championship that held in Tashkent, judo master

Baygashova Ainur - was born on July 7, 1981.

From 1989 to 1999 she studied at №27 secondary school of Zhambyl district. Since 1993 she began to engage in judo wrestling under the guidance of coach  Dalabayev Zhandos.