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Bekisheva Zhanna Taykenovna

Bekisheva Zhanna Taykenovna


Senior lecturer power system of the Department

of Heat and Power Engineering


Office 1242, tel. +7 (7172) 39-76-08

Sphere of scientific interests

«To increase the capture of oxides on the power unit of the Nur-Sultan BKZ-2 ».

Delivered  disciplines:

Heat engineering, calculation of the efficiency of heat energy use

Main research areas

Development of recommendations for reducing the abrasive wear of the heating surface of the Nur-Sultan BKZ-420 boiler unit.


2003-2008 on spec. 2201 "Thermal power stations" at the Kazakh Agrotechnical University is S. Seifullina, engineer

2018-2020  Kazakh Agrotechnical University. S.Seifullina 6M071700-Master of "Heat Power Engineering".


2009-KazATU, Faculty of Energy "Teploenergetika" senior laboratory assistant

2016-KazATU, Faculty of Energy "Teploenergetika" senior lecturer

Advanced training

"Innovations in the educational process of higher education "of S. Seifullin KATU JSC. 2018.


"International Scientific and Theoretical Conference". "Seifullin Readings-15: youth, science, technology: new ideas and prospects" 2019

Published works 

  1. Dostiyarov A.M., Bekisheva Zh.T.,Umirzakov R. A., Kalieva A. K. Training manual. "Heat engineering". Publishing house of S. Seifullin Kazakh agrotechnical University, 2019. - 91 P.

  2. Dostiyarov A.M., Bekisheva Zh.T. A factor affecting the abrasive wear of the boiler unit. IV Global Science and innovation 2019:Central Asia International Scientific and Practical Conference "Global science and innovations 2019: central asia" (May 9-13 -2019. Nur-Sultan volume-XI)

  3. Bekisheva Zh. T. Abrasive wear of heating convective surfaces of the boiler unit BKZ-420. IV Global Science and innovation 2019: Central Asia International Scientific and Practical Conference "Global science and innovations 2019: central asia" (January 21, Astana-2019. volume-I)

  4. Bekisheva Zh.T. Development of recommendations for reducing the wear and tear of heating surfaces of the boiler unit BKZ-420 of Astana. "International scientific and theoretical conference". "Seifullinsky reading-15"