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Bismildina Dinara Dosymzhanovna

Bismildina Dinara Dosymzhanovna


Lecturer of the Department of

Kazakh and Russian Languages,  

candidate of Philological sciences

Date of birth: 08.07.1984


Phone number: 8 705 420 66 52

Sphere of scientific interests

Lexicology and stylistics of the modern literary Kazakh language, the language of mass media

Delivered disciplines

Kazakh language, professional Kazakh language, business Kazakh language, office work in the state language


2001-2006 – L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Faculty of History and Philology, Nur-Sultan. Specialty: Kazakh language and literature; qualification: teacher, philologist.

2007-2009 – Master of Professional Training of S. Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical University, Nur-Sultan. Qualification and Academic degree: Master of Professional Education.

Scientific degree

2010 –defense of the candidate’s dissertation on the specialty “10.02.02-Kazakh language» on the topic «language of TV programs”,Nur-Sultan.

Work experience:

From September 2020 to the present –lecturer of the Department of Kazakh and Russian Languages of the Kazakh Agrotechnical University named after S. Seifullin, Nur-Sultan.

2015-2020–lecturer of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines of the Kazakh University of Economics, Finance and International Trade, Nur-Sultan.

2011-2017– Associate Professor of the Kazakh Engineering and Technical Academy, Nur-Sultan.

2011 –lecturer of the Academy «Kokshe», Kokshetau.

2010 –lecturer of the Department of World Languages of the Kazakh University of Economics, Finance and International Trade, Nur-Sultan.

2007-2010– Methodologist of the Kazakh Language Department of the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Nur-Sultan.

2006-2007– Translator of the Kazakh language of Pavlodar Economic College of KazPotrebSoyuz, Pavlodar.

Awards and honours:

The badge«AltynBelgi» (2001).

Professional development

  1. «Satisfaction of needs - Cognitive activity and learning (including moderate to severe learning disabilities and Dyslexia)». Nur-Sultan,
  2. «Innovations in the educational process of higher education». Nur-Sultan,


  1. Author of 2 textbooks («Language of official TV programs» (2010), «Kazakh language» (2014);

  2. Author of 40 scientific articles;

  3. Translationof the word «Dictionary of toponyms and anthroponyms found in the territory of Aktobe region» (2018) in Kazakh language;

  4. Shaping communicative competence among university students. Scopus Journal Cultural History. – 31 May, 2016. – 0.112. (Gurieva G., Bigas A., G. M. Nurgazina).

  5. History of television language research in kazakh linguistics. /  Еуразия гуманитарлық институтының хабаршысы. – Астана, 2022. – № 4. – 25-36 бб.  

  6. Folk wisdom – a tool for the development of speech competence. /  Еуразия гуманитарлық институтының хабаршысы. – Астана, 2023. – № 2. – 336-342 бб.  

  7. Methods of teaching phraseological units in the context of polylingualism. / Forthcoming XLinguae issue: June 2023.DOI:10.18355/XL.2023.16.02.16Pages: 212-221.