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Boranbay Zhumagul Tanatkanuly

Boranbay Zhumagul Tanatkanuly


Candidate of agricultural sciences,

Senior Lecturer,

Head of the Department of

Forest Resources and Forestry

Office 5102, tel. +7 (707) 162-65-65


Sphere of scientific interests

Forestry, forest ecology, green economy

Delivered disciplines

Forest inventories, forest management, forest regulation

Current research projects

1.The study of forest conditions of drained coastal zone of the Lake Balkhash and development of agricultural practices of afforestation (Performer)

2.Scientific justification and the development of the intensive technologies of mini rotation growing of highly productive forest plantations for energy purposes and carbon sequestration in the Green Belt of Astana» (Performer);

3.Collaborative technical research on the establishment of environmental protection in developing cities of “Economic belt of the Silk Road” of the People’s Republic of China and the Republic of Kazakhstan” (Performer)                           

Masters and doctoral students working under leadership

Master students:

Kypshakbay Z., Madiyar J., Mamaev T.



Kazah National Agrarian University, Almaty city

Work experience


RSE Scientific-Production Center of Forestry, Junior Researches


RSE Scientific-Production Center of Forestry, Post  Graduate courses


RSE Scientific-Production Center of Forestry, Junior Researches


LLC "Kazakh Research Institute of Forestry," senior researcher


College of Environmental Science and Forestry, the teacher


S.Seifullin Kazakh Agro Technical University, Assistant of the Department of Environment and Forestry


LLC "Kazakh Research Institute of Forestry and agroforestry" Head of «Silviculture» Department


present time a senior lecturer of the Department of Forest resources and Forestry, S.Seifullin Kazakh Agro Technical University

Advanced training courses

- Poland. Warsaw. 2010 Scientific training at Warsaw University of Life Sciences. Theme: «The organization of educational and scientific processes of forest specialties of Poland».

- Izrail, of Tel Aviv. Courses by MASHAV program in educational CINADCO center, 2012. The direction of the course - "Agriculture and the environment in a changing climate - The Israeli Perspective.

- Czech Republic, Prague. Czech university of the Sciences in Prague, 2013.
Theme: "Economy and management of forest economy of Czech Republic."
- Poland, Krakow city. Krakow Agricultural University, 2015. Theme: "Methods for determination carbon sequestration ability of green space"

Republican and international meetings

  1. The conference "Development of" Green Economy "and the preservation of biological diversity" Schuchinsk city, 2015
  2. The Conference "Contribution of young scientists in the development of agro-industrial complex" Almaty (Certificate 2016).
  3. International Scientific Forum “Rehabilitation and Restoration of Degraded Forests”. Astana, June 8-12, 2015

Published works

More than 35 works were published. More important among them close to the mentioned sphere of scientific interests are:

  1. Распределение запасов и годичного депонирования углерода в насаждениях лесопокрытых площадей Северо-Казахстанской области. Вестник сельскохозяйственной науки Казахстана, № 6-7, 2013 – С. 40-42
  2. Қазақтың ұсақ шоқылы ормандарының көміртегін жинақтау және оттегін бөлу функцияларының тиімділігін бағалау. «Жасыл экономиканың» дамуы және биологиялық әртүрлілікті сақтау» Халықаралық ғылыми-практикалық конференцияның материалдары. 8-10 қазан, 2013 жыл, Щучинск қ, 57-60 беттер
  3. Қостанай облысының орман алқаағаштарындағы көміртегінің қоры және оның жылдық жинақталуы. Жаршы. Ғылыми-теориялық және практикалық журнал, Алматы, 2014ж. №7
  4. Павлодар облысының ормандарымен көміртегінің жинақталуы. Жаршы. Ғылыми-теориялық және практикалық журнал, Алматы, 2014ж. № 8
  5. Запас углерода в лесах Восточно-Казахстанской области. Вестник сельскохозяйственной науки Казахстана, № 9, 2015г. №6