Main / ППС / Cherniavsky Alexander Ivanovich
Cherniavsky Alexander Ivanovich

Cherniavsky Alexander Ivanovich


Candidate of Technical Sciences,

Associate Professor of "Agricultural machinery

and technology"

Office 4314, tel. + 7701-379-78-48



Research interests

Application programming 

Teaching disciplines

Mashinoispolzovanie, Mashinoispolzovanie in agriculture, Fundamentals of database design 


1975 - 1980 years. Tselinograd Agricultural Institute, Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization

1983 - 1985 years. postgraduate study at Tselinograd Agricultural Institute in the specialty 05.20.01 - "The mechanization of agricultural processes" 


November 1980 - December 1982ml. Researcher Tselinograd Agricultural Institute

Yanvar1986 - August 1992 Assistant Art. instructor Tselinograd Agricultural Institute

August 1992 - April 1997 Head of the Department of Informatics TSSKHI

April 1997 - August 2010 service in the law enforcement agencies

August 2010 - present Associate Professor TSSKHI 

Awards and diplomas

Grammota Honorable Minister of Education of the RK, 2004

Jubilee badge "S.Seifullinatyndaғy ҚATU 55 zhyl», 2012

Anniversary medal "15 years of the Financial Police Academy" 2014


Belarusian State Agro Technical University, 2012


Author of more than 40 scientific papers. The most important for a submission:

  1. The agricultural harvesting machine - AS (THE USSR). - №1741645 - Cherniavsky AI, AK Zeitler, Weigel FF, FM Skachkov
  2. Machine for shearing - A positive decision on the application of 17.03.1992, on the invention №4920223 / 12 (023,353) - Cherniavsky AI, Nuriyev FM, Zeitler AK
  3. Design and production processes in animal husbandry. Textbooks and teaching. tool for students. Proc. institutions. M .: Kolos, 1994. - 301 p.
  4. Flowing, continuous mixer - Preliminary patent (Republic of Kazakhstan). - №6592 - Cherniavsky AI Ovchinnikov AA, AK Zeitler
  5. Training Toolkit to perform practical work on discipline "Fundamentals of Database Design" (spec. 6M071300- "Transport, transport equipment and technology"). Electronic textbook. Kazakh Agro Technical University. S.Seifullin. DepartmentofInformationTechnology. - Astana, 2015