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Duisenova Gaukhar

Duisenova Gaukhar


Master of Engineering Science,

Senior Lecture at the Department

«Computer Science»

Room 2512, tel. 8717238-39-58



Scientific direction

Technology of information systems development

Subjects taught

Development of software applications using Python, Operating systems and system programming, System analysis and decision making, Algorithms and data structures



H.A.Yasawi Kazakh-Turkish University, Specialty: 3704 – Software of computers and automated systems


H.A.Yasawi Kazakh-Turkish University, Specialty: 6М060200 – Computer science

Work experience


H.A.Yasawi Kazakh-Turkish University, Lecturer at the Department «Computer Science and numerical methods»


L.N.Gumilyev Eurasian National University, Lecturer at the Department «Computer Science»


S.Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical University, Senior Lecturer at the Department «Computer Science»

Professional development

  1. Advanced training courses for pedagogical skills, JSC National Center for Advanced Training «Orleu», 2014
  2. The 8th International Scientific School «Modern Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the Industry applications», 74h. Certificate №01-3651, 2018
  3. «Data mining», KazATU S.Seifullina, 72h. Certificate №04894, 2022


  1. Design of real-time systems-electronic textbook, №6246, 05.11.2019
  2. Development and design of web-applications. Electronic textbook, №7158, 20.12.2019
  3. N.Saparkhojayev, R.Abdrakhmanov, N.Rustamov The algorithm for finding the fractal dimension of control actions in active systems Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology 2021, Volume 99.  No. 03, 1992-86453.