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Dyusembaeva Lazzat Kayratovna

Dyusembaeva Lazzat Kayratovna


Master of Informatics and Computer Science,
Senior Lecturer
Office 2305, phone: +7(7172)38-87-72


Sphere of scientific interests

Mathematics, methods of teaching mathematics and numerical methods for solving applied problems of mathematics

Delivered disciplines

Mathematics in economics, Mathematics 1, Mathematics 2, Engineering mathematics


1981-1986 Kokshetau, Ch.Valikhanov Kokshetau Pedagogical Institute, specialty "Teacher of Mathematics and Physics"
2012-2014 Modern university for the humanities, Moscow
2016-2019 "Financial Academy" doctoral studies  specialty 6D050600 - "Economics", Astana

Work experience

1986-1999 Teacher of Mathematics and Physics at school
1999-2007 Head of the Training Division, Kokshetau University
2007-2010 Senior Lecturer, Department of Mathematics and Methods of Teaching at Sh.Ualihanov KSU
Since 2010 - S.Seifullin KazATU. Department of Mathematics, senior lecturer

Awards and Honours

- Astana, Certificate of honor to the 60 anniversary S.Seifullin KazATU (2017);
- Astana, Diploma in the nomination "Best Tutor" 1st place, S.Seifullin KazATU (2017);
- Diploma of inclusion in the International Teachers' Hall of Fame of the International Educational Site "Gift to the Teacher", (2019);
- National Innovation Research Center «BILIM-ORKENIETI» 1st degree diploma, winner of the competition "Best Young Scientist - 2019», dedicated to the Year of Youth in order to popularize Nazarbayev's program article "In the focus of the future: spiritual revival"; 
- Nur-Sultan, for the Scientific researchers received letter of thanks S.Seifullin KazATU (2019);
- Nur-Sultan, for the 30th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan received letter of thanks S.Seifullin KazATU (2021).
- Astana. Сertificate of honor. National Agrarian Scientific and Educational Center (NASEC). 2022;
- Astana. "The best specialist of the year - 2022" medal and diploma of І - degree. Party "AMANAT," "Bilim orkeniet" State Innovation Research Center (2022).
- Moscow. Member of the Academy of the Russian Academy of Social and Fundamental Sciences named after M.V. Lomonosov in the department "Social Philosophy" (2023).

Advanced training courses

- Distance improvement courses on the topic: "Personality and managerial competencies of a university teacher", Astana, Science and Methodology Center «ZIAT», 2017;
- Modern pedagogical technologies in higher education within the updated educational content, National Center for Advanced Studies "Orleu", 2018.
- Methodology for teaching sections of higher mathematics: linear differential equations and Euclidean structure. S.Seifullin KATRU Astana, 2023.
- Introduction to mathematical modeling. National Open University "INUIT". 2024.

Published works

More than 100 works were published. More important among them close to the mentioned sphere of scientific interests are:

  1. Problems of development of mathematical models and creation of innovative products in the Republic of Kazakhstan. c.Yrga, Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, indexed by the database Web of Science Core Collection. July 2019 р. 544-552.
  2. Small business development in Kazakhstan. Monthly scientific and practical magazine "CURRENCY regulation. CURRENCY CONTROL» № 6/2020. Moscow, р. 14-19.
  3. Digitization and social response of SMEs to the COVID-19 pandemic. E3S Web of Conferences 395, 05002 (2023) ETSAIC202. р. 1-10.
  4. Analysis of the  state of small  and medium enterprise  in the republic of Kazarhstan. Journal: Economic Research and Development: Research Electronic Journal. Nizhny Novgorod: NOO “Professional Science” – No. 3 - 2024. – 204 p. ISSN 2542-0208. pp.139-164.