Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, Professor Date of birth: 24.09.1964. tel: +7 (701) 620 25 79 E-mail: Place of birth: Karaganda region, Nurinsky district, Shakhter village Family position: married |
1985-1990 |
Tselinograd Agricultural Institute, specialty "Veterinary doctor" |
1993-1995 |
Postgraduate student of the Laboratory of Biotechnology and reproduction of agricultural animals, Kazakh SRTIShB |
2002-2005 |
Doctoral student of the All-Russian Research Institute of Pathology, Pharmacology and Therapy, Voronezh |
2009 |
Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, specialty 16 00 07 - "Veterinary obstetrics and biotechnics of animal reproduction"; |
2010 |
Professor |
Work experience
1.1985-worker, orderly of the dairy farm of the village "Shakhter";
2.1990-1992 the veterinarian of the dairy farm of Shakhter LLP;
2. 1992-1993 Assistant of the Department of Obstetrics and Surgery of Akmola Agrarian University;
3. 1996-2000 Candidate of Sciences, Assistant of the Department of Veterinary Medicine of Akmola Agrarian University;
5. 2000-2001 Associate Professor of the Department of Veterinary Medicine of the Akmola Agrarian University;
6. 2002-2012 Head of the Department of Veterinary Medicine of S. Seifullin KATU; 7.2012-present Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, Professor of the Department of Veterinary Medicine, Head of the scientific Laboratory of Veterinary Medicine of the S. Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical Universit.
Awards, certificates of honor
Advanced training courses
Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology (2011); Liebig University of Giessen, Germany (2011, 2015); Krasnodar NIVI (2016); Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (2017)
Published works
1.Erteld T., Dzhakupov I, Khohn J., Wehrend A. Torsio uteri beim Rind-Therapie und Folgen fur das Kalb und die Kuh. Tierarztliche Praxis. S.297-304. 2015
2.Jakupov I., Kuzerbayeva A., KarabayevaZh. Entwickiung einer Farbkarte zur Unterscheiduring von Lochien bei Kuhen mit und ohne Storung der Uterusinvolution Tierarztliche Praxis.. Schattauer, 2016. №6.S.1-8
3.Ранняя диагностика послеродовых патологий матки у коров. Монография. Астана, 2017- 175 с.
4. Dzhakupov I. Abultdinova A., Roth J., Wehrend A., Sickinger M. New serum parameters for detection of uterine puerperal disturbances in diary cows Eignung neuer Serumparameter zur Diagnostik uteriner Puerparalstorungen beim Rind Reproduction in Domestic Animals.Vol.52 Supplement 1. 2017. 1-4
5.ДжакуповИ.Т., Жаркимбаева Ж.З. Абултдинова А.Б.«Устройство для оценки состояния половых органов коров после родов» журнал «Ветеринария» Москва, 2020.-№3 - С.11-14
6.Джакупов И.Т., Жаркимбаева Ж.З., Жарылгасынов С.С. «Способ диагностики беременности и бесплодия коров» журнал «Ветеринария» Москва, 2020. - №4-С.45-49
7. Abultdinova A, Jakupov I, Roth J, Failing K, Wehrend A, Sickinger M Association of bovine uterine involution disturbances with serum neuropeptide concentrations, Veterinary World, 2020.13(9): 1854-1857.
8. I. Jakupov, Zh. Karabayeva, A. Abultdinova Diagnostic tool for the diagnosis of physiological and pathological conditions of the uterus in cows postpartum // Tierarztl Prax Ausg G Grosstiere Nutztiere 2021; 49: 229–233.
Почетный профессор Казахского национального аграрного университета. Карьера. 1979 г. — Кайрат Айтуганов начал работать оператором цеха перевозки Кокчетавского почтамта. 1984-1985 гг. — ассистент кафедры почвоведения Целиноградского сельхозинститута. 1987-1989 гг. — агроном, старший агроном, главный экономист совхоза Карабулакский Зерендинского р-йона Кокчетавской обл.