Main / ППС / Dzhumamukhambetov Nasikhan Gilmanovich
Dzhumamukhambetov Nasikhan Gilmanovich

Dzhumamukhambetov Nasikhan Gilmanovich


Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences,

Professor, Corresponding Member of the NIA RK

Professor of the department "Power Supply"

Office 1240, tel. 87021882657


Field of scientific interests

Modification of semiconductors and the study of their properties for the creation of solar cells, as well as the creation and use of renewable energy sources.

Subjects to be read

Electrical engineering and the basics of electronics


1977-1983 - S.M.Kirov Kazakh State University (now Al-Farabi Kazakh National University);

1988-1991 - postgraduate studies at St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University. Peter the Great;

1991 - Defense of the candidate's dissertation in the specialty 01.04.07-solid state physics;

1998 - Defense of a doctoral dissertation on specialty 01.04.05 - optics (Topic: Investigation of optical properties of A3B5 semiconductors modified by laser radiation).

Work experience

1983-1986 - Lecturer of the Department of "Theoretical Physics" of theArkalyk Pedagogical Institute.

1986-1988 - Intern Researcher at the St. Petersburg UniversityState Polytechnic University.

1988-1991 - Postgraduate student of St. Petersburg State UniversityPolytechnic University.

1991-1992 - Senior lecturer of the Department of "Theoretical Physics" ofAtyrau Pedagogical Institute.

1992-1994 - Senior lecturer of the Department "General Physics andElectrical engineering" of Atyrau Institute of Oil and Gas.

1994-2000 - Head of the Department of "Electrical Engineering andelectricity supply" AING.

1995 - Assignment of the title of associate professor of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

2000-2003-  Dean of the AING Faculty of Technology.

2001. - Assignment of the title of professor of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

2004-2008. - First Vice-Rector-Vice-Rector for Educational and Methodological AING work.

2006 - Corresponding Member of the National EngineeringAcademy of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

2008-2009 - Head of the Department of "Electric Power Engineering" AING.

2009-2012 - Dean of the Mechanical Faculty of AING

2012-2017 - Head of the Department of "Electric Power Engineering" AING

2017-2021 - Vice-Rector for Academic, Educational and Methodical Work KazUTB JSC, Nur-Sultan.

2021 - Professor of the Department of "Electric Power Engineering" of S.Seifullin KATU, Nur-Sultan


1. Badge "Honorary Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan", 2005

2. Badge "Honored Engineer of the Republic of Kazakhstan", 2006

3. Badge "I.Altynsarina", for pedagogical activity of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2010

4. Gold medal "A.Baitursynova" Association of Universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2018.

Professional development

1. Prague University of Chemistry and Technology, December 5-9, 2016 (Prague, Czech Republic);

2. Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, July 2020 (Moscow)


Author of more than 200 scientific and educational works, including 4 monographs, 8 textbooks, 4 copyright certificates for the invention. The Hirsch index is 4. More than 60 articles have been published in peer-reviewed scientific journals, with a non-zero impact factor.

1. The nature of the fluctuation of the edges of the A3B5 semiconductor zones under the action of laser modification. // Russia, Moscow, Physics and Chemistry of Materials Processing, 2015, No. 1, pp.45-48.

2. Aspects of effective management of industrial power supply system based on automation.// Russia, Moscow, network electronic scientific journal "Electrical Engineering", 2016, Vol.3, No. 1, pp.90-92.

3. Express method for calculating the nodal reliability of industrial power supply systems taking into account the influence of the external environment.// Russia, Moscow, online electronic scientific journal "Electrical Engineering", 2016, vol.3, No. 2, pp.40-42.

4. Assessment of reliability of electrical systems, modeled homogeneous Markov process.// Egypt, SharmEi Sheikh, Materials of the V International Scientific-Practical Conference “Innovation management and technology in the era of globalization”, 8-11 January 2018, V. 1, P. 235-238.

5. Radiobiologictracylynnbaalawiaralenaparati-sdescrZieler.// Almaty, Bulletin of the NIA of the RK, 2020, №1(75), pp. 29-34.

6. The theory of electric circuits and circuit design.// Nur-Sultan, ed. Master of Software, textbook, 2020, 196р.