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Ebel Andrey Vladimirovich

Ebel Andrey Vladimirovich


Candidate of agricultural sciences of Russian

Federation, Senior Lecturer, deputy dean of

ERPC “Saryarka” of Agronomy faculty

Office 5, tel. +7-701-194-97-16


Sphere of scientific interests


Delivered disciplines

Forest protection, forestry, merchandising, forest



Agricultural technical college of Borovoe – forestry technician


Ural forest-technical university, Sverdlovsk – forestry engineer


Ural state forest-technical university – postgraduate studies, candidate of agricultural sciences

Work experience


Temirtau forest manufacturing enterprise– chief of fire-chemical station, chief mechanical engineer, forester


PO Carbid  (Temirtau) – greening master


Ecology and forestry college, Schuchinsk – teacher of forestry disciplines


deputy director of EMH


deputy director of EW


teacher of forestry disciplines


LLP KazNSRIFU - junior researcher of  “Forest resources and Forestry” Department


S. Seifullin KATU - senior lecturer of “Forest resources and forestry” Department, deputy dean of ERPC Saryarka of Agronomy Faculty

Awards and Honours  

- Reward from Ministry of Agriculture, Republic of Kazakhstan, 2008

Advanced training courses 

- Part-time teacher training courses at the Akmola Regional Institute of Teacher Training, 2001

- Training courses in Akmola Regional Institute of training and retraining of civil servants and educators by category: psychological-pedagogical preparation of the teacher; methods of teaching biology and ecology; computer training, 2003

- Training courses for the study of interactive equipment, 2007

Published works 

More than 27 works were published. More important among them close to the mentioned sphere of scientific interests are:

  1. Эбель, А.В. Охрана и рациональное использование природных ресурсов. Учебник / А.В. Эбель; - Астана. изд. “Фолиант”, 2007. 281с.;
  2. Sergey Salesov, Natalia Shpak, Andrey Ebel. Modern green technologies in fortstry as the source of the development of regional economy.// Regional Development policy: scientific basis and empirical evidence. – Београд: изд. БЕОГРАДСКА БАНКАРСКА АКАДЕМИJА, 2015. С. 202-205.;
  3. Ebel A.V., Ebel E.I. Influence of density on the completeness plantations. Влияниегустотынаотносительнуюполнотунасаждения // International Scientific Forum: Rehabilitation & Restoration of Degraded Forest. 8-12 june 2015 Astana/Kazakhstan: Abstract book – Kastamonu/TURKEY, May/ 2015 С. 117;
  4. Эбель А.В., Эбель Е.И., Залесов С.В., Муканов Б.М. Влияние полноты и густоты на рост сосновых древостоев Казахского мелкосопочника и эффективность рубок ухода в них: Монография. – Екатеринбург: Урал.гос. лесотехн. ун-т, 2015. С.221.