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Yeszhanova Gulzhan Tursunovna

Yeszhanova Gulzhan Tursunovna


Candidate of Veterinary Sciences, Associate Professor

Date of birth: 10.08.1960

Telephone: +7 (777) 245 27 30


Place of birth: Akmola region

Marital status:married, 1 child


1977-1982 years. 

Tselinograd Agricultural Institute, Veterinary Faculty

1986-1989 years.

Postgraduate study at the Kamianets-Podilsky Agricultural Institute (Ukraine), Veterinary Faculty

Work experience

1982-1986 years.

Senior veterinary doctor-epizootologist regional veterinary station in Marinovka, Tselinograd region

1989-2002 years.

Assistant of the Department of Zoohygiena and Microbiologyof S. Seifullin KATU

2002-2003 years.

Senior Lecturer of the Department of Veterinary Sanitation

2003-2009 years.

Associate Professor of the Department of Microbiology and Biotechnology


Associate Professor of the Department of Veterinary Medicine

Awards, certificates of honor

Certificate of Honor for the 50th anniversary of S. Seifullin KATU, 2007y.

Jubilee medal for the 55th anniversary of the Kazakh Agrotechnical University named after S. Seifullin, 2012 y.

Jubilee medal for the 60th anniversary of the Kazakh Agrotechnical University named after S. Seifullin, 2017 y.

Certificate of Honor of S. Seifullin KATU, 2020 y.

Professional development

  1. Advanced training at the Tyumen State Agricultural Academy, 2008 y.
  2. Astana School of Management and Business.International English Language Nesting System. Certificate from 07.10.2020 y.
  3. Astana School of Management and Business.Commercialisation.Certificate №1823, 2020 y.


Author of more than 100 scientific papers. The most important of them are:

  1. Study of biological and antimicrobial activity of ethanol extract of Calligonum leucocladum B.//Bulletin of Science of KazATU named after S. Seifullin.-№1 (104).-2020.-pp.-121-128
  2. Toxicity study of the extract of Calligonum leucocladum B.//Scientific and practical journal of the Jangir Khan ZKATU "Science and Knowledge".Uralsk.-№2.-2020.-pp.-180-186
  3. Determination of the effectiveness and improvement of methods for diagnosing involution and pathology of the uterus in cows /Journal "Issues of regulatory regulation in veterinary medicine ». -Saint-Petersburg.- №1.-2020.-pp.134-137.
  4. The effectiveness of the drug "AQUATON-02" in subclinical mastitis of cows /Multidisciplinary scientific journal "3i" of the Kostanay State University named after A. Baitursynov. №2, 2020.-pp.-41-48
  5. Development of a method for treating diseases of the limbs of cows / Scientific and practical journal of the Jangir Khan ZKATU "Science and Knowledge". № 3-1 (60) 2020.-pp.-102-108
  6. Study of the effect of the phytopreparation Achillea salicifolia on the body of intact and dyspeptic calves// Scientific and practical journal of the Jangir Khan ZKATU "Science and Knowledge".-Uralsk.-2019, №3(56).-pp. 244-249.
  7. Technology for the production of biologically active drugs based on Calligonum leucocladum Bunge /The journal “Actual biotechnology”.-Voronezh.-№3 (30), 2019.-pp.-640-642.
  8. Evaluation of the biological and pharmacological activity of Calligonum leucocladum Bunge//Materials of the V-th International Congress of Veterinary Pharmacologists and Toxicologists "Effective and safe medicines in veterinary medicine".-Saint-Petersburg.-2019.-pp.-65-69.
  9. Development of alternative cow mastitis therapies//AsianJr. оf Microbiol. Biotech.Env. Sc. Vol. 20, No. (4): 2018: 1358-1365
  10. Study of the effect of an inulin-containing drug on the dynamics of biochemical parameters in the blood of cows //Materials of the international scientific and theoretical conference "Seifullin readings-17:" Modern agricultural science: Digital transformation". 1volume, 1part.- Nur-Sultan, 2021.-pp.-142-144